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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


New Edition of Eclipse announced today. Hopefully there is an upgrade kit for the new stuff. Still never played my copy of the game though; I've owned it and the first expansion for three years or so.

Lots of Asmodee Digital titles on sale on the Play store right now; any that people recommend as particularly effective in app form?

Edit: Titles on sale:
Twilight Struggle
Potion Explosion (which feels weird, given part of the appeal there is taking match-3 gameplay *off* screens!)
Mr Jack Pocket
Colt Express
Small World 2
Mage the Ascension: Refuge
Vampire: Prelude

Edit: Looks like Mage and Vampire are IF titles rather than boardgame adaptations?
I picked up Twilight Struggle, Jaipur, and Pandemic. I'm on the fence about Potion Explosion though. I was about to push the 'buy' button and then said "Why? I've got tons of Puzzle Bobble/Bust a Move clones already, plus the actual physical version of Potion Explosion. This is getting into Street Fighter: The Movie: The Game territory" and passed it up.


New Edition of Eclipse announced today. Hopefully there is an upgrade kit for the new stuff. Still never played my copy of the game though; I've owned it and the first expansion for three years or so.
I wouldn't remotely worry about upgrading Eclipse it you haven't played it AND you own an expansion. Even the base game is like 5+ hours for a single game, so unless you have dedicated friends it's very hard to get played.

If you're super rich then it doesn't matter of course. :p


I wouldn't remotely worry about upgrading Eclipse it you haven't played it AND you own an expansion. Even the base game is like 5+ hours for a single game, so unless you have dedicated friends it's very hard to get played.

If you're super rich then it doesn't matter of course. :p
I was thinking of an upgrade pack for the plastic trays, new dice, new minis, and that kind of stuff. I know there is a market out there that exists selling plastic overlays and stuff for the game, but since I haven't played it, I haven't felt the need get any of them. I do want some overlays though because I know how many little cubes and stuff there are to place on a player mat. I've played Terraforming Mars with some overlays and can't imagine playing without them and accidentally rolling a die onto the mat or bumping it slightly.
I figure it would be dumb of them to not make an upgrade kit since people obviously want overlays and other things to make the game easier to play and keep sorted and stuff, why leave money on the table and let people on Etsy and Shapeways make tons of sales?


I wouldn't remotely worry about upgrading Eclipse it you haven't played it AND you own an expansion. Even the base game is like 5+ hours for a single game, so unless you have dedicated friends it's very hard to get played.

5 hours!?

I love Eclipse, own most of it, and don't have a clue how they'd offer an upgrade kit going by that overview.


5 hours!?

I love Eclipse, own most of it, and don't have a clue how they'd offer an upgrade kit going by that overview.
With 4 players, I think the one game I played took 5-6 hours. It was basically the one time the host could play the game that year.

I was the space hippies and won, but it still felt crushingly exhausting. I can only imagine what Twilight Imperium feels like.
You can smash out a game of Eclipse in 30 mins per player generally. It really helps to have all the ship upgrade components separated out in a container though.


I don't think I've ever had a game of Eclipse go over 2.5 hours.

the only time I played it it took a little over 3 hours, and the only reason it didn't take longer is because one person rage quit and most of the rest of the group wanted to quit.

as far as I could tell we were roughly halfway done with the game at the time.

and never again will I play that game as it still ranks as number 1 for my worst board game experience :p


Unconfirmed Member
the only time I played it it took a little over 3 hours, and the only reason it didn't take longer is because one person rage quit and most of the rest of the group wanted to quit.

as far as I could tell we were roughly halfway done with the game at the time.

and never again will I play that game as it still ranks as number 1 for my worst board game experience :p

That's a shame. It is a go to game for my group. Everyone knows the rules well which once you get them it is pretty elegantly designed. Occasionally if a player pulls some poor sector tiles they could have a hard time. You have to be willing to adjust your strategy pretty quick.

