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New Kameo Preview, Screens, Dev Commentary


At Gamespot.


More pics here.
I don't like the HUD, and since this is Rare, I'm going to be hesitant of this game's goodness till I see impressions and reviews.


A great improvement over previous shots... but...

"Do you like bloom? I sure do. Let's put it on everything -- In every Xbox game... Wait, no... EVERY GAME! MGS3, Halo 2, Splinter Cell EVERYTHING, Fable, This, That, The other, and, yeah, let's even put it in the crap games!"

*Ahem* ... Sorry. In my opinion, bloom is being a tad bit overused and, in some cases, tackily used. It's like the lens flare of 2004. Some games use it tastefully, such as ICO and MGS3... But seeing the bloom at such a high opacity here is sickening.
wow, the game is looking beautiful...

really wish one of rare's two big games was coming out in 2004 instead of both of them in early 2005.
The environments look incredible, but the characters look quite blocky. And the interface looks low res (they better fix that).


Graphics remind me of Banjo Kazooie and other Rare games. Starfox looked awesome but I thought the level design and shit voice acting killed it. Let's hope this game plays better.


Looks good, but I wonder how well it will sell. Rare's art style is synonomous with Nintendo, and their games have that "kiddy" look to them (not in a bad way).
Kameo sales

Kameo > Grabbed by the Ghoulies

Conker > Kameo

I really hope KAMEO and Conker do well.. I dont see Conker doing bad, i dont see how it could, it is hand made for the cliched xbox owner..

KAMEO isnt, but I still think xbox owners have a craving for something different, and something like this might fit the bill..
This looks really nice. Starfox Adventures looked really nice. I didn't even mind its level design. It was the gameplay I had a problem with. If it would have had combat like, say, Ninja Gaiden or something it could've been good. I don't even know how this plays.


Haha, the developer interview mentions Gamecube. I thought it would be a forbidden word now.

This game looks fun. I haven't played a platformer since Crash 3.
Matt said:
Conker is gonna bomb more then it did on N64.

I really doubt that, MS isn't going to make it where you can only see Conkers commercial after 10pm. Nintendo might have thought that'd work, but it basically killed the games chance of success.


SolidSnakex said:
I really doubt that, MS isn't going to make it where you can only see Conkers commercial after 10pm. Nintendo might have thought that'd work, but it basically killed the games chance of success.
I stand by my statement. The game is almost impossible to market from any standpoint.

I'd even place a wager on it ;)

And I am NOT a Hater. Conker’s BFD is one of my favorite games, and I am eagerly awaiting this Remake.
What's difficult to market about it? Show the multiplayer a bit, splice in some single player levels and some Conker quotes and there you go. The main problem with the N64 ads is that it didn't show the game enough. Just show gameplay only.


SolidSnakex said:
What's difficult to market about it? Show the multiplayer a bit, splice in some single player levels and some Conker quotes and there you go. The main problem with the N64 ads is that it didn't show the game enough. Just show gameplay only.
It’s a cute squirrel in a cute world full of curses and shit jokes. These two facts pretty much cancels the game’s ability to seel to any particular audience. Generic games sell, games that can be easily defined sell, and franchises sell. Conker falls into none of these categories.
Conker falls into a The Simpsons/Ren & Stimpy/South Park-style of zone...it's already got fans and will likely draw more. I don't think the game's gonna break any sales records, but it'll certainly fare better than the N64 outing and will probably end up being a solid 400-600k'er.

As for Kameo, it looks even nicer now. Definitely a purchase, as Conker is as well.


SolidSnakex said:
If a game that starred a bear with a ostrich in its backpack can sell then I don't see why Conker can't. :)
Because B-K is an innocuous game that acts like an innocuous game, it’s not trying to mix two different demographic ideas into one product.
O.K. After reading a little more on this game I am genuinely excited. I might go as far as saying this makes my informal most wanted list-- not just for xbox, either, but gauging this and games on all systems it makes THAT list(an informal list, of course).
This might be that one epic Action/Adventure that can sit next to Ninja Gaiden on xbox.
yah, i think RARE is feeling confident about their game, as their most recent trailers really are making the game out to be something epic for a platformer, instead of just some platformer.. or they just have a damned good trailer-editor..

the game is shaping up nicely, i just cant imagine they'd really need another 6-8 months! regardless, kameo and conker will probably be the two last xbox games i get and they'll probably hold me over nicely til i get xbox 2.
LuckyBrand said:
Kameo sales

Kameo > Grabbed by the Ghoulies

Conker > Kameo


GBTG at least has kiddy appeal, cel shading and skeletony critters. THis has ugly mongoloid star.

Conker = GBTG >>>>>> Kameo


Tag of Excellence
Daxter Too said:
I hate Xbox features. Bloom lighting, bump mapping, normal mapping(?!). Ugggh.
These aren't Xbox features only, they are in use by many developers for many platforms (PS2/GameCube/PC). I understand that you may not like developers cheaply using them and slapping them on random objects/lights but they provide genuine graphical improvements at a comparatively small cost.

They really aren't just cheaply developed feature list specs but genuine and effective methods to increase visual quality in all titles. It's very important that people realize that raw polygon output ISN'T the solution for everything and intelligent steps must be taken in order to improve other graphical features.
Bloom lighting is actually a really cool graphic feature (ICO for example wouldn't be the same without it). It just doesn't look good in screens for some reason.


Matt said:
ItÍs a cute squirrel in a cute world full of curses and shit jokes. These two facts pretty much cancels the gameÍs ability to seel to any particular audience. Generic games sell, games that can be easily defined sell, and franchises sell. Conker falls into none of these categories.

Add uninspired gameplay, like Conker had, and you have the crux of the matter.

Kameo is effectively a Pokemon trainer with "assets". The game looks beautiful. I'll pick it up when the price drops to $20.


SolidSnakex said:
What's difficult to market about it? Show the multiplayer a bit, splice in some single player levels and some Conker quotes and there you go. The main problem with the N64 ads is that it didn't show the game enough. Just show gameplay only.

Well, he does hav ea point... the main character does look pretty retarted... On any other system other than xbox, I wouldn't call that a negative... but you know how the xbox userbase is... so image concious.
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