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New EGM Scores?

Metroid Prime 2: 10, 9.5, 9.5
Good: Incredible atmosphere
Bad: No online mode in multiplayer
No online mode in multiplayer is bad? What about no co-op online in Halo 2? This ain't bad? Wtf. Seriously.


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
Considering, EGM is "supposed" to hit subscribers on nov 3, it's certainly possible. But, eh who knows?


works for Gamestop (lol)
popcorn time if these are real

p.s. DAMN I almost got the GTA:SA scores right! .5 off! NOOOOO


I said Halo 2 would hit GotM. I thought it'd get all 10s. I was close though.

EDIT: Oops, there's a GTA review.

Does EGM have "Good/Bad" EVERY time?

EDIT 2: Yes, it's the third one that changes.

Damn I'm tired.


Great scores for MP2, but a huge wtf at the scores for R&C3... 9.0!? Single player hasn't changed much?!

*shakes head*

Lack of online mode is a stupid reason to knock points off. Games on the N64 and PSX didn't have online mode, were they less than good?


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
I find it hard to believe that at least one of the games didn't get platinum. This is the biggest release season ever.


being watched
Remember these days my friends, it's unlikely we'll ever have such a period of AAA titles again in such a short-time in our lifetimes ever again...especially as the next-gen machines will be arriving and games will take from 3-5 years to be completed.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
olimario said:



It seems that IGN syndrome is catching on. EVERY Nintendo game is getting criticized for not having online.

Regardless, this is going to be an incredible month for games.
Any scores for Prince of Persia: Warrior Within on the site?

"It seems that IGN syndrome is catching on. EVERY Nintendo game is getting criticized for not having online."

Imagine holding them to the same standards as the rest of the industry.


I don't know how the full game is, but I really didn't like the demo for Snake Eater. I know this is an unpopular opinion, but the game looks a bit trashy to me. I can't even put my finger on why, but it's just kinda ugly.

I did think hiding was fun, but I didn't like much else.


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
eh, more i read that topic, more real they sound

Baten Kaitos: 7.5, 9.0, 8.0
Good: It'll please RPG aficionados...
Bad: ...but definitely not newbies

They said that they liked the art style and storyline but the battle system was too slow-paced and boring.

Viewtful Joe 2: 8.5, 9.0, 8.5
Good: Fully realized character swapping
Bad: No co-op mode. What happened?

Mario Power Tennis: 8.0, 8.5, 8.5
Good: Intensely fun multiplayer matches...
Bad: ...but they aren't online

Did they review Prince of Persia Warrior Within?

Yup. 9.0, 9.0, 8.5.

Good: Awesome combat system
Bad: Repetitive level design


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
I don't doubt Gran Turismo 4 will be docked points for not having online play (whenever they review it) so I don't see how it's unfair to do the same to Nintendo games.

Kon Tiki

Geezus, I can't believe the MP games continue to score over 7. Or the MGS games, for that matter.

Metal Gear Solid 3: 10, 9.5, 9.0
Good: Polished gameplay, excellent voice acting
Bad: Weird and nonsensical plot twists

They did deduct points for it being a MGS game.


Mario Power Tennis: 8.0, 8.5, 8.5
Good: Intensely fun multiplayer matches...
Bad: ...but they aren't online

This needs to stop.
I'm sure there is a way to put the GBA online too, but do we take off for those titles not being online?


I want to know who gave Baten Kaitos a 7.5.

And is anyone else sick and tired of EGM constantly saying, "SORRY GAMECUBE OWNERS, BUT ..." everytime a game isn't coming to GC, or a game doesn't have an online mode. Every single goddamn time. You think they'd at least think of another way to say it. Can we get a review or preview for Alien Hominid, that says "SORRY XBOX OWNERS.." I don't think so...


GashPrex said:
though I could have made up those "excerpts"

Yeah, that's the only thing I'm skeptical about. Especially the "The PS2 is really showing its age" comment in the GTASA review. All the other games could have easily been made up on the spot as well.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Redbeard said:
So what happened to OXM having the only print review before Nov. 9th? They're getting owned left and right.

They got owned when everyone found out about the game after the leak.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Next thing you know they'll be complaining that Minish Cap isn't online.


Drinky Crow said:
Geezus, I can't believe the MP games continue to score over 7. Or the MGS games, for that matter.

Seriously man, your shtick is old and tired. Give it up already and find a new one. We all know what to expect when we see a Drinky Crow post. Surprise us next time.

Kon Tiki

EGM is trying to send a msg to Nintendo. Give non-online games a slightly less score so that Nintendo feels the heat. Which is retarded, Outtrigger had an Online mode how does that help me today?


Console Market Analyst
skip said:
these scores are not real.


Those reviews for Mario Power Tennis sicken me. Is the game really less because it's not online? Write an editorial how you want Nintendo online fine. It's not fair to lower scores on games because their native platform is not online enabled. It's stupid. The fact that these games are not online is not really taking anyone by surprise. Come on already.

EDIT: Not real? do'h! fuken faker losers.


Littleberu said:
No online mode in multiplayer is bad? What about no co-op online in Halo 2? This ain't bad? Wtf. Seriously.

And there is the inherent problems with reviews.

The Cube has no online focus, so to deduct points for that and point that out shows that the reviewer has failed at his job.


huzkee said:
Those reviews for Mario Power Tennis sicken me. Is the game really less because it's not online? Write an editorial how you want Nintendo online fine. It's not fair to lower scores on games because their native plataforms is not online enabled. It's stupid. The fact that these games are not online is really not taking anyone by surprise. Come on already.

It is online enabled, it just isn't used.


Junior Ace
I thought all of these games were in the January EGM? Wouldn't Nov 2nd's be the December EGM?


Docking points for no online mode in MP2 and Mario Tennis is absolutley absurd. Why didn't they dock points from GTA for not being onine? isn't that a single player game with multiplayer thrown in as a bonus? Just like MP2?

Kon Tiki

Bog said:
I thought all of these games were in the January EGM? Wouldn't Nov 2nd's be the December EGM?

The Dec issue is out. This is the 13 issue. A special holiday issue.

I think this means EGM will no longer be two months ahead.



The Inside Track
olimario said:
This needs to stop.
I'm sure there is a way to put the GBA online too, but do we take off for those titles not being online?
Maybe because games in the same genre on other consoles and not portables actually have these games with online modes and it's something that's really adds to the replayability of the game ? I'm sure a lot of people here will play tens if not hundreds of hours of Halo 2 online. How many hours will you be able to play MP2 with 4 friends ? These days it's *much* simpler to play people online, each in its own house than getting 4 people in the same room (unless you live in a dorm of course). And I'm sure most people more than let's say 25 years old will agree. I played a lot of 4 players Virtua Tennis back in the days (weekly), but now with the same 3 other people we are happy if we manage to play all together once a month. But we play at least 2/3 times a week on Xbox Live. People change, they age, marry, have children. Maybe Nintendo could think about them too.
And I don't think Metroid Prime 2 (if the scores are true of course) got any points docked because of the lack of online mode.


*Slaps Forehead*

No Online is a perfectly good reason to deduct half a point...although, these aren't real, so continuing to argue about it is even more idiotic than arguing about it in the first place.
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