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New GTA:SA screens


Sorry if old.















evil ways

Damn, the walk of fame and Mann's Chinese Theater look pretty cool. And I can already see myself jumping off from all those freeways in a bike.


not a medical professional
I'm lovin the LACC. Perhaps R* will joke it up at one point that you have to crash E3 or something fun... One can only hope.

This game is looking better and better with each batch.



and there they remain to this day, the two stubborn zaxes, until the the LAPD arrives with their angry frowns and their shiny red axes.

God, I prayed for this game to have freeways, I hope these are more fun to drive around on than the ones in True Crime.


Junior Member

Dear Rockstar:

You would kick 47 flavors of ass if you included a 'E3' mission where you are forced to gun down, snipe and run over respective console and game whores. ie shot lil babys that say, 'goo goo gaa gaa, i want nintendo', run down fat pimply faced nerds that talk nothing except halo and everquest and flamethrow any and all metrosexual-sunglass-wearing-in-a-dark-room-at-night that loves nothing but Final Fantasy, Madden and Asian girls, in that order.


Junior Member
And when you say no loading, do you mean, like no loading =no screen between East and West Vice City? I'm not understanding this, when the hell did this come up? 3 cities, all bigger than Vice City and no loading? With a wide expanse of land between both of them?

Wait, wait, wait, what were we talking about? Oh yeah, you were just about to tell me about the catch?
skinnyrattler said:
And when you say no loading, do you mean, like no loading =no screen between East and West Vice City? I'm not understanding this, when the hell did this come up? 3 cities, all bigger than Vice City and no loading? With a wide expanse of land between both of them?

Wait, wait, wait, what were we talking about? Oh yeah, you were just about to tell me about the catch?

No loading = no seem between each city. It's all seemless. (seam or seem? Sorry for that). There's actually a transition screen when you enter and exit a building, but they Rockstar clearly said there weren't any between city/countryside towns.

Seriously? I didn't think it would be possible. Especially looking at other games on PS2. Sweet.

Well it's becoming more and more comon with first party title. Game such as Jak 2 didn't have any loading at all, and presented a massive world to travel within.


works for Gamestop (lol)
They probably have some smart loading system setup where the info is streaming off the disc as your are travelling between cities. I assume that as you travel between the cities, the data will stream as you drive, eliminating any need of load times. I guess it's kind of like Metroid Prime where the doors won't open until the next room is loaded into RAM or whatever.

I'm probably just talking out of my ass but that's my guess


The getaway had no loading in the city or when u enter buldings.........it just streamed it from the disk


Littleberu said:
Well it's becoming more and more comon with first party title. Game such as Jak 2 didn't have any loading at all, and presented a massive world to travel within.

Wasn't all of the "giant door opening/closing" Jak 2's way of handling action stage loading?


Wario64 said:
They probably have some smart loading system setup where the info is streaming off the disc as your are travelling between cities. I assume that as you travel between the cities, the data will stream as you drive, eliminating any need of load times. I guess it's kind of like Metroid Prime where the doors won't open until the next room is loaded into RAM or whatever.

I'm probably just talking out of my ass but that's my guess
Nah, that actually sounds about right. By having a "simple" countryside it allows them to slowly flush the old city out of memory and load the new one in as you approach it.


BuddyChrist83 said:
Nah, that actually sounds about right. By having a "simple" countryside it allows them to slowly flush the old city out of memory and load the new one in as you approach it.

I wonder if they'll expand the countryside for the Xbox/PC versions, since they don't share the same memory limitations as the PS2


belgurdo said:
I wonder if they'll expand the countryside for the Xbox/PC versions, since they don't share the same memory limitations as the PS2
I don't know if they added the country to add to the immersion/experience or to eliminate loading times. What worries me is that country driving will be really....boring, especially when you want to quickly hop from one city to the next. I can see a lot of people complaining about the country driving, much like many complained about Wind Waker's sailing.

If the addition of countryside was just to eliminate load times, well, was it really worth it then? I'd rather a brief load than a few minutes through the country, though that could just be me. Regardless, you can tell they're aiming for a very immersive experience.

As for your statement belgurdo, I doubt they'll add anything to the Xbox/PC version...but you never really know. If anything, they would decrease the country in those versions as they can load faster...


BuddyChrist83 said:
I don't know if they added the country to add to the immersion/experience or to eliminate loading times. What worries me is that country driving will be really....boring, especially when you want to quickly hop from one city to the next. I can see a lot of people complaining about the country driving, much like many complained about Wind Waker's sailing.

Thing is, the country driving is only between three large cities, not around fifty tiny ones. The main reason the sailing in TWW was so ridiculous is because you had to do it no matter where you went. If the entire overworld of Zelda was just three or four gigantic islands, I doubt there would have been nearly as much complaining. Sailing would have been just a neat way to travel between the different destinations, and you knew that there'd be something interesting to do once you got there, unlike the majority of the little islands in TWW.


I'm going to dig this game, I can already tell... looks like they've nailed the oh-so jumbled LA freeways to a tee... it'll be GREAT to drive by fuckers on there and take a tank through it, etc.
Man this is gonna own that piss poor attempt of a game called True Crime! New city BASED on LA > Using the actual city.

on a bad note...Oh no! looks like motion blur is back.
BuddyChrist83 said:
I don't know if they added the country to add to the immersion/experience or to eliminate loading times. What worries me is that country driving will be really....boring, especially when you want to quickly hop from one city to the next. I can see a lot of people complaining about the country driving, much like many complained about Wind Waker's sailing.

Have you seen the pics of the country? It's definetly not flat land. With the dirtbikes and addition of 4wheels, you'd have plenty of things to do there if you just want to play around. And this is GTA, so chances are if you don't want to go through the country you can just take another road which will connect you right to the next city. They've said that they figured alot of people would be worried about the country driving but not to worry since they'll make it fun to ride through.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I was a little bit worried, but this most recent batch of picks put those to rest.
Rockstar appears to have put serious effort, and it appears this new icon to the series will be fresh enough.

I'm so very glad that they did not shove another GTA on us last fall, and once again I give kudos to pushing the game back and giving a serious effort.

They have one mother of a series to milk, but if you milk it too fast it will dry up, go back to the drawing board and use 2 years of time to make a fresh new game. Other companies can learn a thing :)
Man, seeing these screens and not being able to play this game is sheer torture.

I LOVE the look of the freeways, like someone said, there's should be fun, unlike the shit on the disk otherwise known as True Crime.

Man I hope that R* has added more variation to traffic speed though. Thta's one thing that always bugged me about GTA3 and VC, that EVERYONE (with the exception of the 1 in 50 you see speading and weaving through traffic) drives at like 25mph or something. I want the freeways to BE freeways, though I want them to stop when I stand in there lane :)

~Black Deatha


Wow. For the first time, I'm actually seriously impressed with the screens. My anticipation level went up several notches.

Looks like it's going bring back some of the openness from GTA3.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Insertia said:
Wow. For the first time, I'm actually seriously impressed with the screens. My anticipation level went up several notches.

Looks like it's going bring back some of the openness from GTA3.

Uhm, what openness was eliminated with Vice City? If anything, the ability to own multiple properties as well as a multitude of other refinements made the game MORE open.
The game looks bad to me. Get someone who can texture and build a females legs without them looking like a pair of jaggy legos,bleh.


T-1000_Model3 said:
The game looks bad to me. Get someone who can texture and build a females legs without them looking like a pair of jaggy legos,bleh.

This is quite easily the most pointless and useless piece of hating I've seen on these forums. Kudos to you.
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