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New GTA:SA screens

pilonv1 said:
This is quite easily the most pointless and useless piece of hating I've seen on these forums. Kudos to you.

Agreed, I dont thing we need to turn this in to yet another topic about GTA not being about the graphics, casue if you dont know that already, you are an idiot.

~Black Deatha


Now this looks great... no, wait, it looks like shit.

But if it plays good perhaps I'll but it anyway.


Black Deatha said:
Agreed, I dont thing we need to turn this in to yet another topic about GTA not being about the graphics, casue if you dont know that already, you are an idiot.

~Black Deatha
The GTA series should not be absolved of any criticism for its graphics. Just retarded criticism such as supposedly "blocky legs".

For the record, I think the series looks perfectly fine. Even good. I just don't think 'It's all about the gameplay' should hold up for any select game.


Andy787 said:
Sorry if old.


Bad fog.


The one thing that is weird to me is we still have no idea about who is playing/voicing who in this one.. I'm really looking forward to finding out.
Black Deatha said:
Agreed, I dont thing we need to turn this in to yet another topic about GTA not being about the graphics, casue if you dont know that already, you are an idiot.

~Black Deatha

Regardless of your opinion here-the game still looks lifeless with the textures in this game. I don't wanna hear about the direction othat the game is aiming for,not when the game looks as bad as this one does. It still looks very bad next to todays games. The scope that this game has aimed for has gone overboard-it looks like a blurry bland of color palettes. Open your eyes dude,why lower yourself to name calling when the facts are right there on your monitor anyways? The game doesn't look very good. Its actually below average.

evil ways

T-1000_Model3 said:
Regardless of your opinion here-the game still looks lifeless with the textures in this game. I don't wanna hear about the direction othat the game is aiming for,not when the game looks as bad as this one does. It still looks very bad next to todays games. The scope that this game has aimed for has gone overboard-it looks like a blurry bland of color palettes. Open your eyes dude,why lower yourself to name calling when the facts are right there on your monitor anyways? The game doesn't look very good. Its actually below average.

I don't know you but I personally don't buy a game so that I can load it in my console, put the controller down and just sit there staring at state of the art, lifelike, pretty visuals and graphics. To me it's a fair trade off, graphics and visuals for a large open ended "playground" so to speak, and gameplay & interactions that I can keep coming back to whenever I feel like it.
T-1000_Model3 said:
Regardless of your opinion here-the game still looks lifeless with the textures in this game. I don't wanna hear about the direction othat the game is aiming for,not when the game looks as bad as this one does. It still looks very bad next to todays games. The scope that this game has aimed for has gone overboard-it looks like a blurry bland of color palettes. Open your eyes dude,why lower yourself to name calling when the facts are right there on your monitor anyways? The game doesn't look very good. Its actually below average.

Well luckily for Rockstar as the series proven people aren't going to be buying it for the graphics. No they don't look great but they look good enough. When you consider how much the games are doing compared to other games it makes sense that the graphics aren't going to look as good as some other high profile games.
Socreges said:
The GTA series should not be absolved of any criticism for its graphics. Just retarded criticism such as supposedly "blocky legs".

For the record, I think the series looks perfectly fine. Even good. I just don't think 'It's all about the gameplay' should hold up for any select game.

No, your right, it doesnt absolve critisim because it's GTA, but it should based on the face that game game is doing SO many other things, it's got a WHOLE City, and now 3 whole Citys to draw while evrything else is going on with in it's worlds, I think that's a good reason to absolve it of graphical chriticim.

T-1000_Model3 said:
Regardless of your opinion here-the game still looks lifeless with the textures in this game. I don't wanna hear about the direction othat the game is aiming for,not when the game looks as bad as this one does. It still looks very bad next to todays games. The scope that this game has aimed for has gone overboard-it looks like a blurry bland of color palettes. Open your eyes dude,why lower yourself to name calling when the facts are right there on your monitor anyways? The game doesn't look very good. Its actually below average.