You can smash out a game of Eclipse in 30 mins per player generally. It really helps to have all the ship upgrade components separated out in a container though.

Yeah, I got things pretty well organized. That definitely helps.


It's probably about time I try Eclipse. I bought the app on iOS specifically because I was going to use it to learn the game's rules and then I don't think I ever made it through the tutorial.


I don't think I saw it posted yet but if anyone didn't see the BGG notification yet: It's BGG Secret Santa time again!
I've enjoyed my BGG Secret Santa so far. First year I had an awesome Santa; I received Legendary: Marvel Deckbuilding Game along with the Dark Cities expansion, Fantastic Four expansion, Spider-man expansion, and promos for it, and then I also got hooked up with a gold-foil-boxed GenCon release of the Smash Up Monster Smash expansion. Year after I got Splendor and Catan Junior. Last year was Forbidden Stars and the MtG Arena of the Planeswalkers game. I've gifted stuff out like Descent 2E boxed and mini expansions to a massive Descent fan and Baseball Highlights Deluxe 2045 along with promo packs for teams from cities he is from and that I am from.

It's been pretty fun each of the years I've done it, barring the little bit of a problem I had last year where I entered an incorrect/non-existent address for my recipient on Miniature Market, had to track down where itnactually went to and plead with the USPS to stop shipping that city in circles and just "return to sender it," and then had to reorder another copy to be sent to the actual address so he could actually receive it in time for Christmas.
At the very least, if you are a bit unscrupulous you can take advantage of the MM and CSI promo codes for however much off (I think it's usually 5% if I remember right) for orders for yourself, though I don't recommend doing that because of the principle of it, it's not what the discount is intended for. It's the only Secret Santa program I've done and I'll be signing up for the fourth year.
So really odd specific question:

What games out there have permanency or unlock mechanics between plays, always building progression? Not too interested in legacy games, but Arkahm LCG is a good example of in between game upgrading, etc.

I'm working on a few games with permanency and unlocking as a mechanic and am trying to do.my research.

Also if there are any solo ones please do share.


What's a light-ish game that's pretty cool? I haven't bought a game since Mysterium. Looking for something around the complexity of Mysterium or Pandemic?

So really odd specific question:

What games out there have permanency or unlock mechanics between plays, always building progression? Not too interested in legacy games, but Arkahm LCG is a good example of in between game upgrading, etc.

I'm working on a few games with permanency and unlocking as a mechanic and am trying to do.my research.

Also if there are any solo ones please do share.

I believe the Pathfinder card game is solo-able and has upgrades between games.
Finally got to play Not Alone with a big group of people, six to be exact. It was a lot of fun.The creature player only lost once in three games.


Well that's disappointing. I opened the wrapped base card deck in Innovation, sorted out the cards, and discovered one of the Age 2 cards is missing. I assume there are supposed to be 10 age 2 cards? I only have 1 green age 2 card, "Mapmaking".

I tried opening an expansion and it had 105 cards instead of 104, as expected.

*edit* It appears to be "Currency". I'll fill out the Asmadi request form once I check the other expansions.

*edit2* That was the only missing card. Too bad it was from the base set so I have to wait to play. :p


Oh man Gloomhaven second printing wants me to confirm my address getting excited
Mine isn't far from my place but they don't make delivery on Saturday, so it should be delivered Monday.

Good to know I'll have that game for when my brother come back to the country for a week early next month, I hoped I could also show him KD:M but it begin to seem unlikely.

That being said I have still to play Stop thief!, Hogwarts battle expension, dice masters and I might get legendary buffy delivered by that time too.... so I won't have a problem finding things to do that week.


Well that's disappointing. I opened the wrapped base card deck in Innovation, sorted out the cards, and discovered one of the Age 2 cards is missing. I assume there are supposed to be 10 age 2 cards? I only have 1 green age 2 card, "Mapmaking".

I tried opening an expansion and it had 105 cards instead of 104, as expected.

*edit* It appears to be "Currency". I'll fill out the Asmadi request form once I check the other expansions.

