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New Interview: Unreal Championship 2



A few quotes...

"Really, we wanted to build an Unreal game that was 100% focused on the Xbox audience. Certainly live is part of the Xbox experience, but so is playing with your friends in the living room. When we first started development, we thought we'd try to bring in some of the best elements of fighting games, like choosing unique characters, fighting for a few rounds, then picking some different characters, arenas, or weapons, and doing it again."

It's always a pleasant surprise to get extra time for polish at the end of a product development cycle. We've used the time for exactly that, just constant refinement of gameplay, controls, etc. It's also allowed us to work on releasing a Live-enabled demo before we finish the game; I've heard this will be the first Xbox title that has done that. And we're also working hard to sneak in one last character, and we're looking at a few favorites from the Mortal Kombat franchise...

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
What if he means the first demo that can be downloaded and played over Live? :)


Wonder if it will lag at all... MKD didn't lag, but of course I don't think Midway programmers are really doing anything with this one...


Game's pretty neat. They're really going all-out to make something that works on a console. Ironically, it reminds me a lot of Ratchet & Clank 3's online mode.

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