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New Edge review scores


Stolen from Gamesradar :D

Burnout 3: Takedown - 9
The Sims 2 - 8
Tales of Symphonia - 8
Second Sight - 7
Doom 3 - 7
Tenchu Kurenai - 6
Conflict: Vietnam - 5
Headhunter: Redemption - 5
DJ: Decks & FX - 5
J-Move Super Sports - 5
Ape Escape EyeToy - 5


God i cant wait to play Burnout on XBL, all your asses are going to get owned. Im going to be the dirtiest player in the game.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Wow, Burnout scores. I didn't expect a 7 for Second Sight. Guess they're still buddies with Free Radical.


The Inside Track
That's a first for me, I actually agree with the scores of the games I've been able to play.
Burnout 3 is *great*, Second Sight is a very good surprise (and this comes from someone who hated both Timesplitters) and Headhunter Redemption is a very average game.


Finally Doom 3 gets the score it deserves. Nice to know that Edge will never be the hype whores many others are.



Any professional reviewer that gave Doom 3 a score of 8-10 simply inflated the score. Doom 3 is a 7 at best; an all around mediocre FPS.

I was dissapointed to see CVG give it a perfect score. I considered them to be the most truthful PC mag out there.


years ago I gave up all hope on CVG...around the same time I did with edge

buthey, they're as elitist as you are--they must be correct! [/sarcasm]


Gattsu25 said:
buthey, they're as elitist as you are--they must be correct! [/sarcasm]
Wow... Demanding quality from the very expensive games you purchase makes you an elitist? That's awesome logic!


when your criterea for 'quality' is too high or based on values I deem unimportant - yes. yes, it makes you an elitist in my eyes

I'm an elitist when it comes to anime and I'm much more forgiving when it comes to games...to me, they only seem to derive satisfaction from a game based on how many design flaws they can find and how evolutionary it is to a genre while I qualify games based on "Is it fun enough to finish"


But it's okay to like a game that actually isn't that good.

Take Headhunter for example. I can totally see why they rated it a five (even though I think it's worth a six). The controls and camera do suck. Does that stop me from enjoying what's there, beyond the crappy? No, hell no. I'm loving it, save a few occasions where the camera fucks me over.

I believe that's the review stance Edge takes, and I also believe it's the best one. Walking the fine line between subjective and objective. Even if you like a busted game, it's still busted, and thus can't be a 9/10.
Che said:
Finally Doom 3 gets the score it deserves. Nice to know that Edge will never be the hype whores many others are.

I dont think I'm a hype whore but I fricken love Doom 3. Beter than Halo, IMO. Especially the level design and graphics and the ultra tight FPS gameplay. My God.
On Edge's scale I'd give it a 9. If your rig cant run it smoothly with High detail, it's about a 7.
seismologist said:
I dont think I'm a hype whore but I fricken love Doom 3. Beter than Halo, IMO. Especially the level design and graphics and the ultra tight FPS gameplay. My God.
On Edge's scale I'd give it a 9. If your rig cant run it smoothly with High detail, it's about a 7.

erm lol?
Doom 3 is all about immersion. It's the first FPS in a long time where I really get pulled in and feel like I'm there. What I mean is if your game is sitting there chugging along at 20fps of course it'll suck some of the fun out of it.

Musashi Wins!

seismologist said:
I dont think I'm a hype whore but I fricken love Doom 3. Beter than Halo, IMO. Especially the level design and graphics and the ultra tight FPS gameplay. My God.
On Edge's scale I'd give it a 9. If your rig cant run it smoothly with High detail, it's about a 7.

lol. hahahahhaha. hohohho.





Yeah it's nice to see an honest score for Doom 3, I felt it deserved around that, perhaps an 8 for it's technical achievements (doesn't help it as a game though).
BO3's score I think is not surprising, I can't wait for that puppy, and ToS scored quite high as well, I'm also looking forward to the Sims 2 now even more so. :)


Nothing controversial, gah. The original Doom got a 7 from Edge. Didn't innovate much compared to Wolf 3D was the gist.


cja said:
The original Doom got a 7 from Edge. Didn't innovate much compared to Wolf 3D was the gist.

And you couldn't talk to the monsters.

Which still hasn't been rectified in Doom 3. What the hell are id playing at?


MrPing1000 said:
nothing to do with the fact that the apart from what it looks like the gameplay has barely changed from a decade ago
Actually the gameplay has changed... it got worse. Doom and Doom2 were all fast paced, tons of enemies, choatic fun. Doom3 is more like the Quake single player games.
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