*edit2* That was the only missing card. Too bad it was from the base set so I have to wait to play. :p

How does the game look? I have the Iello version which i like alot.

Li Kao

Hey guys, how are you doing ? I'm still fully occupied killing my social anxiety one meet up at a time, and having so much bad luck at it it's kinda funny as always.


So I got back to the lousy (too clique, too brainy) meet up and this time we were only six.
So a little freshener with the delightfully simple Bandido. Coop card game were you have to put tunnels around a prisoner in order to block all of his exits. Really liked it but we won without difficulty two times out of three and the rules seemed a little obscure on some points. Not convinced it's interesting in the long run or how the balance is. Still a really light but sympathetic game.

Then as I was lamenting last time about the fact that one meet up plays games a little too light for my taste and this one was a little too hardcore with Marco Polo (there must be a middle point FFS), they decided yesterday that it would be fun to finish crushing my soul by proposing a game of Eclipse...
So I knew what I was gonna get into as I played one game on iOS and hated it. That being said the rules teacher did a remarkable job (as humanly possible for this monster of a game) and I can't say it was particularly bad to play.
On the other hand I played because I signed up for it but never really tried to compete, not willing to bang my head against the full ruleset. So last place with a lousy tech tree was an expected result.
Still don't want to play that horror of a game again but yeah, I guess it's good if you are on the market for a multi hours 4X with depth aplenty.

The crowd was still far too brainy for me but it was a lot more enjoyable this time, due to the small number of participants and lack of 'it's the newb table' effect.
Still undecided about going back. To be clear, I ideally want to play games like Scythe complexity wise (it's just an example) and the two clubs are on the opposite ends of the gaming spectrum, each a little too extreme for my taste. No, I don't consider playing Celestia a good time, but fuck that doesn't mean I want to play 4 hours brain burners that will leave me exhausted.

Of and talking about bad luck ? I learned after arriving that there would be no more trams for the night. Getting back home was a multi kilometers walk at 2 in the morning in some parts of the city you don't really want to be in at that time of day if you have a choice in the matter. Talk about bad luck. I'm burnt today.
What's a light-ish game that's pretty cool? I haven't bought a game since Mysterium. Looking for something around the complexity of Mysterium or Pandemic?

Not Alone, mentioned right below your post, has been a big hit with my group. It's pretty simple but very fun. It's also not expensive, I believe I got my copy for about $15.00. It can be played 2-7 players, with one player always being the Hunter (Alien) and the others being the Hunted (Wayward Space Explorers). The hunted players secretly pick one location on their turn to hide at, while the Alien picks a location they believe at least one of the hunted players are at. Each location also has special abilities the hunted players can use if they are not caught there. Meanwhile the Alien has a hand of 3 cards that allow them to do some special abilities once per turn. Then it's just a race to see if the hunted players can escape to their rescue ship or if they become assimilated by the planet they are stranded on.

For the Hunted players it's a cool game of trying to trick the Alien into going to the wrong place. For the Alien it's a bit of a logic game, trying to deduce where your friends would go on that particular turn. The hunted are allowed to talk and form plans, but it HAS to be out loud so the Alien can hear. Doesn't mean they have to tell the truth, of course. It's really fun, check it out!
Played my first game of Shadowscape, solo in cooperative mode with two heroes. Yeah, this game isn't very good in cooperative mode. The fate deck acting as a timer leaves little room for error combined with the luck of the draw and hand size limit bullshit. Also having to go through the entire whisper deck is some more bullshit. The game was designed for competitive mode and the designer made some poor choices for the cooperative rules.

Maybe I'll try the solo scenarios. The rulebook for the solo scenarios needed some editing, there are some blatant mistakes like there not being any 2 value treasure tokens. Even for something released free how do they not correct that? Also the rules are only posted on Kickstarter and not even mentioned on the official website. The publisher/designer raises a lot of red flags.