I dissagree, I find the game to be full of like with it;s own charm that I wouldnt want to change. So many people's problem is that they dont understand that the series isnt aspiring to be comepletaly realistic looking, It's got an almost cartoony element to it, and I like it. Maybe the next generation GTA4 on the PS3 will aspire to look a bit more realistic, but I personaly wouldent mind if it didnt. You are right though, the graphics could be better, but I would perfer to sacrafice amazing graphics for the ability to explore the huge world of GTA. Like look at True Shit, it looed somewhat better than GTA, but it was a bland boring mess, and you couldent do even ½ the stuff you could in GTA.

~Black Deatha
I think the whole graphics debate is justified here... The game looks good in some screenshots and the previous 2 3D GTA's looked more than good enough but if that highway-from-above screenshot is anything to go by, these graphics will get in the way of your gameplay... I don't wanna try helicopter flights etc if the fog is that bad.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
The game lacks detail, but I really do like the color scheme being used. It IS similar to the past two games, but it seems a bit more vibrant for some reason. That orange to purple gradient looks great, for example...as does the colors applied to the city below it.


Black Deatha said:
No, your right, it doesnt absolve critisim because it's GTA, but it should based on the face that game game is doing SO many other things, it's got a WHOLE City, and now 3 whole Citys to draw while evrything else is going on with in it's worlds, I think that's a good reason to absolve it of graphical chriticim.
Agreed. That's an different argument and one better justified. If the engine has a lot going on and at a smooth framerate, I'll be grateful that it took a hit in aesthetics.


cybercrash said:
I think the whole graphics debate is justified here... The game looks good in some screenshots and the previous 2 3D GTA's looked more than good enough but if that highway-from-above screenshot is anything to go by, these graphics will get in the way of your gameplay... I don't wanna try helicopter flights etc if the fog is that bad.

The game is supposed to have an increased draw distance over the previous 2. I doubt it will be a problem.


Junior Member
cybercrash said:
I think the whole graphics debate is justified here... The game looks good in some screenshots and the previous 2 3D GTA's looked more than good enough but if that highway-from-above screenshot is anything to go by, these graphics will get in the way of your gameplay... I don't wanna try helicopter flights etc if the fog is that bad.


Not as much fog, there.
skinnyrattler said:

Not as much fog, there.

...I'm gonna go higher than that with flying vehicles...
Don't get me wrong, I'm somewhat confident that the game will look just great, even from high up in the air. But with the high-altitude screenshots that have been released so far I'd say it's only logical to be a bit worried about the fog/LOD while high up.


I think that despite any graphical flaws this game might have, we can be confident that Rockstar is pushing the PS2 to the max with this game. Complaints will come, but it looks like they're doing a remarkable job.


Junior Member
cybercrash said:
...I'm gonna go higher than that with flying vehicles...
Don't get me wrong, I'm somewhat confident that the game will look just great, even from high up in the air. But with the high-altitude screenshots that have been released so far I'd say it's only logical to be a bit worried about the fog/LOD while high up.

My point is that the fog isn't as heavy on all other screen shots. That freeway has fog rolling in withing 50 meters of the freeway. Every other shot shows buildings in the distance that show minimal fog, like 3 and VC. I think you are focusing on one bad screenshot.
Uh, from the freeways in that picture I'm guessing this is the Los Angeles-based city. In that case, might the 'fog' actually be a smog effect added to that area? In other words, it might not even be present (or as present) in other areas of the game.


Banstick Emeritus
I went down the Pacific Highway in Malibu a few weeks ago and couldn't see 50 feet into the Pacific Ocean because of the nasty air. :(

SA = true to life!
bishoptl said:
I went down the Pacific Highway in Malibu a few weeks ago and couldn't see 50 feet into the Pacific Ocean because of the nasty air. :(
Vancouver's fucking spoiled us. Every time I've gone down to LA for E3.. blech.
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