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New Famitsu scores


Society said:
Halo was realeased on PC. PC FPS fans did not care for it.

Well, it came nearly 3 years later, was a terrible port riddled with resource hogging and suffered from more network issues than most Capcom online games do.

What was to like?


Culex said:
Well, it came nearly 3 years later, was a terrible port riddled with resource hogging and suffered from more network issues than most Capcom online games do.

What was to like?
The core game design and mechanics? Whoops.

Buggy Loop

Certainly not the level design

I prefer so many more fps on PC than halo, its really NOT the platform bungie would want to release its franchise on, on xbox at least, console gamers hadnt seen something worth a shit since goldeneye.


captainbiotch said:
Finally, some quality Halo hatin' goin on. :)

Believe me, there's no hate.

Halo made a marvelous console game because there was no competition (no, Red Faction doesn't count) to compare it to.

The PC port came so late, adding in the fact that Bungie neither ported nor published it, that no one cared. There were far better FPS on the PC at the time.

Kon Tiki

Culex said:
Well, it came nearly 3 years later, was a terrible port riddled with resource hogging and suffered from more network issues than most Capcom online games do.

What was to like?
As hard it is to beleive, most FPS fans did not buy an xbox for Halo when it came out. It was new to a lot of FPS fans when it came out on PC. You may have a point that the gameplay mechanics were old by that time, then again they were old when halo came out on xbox also.
The fact that it was capped at 30fps did not help it either, then again 30fps was more than the xbox version.


And even i am moderately surprised
"If ive learned anything on my years on gaf, its that people who give subtle hints do so because they dont know enough to give proper information."

... lol.

Alternatively the people who have played it by fair means or foul could come in to the thread and spoil one of the GOTY candidates for everyone. That would make people popular.

Just wait till you've played it, then you can tell me it's just the same game as Halo....

Also, why is it only Halo that gets the "Ah, it's only good because people haven't played PC FPS!" treatment?

Why doesn't this extend to , say, GT3? Surely there are better/prettier car simulations on the PC? Or Final Fantasy / RPG genre ?

I know FPS are synonimous with the PC, but fuck... i've played pretty much all of them, and lumping Halo as average or inferior to a lot of the utter GARBAGE fps' on the PC seems retarded. I mean, personally, i've had better multiplayer experiences on the PC than on the Xbox Halo, but single player / Coop ? Hmm... Half Life? but i think that's about it.


GaimeGuy said:
It was for the Mac.......

Uhh no, it's development had been moved to PC for quite awhile before it was being moved to Xbox. It was the most hyped PC game of all time arguably.. I still remember the first cover story Next-Gen ran on it due to all the hype around Bungie over Myth and my mouth just completely watering.


they call me "Man Gravy".
jarrod said:
The core game design and mechanics? Whoops.

Core game design and mechanics of a game that just about everyone had played by then on their own or their friend's xbox 3 years earlier? You don't think that ate into sales, maybe a little?

If you don't remember the hype surround the PC Gamer demo disc that had the Halo vid on it, nor the uproar MS caused when they bought out Bungie, you really shouldn't be talking. Halo would've sold a ton on PC (yes, less than on xbox because PC games always sell less), and it would have widely been regarded as a great game. But it wasn't, so arguing about it is a moot point.

Buggy Loop

DCharlie said:
Also, why is it only Halo that gets the "Ah, it's only good because people haven't played PC FPS!" treatment?

I dont think anyone said it was bad, its above good, but there's some serious flaws in its package to stop it from being the best fps.

Why doesn't this extend to , say, GT3? Surely there are better/prettier car simulations on the PC? Or Final Fantasy / RPG genre ?

There's really not much racing simulation games on PC outside of F1 and rally. And seriously, i cant even imagine how you dare putting final fantasy as an example of console's rpg strenght, you should be ashamed :p But for the most part, western RPGs >> japanese RPGs. JPN RPG were hot in the 16bit days imo, when it was all 2d. They didnt quite make a good transition to 3d, they pretty much kept the same formula of the 16bit days throught the 32bit and even this current generation. Not saying they're bad but Fallout 1 & 2, planescape torment, Baldurs gate II, are pretty much the top RPGs in my heart. I would even take Anachronox (which is turned based ala standard japanese rpgs) over 90% of japanese RPGs released in the past 5 years.

I own SMT nocturne but have yet to play it, cant wait to try it out though, seems to be a notch above what we've seen in terms of japanese rpgs this gen.

I know FPS are synonimous with the PC, but fuck... i've played pretty much all of them, and lumping Halo as average or inferior to a lot of the utter GARBAGE fps' on the PC seems retarded. I mean, personally, i've had better multiplayer experiences on the PC than on the Xbox Halo, but single player / Coop ? Hmm... Half Life? but i think that's about it.

