Awesome! We can discuss how great/disappointing Family Guy was, how American Dad is far worse, and The Simpsons' perpetual fall from glory!
A little aside -
Watching the second Simpsons episode last week, the voice of one of the characters sounded so much like Hank Scorpio. A little different, but roughly the same and just as awesome - great delivery. Turned out it was Albert Brooks and he did both voices. I never knew that [he was Hank Scorpio]. He therefore rocks.
A little aside -
Watching the second Simpsons episode last week, the voice of one of the characters sounded so much like Hank Scorpio. A little different, but roughly the same and just as awesome - great delivery. Turned out it was Albert Brooks and he did both voices. I never knew that [he was Hank Scorpio]. He therefore rocks.