Smells faintly of rancid stilton.
but it was an Animal House refrence with the old guy so that made it great by defaultOmniGamer said:Damn, I hope that creepy old gay guy doesn't become this series' "Disco Stu"
Red Scarlet said:Oops, I would've forgot. What happened in the first 10 mins?
LakeEarth said:That was the best new family guy since the Mel Gibson one, in my opinion.
DaveH said:What the hell is Stewie doing?!
Yeah. They tried WAY to hard to be weird with the plots, and the Bachelorette one defied all plausibility -- yes, even in the context of the show as a whole, it was implausible.Archaix said:Odd, I thought this was by far the worst of the new season. Almost all of the jokes just fell flat, and I thought both of the plots were lame(especially the Chris one, that should've been one ten second gag, not the main focus of the show)
"Where da whiteheadz at?" :lolArchaix said:Odd, I thought this was by far the worst of the new season. Almost all of the jokes just fell flat, and I thought both of the plots were lame(especially the Chris one, that should've been one ten second gag, not the main focus of the show)
Mr. Rellik said:Too many pop culture references and not enough plot.
Definitely. Every episode since that first new one have been getting worse and worse. I only laughed at the Quagmire mom joke and Brian calling that girl over and over again. Everything else fell flat and it bothered me because it reminded me of the new unfunny Simpsons: no LOL moments, just a flood of really forced, barely chuckle-worthy laughs.Socreges said:I'm kinda disappointed in Family Guy lately... I thought the return episode was great, too