Half life is a starter, but not the best example imo, System shock 2, Deus ex, NOLF 1 & 2, now we're talking, i would add call of duty aswell :D


And even i am moderately surprised
"There's really not much racing simulation games on PC outside of F1 and rally. And seriously, i cant even imagine how you dare putting final fantasy as an example of console's rpg strenght, you should be ashamed :p"

he he - yeah, i just plucked the most famous JPN RPG i could think og.

"But for the most part, western RPGs >> japanese RPGs. JPN RPG were hot in the 16bit days imo, when it was all 2d. They didnt quite make a good transition to 3d, they pretty much kept the same formula of the 16bit days throught the 32bit and even this current generation. Not saying they're bad but Fallout 1 & 2, planescape torment, Baldurs gate II, are pretty much the top RPGs in my heart. I would even take Anachronox (which is turned based ala standard japanese rpgs) over 90% of japanese RPGs released in the past 5 years."

I certainly agree with what you are say, but note that all those games are on the PC. the point i'm making is that no one is saying "Pfff, the only reason people like those RPGs is because they haven't played RPGs on the PC"

"Half life is a starter, but not the best example imo, System shock 2, Deus ex, NOLF 1 & 2, now we're talking, i would add call of duty aswell ."

well, personally, i didn't enjoy SS2 and Deus ex as much as Halo, and i really don't get NOLFs appeal, i think it's good, but i don't think it deserves the mega-praise it gets (i dunno why, i just couldn't get into it) - Call of duty i've yet to try, although i have it sitting here.


Meier said:
Uhh no, it's development had been moved to PC for quite awhile before it was being moved to Xbox. It was the most hyped PC game of all time arguably.. I still remember the first cover story Next-Gen ran on it due to all the hype around Bungie over Myth and my mouth just completely watering.

It was Mac/PC.


Society said:
Halo was realeased on PC. PC FPS fans did not care for it.

You are an idiot. Halo has been the top selling FPS all year before Doom 3 came along. It was selling better than Farcry, Unreal Tournament 2004 and every other FPS. And Halo PC was released what last year?? That speaks alot about the quality of Halo. So know your facts before talking out your ass like that.


TheGreenGiant said:
By consensus :- if NOT for that fact that Halo is Xbox/console - it would have been forgotten if it were pc only title.

This is crazy talk. Do you not remember the outcry from the PC community when Halo got moved to Xbox exclusive after the MS takeover...?? Halo was one of the most anticipated PC titles at the time.

Society said:
Halo was realeased on PC. PC FPS fans did not care for it.


Coming out years after the Xbox version, the PC version of Halo has sold over 500,000. That number is from awhile ago too. The PC version has sold very well. It may be over one million by now.


GaimeGuy said:
It was for the Mac........

And Halo was also put together in about 9 months (the Xbox game). It went through tons of different transformations throughout it's development, even switching genres.

Anyways, I highly doubt that people would still be talking about Halo on PC/Mac. Pretty much every PC gamer I know found Halo to be a slightly above average FPS. I think it's praise has more to do with the FPS situation on consoles than it being a quality game.

Personally, I thought it was a good game, but nowhere near great.

The hype for the PC version was way beyond the MAC version. People would definitely talk about it even today if it was released on PC/MAC in 2001. What fps's had been released when Halo was released on Xbox? It stood very well against the fps's released at that time and still even to date hasn't really aged too bad. I think most of you people are just haters because of that the game is the Xbox flagship game and all that shit. I know you won't acknowledge that, but it's true. The game would definitely get much less hate from people if it was PC only. MP is in the same situation so don't feel too bad mate.

Buggy Loop

DCharlie said:
I certainly agree with what you are say, but note that all those games are on the PC. the point i'm making is that no one is saying "Pfff, the only reason people like those RPGs is because they haven't played RPGs on the PC"

I certainly think that a lot of japanese RPG fans who never played PC rpgs would stop jizzing their pants anytime there's a new FF, DQ or other rpgs from the same mold if they were to play more PC rpgs. When i see the lists for "best rpg" i cant help but shake my head, some peoples are missing on some amazing games.


Coming out years after the Xbox version, the PC version of Halo has sold over 500,000. That number is from awhile ago too. The PC version has sold very well. It may be over one million by now.

I dont think he was refering to sales, PC gamers were obviously curious on what the fuzz was all about and of course they remembered the halo when it was on mac/pc, but i remember going to forums like sharkyextreme, evil avatar, blue's news, shacknews and rage3d to see a lot of disapointment, lots of "thats it? Thats what xbox gamers were raving on for so long?".


Most people I know that were somewhat dissapointed were dissapointed because the graphics weren't exactly up to high PC standards. The gameplay and such was something that I personally didn't hear anyone really complain about.


Buggy Loop said:
And seriously, i cant even imagine how you dare putting final fantasy as an example of console's rpg strenght, you should be ashamed :p But for the most part, western RPGs >> japanese RPGs. JPN RPG were hot in the 16bit days imo, when it was all 2d. They didnt quite make a good transition to 3d, they pretty much kept the same formula of the 16bit days throught the 32bit and even this current generation. Not saying they're bad but Fallout 1 & 2, planescape torment, Baldurs gate II, are pretty much the top RPGs in my heart. I would even take Anachronox (which is turned based ala standard japanese rpgs) over 90% of japanese RPGs released in the past 5 years.

