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New Gamespot Impressions -- Zelda: The Minish Cap



We saw how Link happens upon his future cap under attack by octoroks and subsequently has to save the hat from harm. A Nintendo representative said that we could basically look at The Minish Cap as the story of how Link got his famous hat. The game's namesake is a real wisecracker, and it'll raise up off of Link's head and offer some quip or piece of advice at various times in the game, as the situation warrants.

The Minish Cap seems like it might be a bit more story-driven than previous Zelda games, since we ran around in a town that was chock-full of characters we could interact with. There seem to be a fair number of noninteractive dialogue scenes as well, from what we played, so there may be a bit more plot to this game than your average Zelda.

I can't wait! :D
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