How does the game look? I have the Iello version which i like alot.
I'm excited to try it despite the missing card. Someone official already suggested on BGG that I can substitute and achivement card from a different expansion. Hopefully the replacement does get sent though.

Despite my misgivings about the box, the rules look clear and the cards look like they have interesting interactions. The card colors aren't the prettiest, and the design is very simple and modern, but if the gameplay is good it might work out. It depends how much my fiance likes it, since we tend not to play games that involve screwing over the other player heavily.

Except for the rare game of 7 Wonders Duel, in which it's all screwing all the time.


I'm excited to try it despite the missing card. Someone official already suggested on BGG that I can substitute and achivement card from a different expansion. Hopefully the replacement does get sent though.

Despite my misgivings about the box, the rules look clear and the cards look like they have interesting interactions. The card colors aren't the prettiest, and the design is very simple and modern, but if the gameplay is good it might work out. It depends how much my fiance likes it, since we tend not to play games that involve screwing over the other player heavily.

Except for the rare game of 7 Wonders Duel, in which it's all screwing all the time.

I suspect she wont like it then. Innovation is pretty much take-that the game. Its all about screwing over your opponent.
My wife enjoys it but then again she is the kind of player that LOOOOVES slamming me down, taking me out back and shooting the corpse after handily destroying me in a game...
hmmm maybe I should take a hint haha


I suspect she wont like it then. Innovation is pretty much take-that the game. Its all about screwing over your opponent.
My wife enjoys it but then again she is the kind of player that LOOOOVES slamming me down, taking me out back and shooting the corpse after handily destroying me in a game...
hmmm maybe I should take a hint haha
I just did a test 2-player game against myself.

How common is it for games to end by achievement? With 2 players, you have 14 achievements and it seems to me it would be far more likely for one player to get 3 cheap general achievements and 3 special achievements far before stacks 7-10 even begin to be revealed. In my game stack 6 hadn't run out and 9 of the 14 achievements were already claimed.


I just did a test 2-player game against myself.

How common is it for games to end by achievement? With 2 players, you have 14 achievements and it seems to me it would be far more likely for one player to get 3 cheap general achievements and 3 special achievements far before stacks 7-10 even begin to be revealed. In my game stack 6 hadn't run out and 9 of the 14 achievements were already claimed.

Its actually very rare. Remember you need 6 achievements with two players to win that way. Also there are a ton of cards that let you steal/influence your opponent to mess with those achievements.

It might in the early games because both players are still learning the game.
Innovation is a game that gets alot better, more strategic and less chaotic.

The first few games will probably feel somewhat random, but that changes with more plays.

And, trust me, the game is at its least random and best with two


Its actually very rare. Remember you need 6 achievements with two players to win that way. Also there are a ton of cards that let you steal/influence your opponent to mess with those achievements.

It might in the early games because both players are still learning the game.
Innovation is a game that gets alot better, more strategic and less chaotic.

The first few games will probably feel somewhat random, but that changes with more plays.

And, trust me, the game is at its least random and best with two
Thanks for the comments. I tried a second 2-player game against myself and neither player got special achievements until very late, but one player still won with 6 achievements to 5.

I found some attack cards, but it still seems likely you'll end up with a 4-5 tie at best once all the general achievements run out. (Otherwise a player would win early from general achievements.) Then whoever can manage one or two of the lategame special achievements would instantly win.

No 10 card was drawn in either game. I'm guessing 10 cards are more likely to show up if you get some sort of combo where you can keep drawing higher cards, but I couldn't find one.
A new Elder Sign expansion Omens of the Pharaoh was announced last week. Welp. Haven't even opened Omens of the Deep yet.

I got this out and played it again the other day. I really didn't like it much the first time I played it few months ago but want to give it another go and notice I got couple of the new rules wrong. Anyway, played it again and it was much better but I think Omens of Ice is much better and Gates of Arkham is still the best.

