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New God of War (PS2) trailer...

Watch the God of War E3 trailer and go play the PoP2 demo. The fight with the monster and prince stabbing him on the head is taken out from God of War.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
This was announced at pretty much the same time as PoP2, and I think even before it, actually.

Trailer looks awesome.


This looks way better than PoP 2 as far as I'm concerned, and I love PoP. I've been really excited about it since I saw it at E3, looks fantastic.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Looks like IGN likes it (to put it mildly :p)

"It's like Devil May Cry evolved." Our own Ed Lewis' statement may sound a little bold and blasphemous to the average Dante fan, but it's pretty damned accurate. Basically, God of War is a combination of Sands of Time's magic, the uniquely monstrous and grisly backdrop of a twisted mythological Greece, and the fundamental style and juggling combat of Devil May Cry. It takes these three basics, combines them, and then shoots the whole thing through the roof. Because of this, God of War has us more excited than any other third-person action title on the horizon, which is an even bolder, more blasphemous statement.

Stylistically, God of War is a game of fast, smooth animation, clean lines, and epic scale. The crisp but cluttered environments are lively and interactive. Everything we were shown demonstrated the great pains artists are taking to deliver something that's familiarly Clash of the Titans, but still horrifically new.

Imagine pouring rain and the high seas. Imagine burning Greek sailing ships overrun with undead soldiers. Imagine them under simultaneous attack by the Hydra, whose heads are each the size of three school busses. Imagine a massive temple dedicated to Pandora -- a temple so twisted and bizarre that cylindrical courtyards open to vast caverns, bladed deathtraps, and even ceremonial burial chambers. The size and intricate detailing of the levels is utterly astonishing, but more interesting is the way they funnel gamers from one distinct gameplay type to another without do much as a stutter.

They have some new screens also:






Had my eye on this since the beginning. Love the animation and art direction. Seems to have a pretty great gameplay style, too.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Hot damn, that looks awesome. March 2005, eh?



stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Mashing said:

I'm not sure that I've ever agreed with a GAF post more. God of War was my pick for the overall BEST GAME AT E3, which is pretty strong words, considering what else was there.

During Sony's behind closed doors presentation of the game the dev. started by calling the game a mixture of Devil May Cry and Ico, and I was like "Jesus, here comes a boring hour of them trying to convince me that this will come close to either masterpiece."

By the end of the presentation I was itching to bust out the door and tell the rest of the GameDAILY staff (and anyone else) to go check the game out that moment, because it was a perfext mixture of DMC and Ico, while adding about 12 layers of kickassness on top.

Edit: Thanks to me not shutting up about the game E3 week I'm fairly certain GD gave it one of our runners up for best of show... I think the only site to recognize it in such a way. Then again, we gave Odama 2 or 3 awards too, so eh.


I thought it was really great at E3 too. Terrific animation and effects work on the PS2. The only caveat I had in my E3 impressions was that certain control options and demo level design elements seemed clunky, but it was probably just an E3 build thing:
What's not to like? Well, the mapping of the action/interact function to R2 can feel a bit unnatural at times. It might have been easier to hit X or an analog click to open doors and throw switches. The collision detection for interactive elements such as those seemed a bit inconsistent as well; sometimes you'd have to be in just the right place to activate a trigger point, while other times it was more forgiving--even during different attempts at the same spot.

Speaking of throwing switches, the puzzle at the beginning of the "Poseidon's Sacrifice" level is a bit awkward. You start atop a high ledge, where the objective given is to find a lever to put into a nearby slot. Once you jump down, you find this lever rather easily, but there's no way to get back up to the ledge where you can use it. And to make matters worse, the only way to proceed seems to be a trap door on the far wall, activated by yet another lever. Throw the switch and it springs forward with flames and spikes. The text prompt says "to proceed, you must make the ultimate sacrifice." So charge ahead and risk death? Try that and the booby-trapped door can kill you outright, bringing up the Game Over screen. At that point, it was time to quit out and start up the other demo level.


This was one of my top 5 from E3 -- really amazing stuff and outside of the "major franchises," one of my most anticipated titles. It was very fluid and just a helluva lot of fun to play.


Console Market Analyst
GD, I too was blown away by the E3 presentation.

Slick animation, a move set that makes Dante look decrepit, and puzzles that promise logic and unbridled creativity over trite "hunt the switch" standbys. This game belongs to an exclusive club of special titles on the horizon(Wanda and Jungle Beat I'd rank up there as well).

It's admirable that Sony is introducing a new and ambitious project in the later years of their system. I hope the lack of "buzz" doesn't mean it was a gamble that won't see a return.


Console Market Analyst
Teddman said:
Speaking of throwing switches, the puzzle at the beginning of the "Poseidon's Sacrifice" level is a bit awkward. You start atop a high ledge, where the objective given is to find a lever to put into a nearby slot. Once you jump down, you find this lever rather easily, but there's no way to get back up to the ledge where you can use it. And to make matters worse, the only way to proceed seems to be a trap door on the far wall, activated by yet another lever. Throw the switch and it springs forward with flames and spikes. The text prompt says "to proceed, you must make the ultimate sacrifice." So charge ahead and risk death? Try that and the booby-trapped door can kill you outright, bringing up the Game Over screen. At that point, it was time to quit out and start up the other demo level.

You should have read the message left by the suicide victim. I thought this puzzle was fantastic :)


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Goreomedy said:
GD, I too was blown away by the E3 presentation.

Slick animation, a move set that makes Dante look decrepit, and puzzles that promise logic and unbridled creativity over trite "hunt the switch" standbys. This game belongs to an exclusive club of special titles on the horizon(Wanda and Jungle Beat I'd rank up there as well).

It's admirable that Sony is introducing a new and ambitious project in the later years of their system. I hope the lack of "buzz" doesn't mean it was a gamble that won't see a return.

Were you in the behind closed doors thing Sony put on for GoW, along with any/all of their other shit they did for day 1? (their three platformers, ATV, Killzone... a couple others I think).

If so, who were you? lol.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
So can any of you journo types answer a question I've never seen definitively answered? Is Incog involved with this?


I'm really impressed with the graphics in the trailer,it seems an Xbox game.
Gameplay seems fun and spectacular too,definetly looking forward it next year.
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