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New Full Spectrum Warrior level available...for a price

old?? Haven't seen it.


Players with $4.99 to burn can download a the new 'Epilogue 1' level from Xbox Live.

THQ today announced that the first downloadable bonus level for its military action title Full Spectrum Warrior is now available for download through Xbox Live, although it will set gamers back $4.99. FSW thus joins the small but notorious ranks of the handful of titles, such as MechAssault and Links, that feature pay-for-play downloads. Known as "Epilogue 1," the chapter is said to be the "most challenging situation yet" for FSW players, and it includes new features, like higher enemy elevation.

By Chris Kohler -- GameSpot


6 years later...

"_do you remember when additionnal content was free on those old 128 bits machines ?

_ oh yeah... it lasted like what, one year ?"


The new fad, paying for downloads? Thats something I would never do.

Now Im worried for STEAM and the HL2 mods. :(


Holy shit. Five dollars for one freaking level? You better get a blowjob, too, for that much money.


Ugh... I can't read damn Gamespot news anymore.

As for the dl, wasn't there a previous one free of charge? If that's the case, then I don't see what the big deal is.
IJoel said:
Ugh... I can't read damn Gamespot news anymore.

As for the dl, wasn't there a previous one free of charge? If that's the case, then I don't see what the big deal is.

Epilogue one was supposed to be free. Of course, I can't say anything, because I've never had a downloadable level of any kind. SOCOM is gonna drip out and some folks will be paying $8.99 for the mag, not counting the $99 for the hard drive. I have a subscription already, so it's no additional money there, but I think the number of users that have the new levels is going to be pretty small.


sonycowboy said:
Epilogue one was supposed to be free. Of course, I can't say anything, because I've never had a downloadable level of any kind. SOCOM is gonna drip out and some folks will be paying $8.99 for the mag, not counting the $99 for the hard drive. I have a subscription already, so it's no additional money there, but I think the number of users that have the new levels is going to be pretty small.

Then SCREW THQ. I don't mind downloadable content being for sale, but at least provide something free of charge.

Kohler, go preview nintendo games dammit! Away from news and multi-console sections! :p


IJoel said:
Then SCREW THQ. I don't mind downloadable content being for sale, but at least provide something free of charge.

Kohler, go preview nintendo games dammit! Away from news and multi-console sections! :p

I'm generally not a big fan of Chris 'Spindoctor Mario' Kohler's take on the news, but I don't think charging for downloadable content is a good thing, either. Once companies start conditioning people to accept paying for a new character/car/level here and there as the norm, we'll end up seeing more and more of it. Better for people to dig in their heels now and send out a message to publishers that this isn't a viable pricing model, before it becomes the new standard.
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