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New Gundam game by Ace Combat & Soul Calibur teams


Tag of Excellence
While I don't care about Gundam, Project Pegasus could be amazingly cool. Members from two awesome teams developing a cool action game with a lot of heavy firepower? Sign me up.


ooooooooooh. if this is based on one of the original UC gundam series, then i will be wet. if it is based on seed or some shit, then i will be ... possibly interested. dunno.


As long as it isn't based on Seed then there's some hope. If it's based on Seed, then DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE.


well not really...yet
Itll probably be UC...I hope, anyways crossing fingers it turns out allright.

oh yeah fuck seed


DeadStar said:
Itll probably be UC...I hope, anyways crossing fingers it turns out allright.
most of the games are UC. it would be redundant to do one on the original series again at this point. i'd love to see some sort of awesome 08th MS team game. yes, yes, yes.

seed, at least based on the first disc, is too rehashy. very been there / done that. and the art is meh, and the animation is godawful. it's got the same problem as wing -- it just rips off original gundam without adding anything particularly interesting, and in fact seems to actually add shittier elements into it. meh.


SEED is a rehashing of all the gundam series every made and put into one series. Not only does it use old elements from other Gundam series but uses them and most of the time makes it worse. It has bad animation and character designs from a bag of Skittles. At the very least, Wing does a better job of keeping itself in check although the pretty boys are rampant. I love the director of SEED for his previous works but I wanted to shoot myself in the foot after seeing most of it.


well not really...yet
Shouta pretty much nailed it, so in conclusion: Buy the Zeta Gundam Boxset coming out this year instead of Seed!

Turn A Gundam is also tons better than Seed, Wing et al. as well, that needs to be brought over soon


Phear the 'stache!


I hate to disagree, but Seed is my favorite Gundam timeline besides 8th MS team and the original. Wing was terrible shounen crap and 0080/0079 were terrible, too.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
08th MS would be cool.

But yea I second Turn A gundam. Really dug the 8 or so episodes I caught of it many moons ago, have no idea how it held up, but have always remained curious.

Seed I stopped watching after the first commercial break episode 1.


well not really...yet
Culex said:
I hate to disagree, but Seed is my favorite Gundam timeline besides 8th MS team and the original. Wing was terrible shounen crap and 0080/0079 were terrible, too.
I guess it kind of depends on which shows youve seen first and also the whole 80s anime factor, some people cant get into them because of theire age, shame though as most anime from the 80s slay most of the garbage thats gets produced today...


I'd kill for an 8th MS game by these guys. I wouldn't really mind a SEED game though, since I thought it was a step in the right direction after the disappointing Wing.
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