I've tried to get into Western RPG's, but they're usually so...drab. It may sound like an excuse, but they really don't look appealing to me. The fact that I generally dislike the generic fantasy look doesn't help either. Yes, it's the art discussion again! ;)

But I also find Western RPG's to be too complicated, a lot of stats to keep track of...I don't need RPG's to be TOO specified, too complex, too "realistic" in the way you fight and handle items for example. It doesn't neccessarily make it any better for me.
It may sound shallow, but I think Western RPG's need more "flash" to make them interesting. They got too much substance, not enough flash if that makes any sense.


Buggy Loop said:
I dont think he was refering to sales, PC gamers were obviously curious on what the fuzz was all about and of course they remembered the halo when it was on mac/pc, but i remember going to forums like sharkyextreme, evil avatar, blue's news, shacknews and rage3d to see a lot of disapointment, lots of "thats it? Thats what xbox gamers were raving on for so long?".

Every PC gamer has a degree of grahics whorism to them. That's why we spend 300-500 dollars on new videocards that are only usefull for one year. All the complaints I read were how GearBox couldn't get a high enough frame rate set for a game that "didn't look that good". Didn't hear many complaints about the gameplay.

Buggy Loop

Kiriku, check Anachronox. Buy it, pirate it or whatever, devs wont be getting your money anyway since the studio went down.

It doesnt have an amazing combat system, but the rest is golden imo, the graphics look dated since its based on the quake 2 engine but the devs managed to create an unique universe.



Dont even bother with the demo, its so out of context and you'll be missing all the charm that the dialogues and story creates for the characters.

If at least i could convince one of the most jpn rpg hardcore gamer to like anachronox, i would consider the mission a success, a little more hope for this forum's snobby attitude toward PC games.


Buggy Loop said:
Kiriku, check Anachronox. Buy it, pirate it or whatever, devs wont be getting your money anyway since the studio went down.

It doesnt have an amazing combat system, but the rest is golden imo, the graphics look dated since its based on the quake 2 engine but the devs managed to create an unique universe.



Dont even bother with the demo, its so out of context and you'll be missing all the charm that the dialogues and story creates for the characters.

If at least i could convince one of the most jpn rpg hardcore gamer to like anachronox, i would consider the mission a success, a little more hope for this forum's snobby attitude toward PC games.

Sorry if it sounded like I was totally against Western RPG's, because I'm not being an ignorant bastard about this matter. :p
I can acknowledge what people like in Western RPG's, but the games generally don't appeal to me as much. Still, I've put countless of hours into a game like Morrowind for example (and it was fun, until I ran into a bug and couldn't continue), and I'm currently playing through KOTOR and enjoying it overall.

And about Anachronox, I remember being interested in that very game back when it was released. I downloaded the playable demo but found it quite underwhelming unfortunately. But after reading your post, I'm going to give the full version a chance too. Thanks for the recommendation. :)
I can say the competitive community for Halo PC is about dead. It's indicative of how well the PC community embraces the multiplayer in any fps, and the number of teams playing Halo has dropped considerably, almost to nothing. CS and CoD are thriving, and there are a many games older than Halo that are doing better. Take that how you will. I've heard nothing but complaints from the competitive PC FPS community. Perhaps people here have forgotten that sales doesn't equal quality?

Buggy Loop

Kiriku said:
Sorry if it sounded like I was totally against Western RPG's, because I'm not being an ignorant bastard about this matter. :p
I can acknowledge what people like in Western RPG's, but the games generally don't appeal to me as much. Still, I've put countless of hours into a game like Morrowind for example (and it was fun, until I ran into a bug and couldn't continue), and I'm currently playing through KOTOR and enjoying it overall.

No i didnt think you were against western RPGs, i dont think anyone is "against" them per say, just not giving them a chance, at least you tried so thats more points in my book :p I can acknowledge that western RPGs and not easy to approach and often starts off rather badly and then gets really good, BGII comes to mind immediatly in that respect, I almost gave up on it, but boy am i glad that i didnt stop playing it.

And about Anachronox, I remember being interested in that very game back when it was released. I downloaded the playable demo but found it quite underwhelming unfortunately. But after reading your post, I'm going to give the full version a chance too. Thanks for the recommendation. :)

Good :D I would like to read your impressions if you ever get to play it (hopefully after you finish it ;) ), very curious to what you'll think of that one, it wont get any scores for its combat mechanics in your book, im already sure of that since its anachronox's main weakness but the game felt more like an adventure game to me anyway, the combat wasnt tedious or anything, just "basic". Characters and story's charm, thats what anachronox is about though :D

Keep me updated, post a thread with impressions if you ever get to play it :) This forum had quite some love for anachronox last time there was a thread about it, was cool.
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