Played my first game of Shadowscape, solo in cooperative mode with two heroes. Yeah, this game isn't very good in cooperative mode. The fate deck acting as a timer leaves little room for error combined with the luck of the draw and hand size limit bullshit. Also having to go through the entire whisper deck is some more bullshit. The game was designed for competitive mode and the designer made some poor choices for the cooperative rules.

Maybe I'll try the solo scenarios. The rulebook for the solo scenarios needed some editing, there are some blatant mistakes like there not being any 2 value treasure tokens. Even for something released free how do they not correct that? Also the rules are only posted on Kickstarter and not even mentioned on the official website. The publisher/designer raises a lot of red flags.

I played it completely solo and I thought it was decent but you are not wrong about rules and stuffs being iffy. They had same problem with Mistfall with really hard to understand rules. I though the game was good for small dungeon puzzle and I am sorry you didn't like it. I found the mechanic of choosing action cards like Warhammer Quest to be pretty cool.
A new Elder Sign expansion Omens of the Pharaoh was announced last week. Welp. Haven't even opened Omens of the Deep yet.

I got this out and played it again the other day. I really didn't like it much the first time I played it few months ago but want to give it another go and notice I got couple of the new rules wrong. Anyway, played it again and it was much better but I think Omens of Ice is much better and Gates of Arkham is still the best.

Played my first game of Shadowscape, solo in cooperative mode with two heroes. Yeah, this game isn't very good in cooperative mode. The fate deck acting as a timer leaves little room for error combined with the luck of the draw and hand size limit bullshit. Also having to go through the entire whisper deck is some more bullshit. The game was designed for competitive mode and the designer made some poor choices for the cooperative rules.

Maybe I'll try the solo scenarios. The rulebook for the solo scenarios needed some editing, there are some blatant mistakes like there not being any 2 value treasure tokens. Even for something released free how do they not correct that? Also the rules are only posted on Kickstarter and not even mentioned on the official website. The publisher/designer raises a lot of red flags.

I played it completely solo and I thought it was decent but you are not wrong about rules and stuffs being iffy. They had same problem with Mistfall with really hard to understand rules. I though the game was good for small dungeon puzzle and I am sorry you didn't like it. I found the mechanic of choosing action cards like Warhammer Quest to be pretty cool. The designer are always on BGG answering question and NSKN is pretty small company and I think they got another small company to do distribution in the US.


we should make a board game discord.

alright... I have turned my server to temp boardgameGAF

please join in case the site goes down again...

and let me know if it is working >.<:

hidden in emails.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
got banned in my “solo gaming” thread and came back to mayhem

late to the party but got Space Hulk: Death Angel & One Deck Dungeon + the expack

excited to dive in. can someone PM me the discord?
Been a long term lurker / occasional poster in this thread
Am going to miss the recommendations / discussions in this thread
Any good alternatives to BGG for discussing games / minis?


I just want to note, while due to recent events some members are leaving, that doesn't mean that some won't be staying, nor that we won't eventually get new members.

while i can understand if someone has a desire to leave the site due to recent events, I know I personally will still be around for a while. I have no attachment to the owner of the site, and really can't be bothered to care if he is a good person or not, but I do love the community of the site, and would love to continue discussing things with anyone that wants to stick around here.

that all being said we do have a discord running, as a temp thing until we get things sorted out. which is still listed above in the post from a few days ago.
while i can understand if someone has a desire to leave the site due to recent events, I know I personally will still be around for a while. I have no attachment to the owner of the site, and really can't be bothered to care if he is a good person or not, but I do love the community of the site, and would love to continue discussing things with anyone that wants to stick around here.

that all being said we do have a discord running, as a temp thing until we get things sorted out. which is still listed above in the post from a few days ago.
This over and over..
That being said, please provide a non-expired discord link ;)


I aint going nowhere! But would like the Discord link just for fun. :)

Also I would like the new Ticket to Ride map to hurry and come out.


I know I don't post here often,but this was one of my most frequented threads to lurk, so if there is a board game discord, I'd like an invite.
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