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New Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Media


So my net was out for alittle while so I was not able to update my last thread as often as I wanted. There has been quite a bit of new stuff released since the last thread I made so I figured a new thread would suffice. It's amazing to me how a brand new studio can make a game that looks so much more polished than anything Bethesda has, or will ever make.

They just posted the System requirements for the game. Here they are for anyone picking up the game on PC.

Official Reckoning System Requirements
Below are the minimum and recommended system requirements for Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning on the PC.


Windows XP with Service Pack 3
Windows Vista with Service Pack 2
Windows 7 with Service Pack 1

Intel Core2 Duo (or equivalent) running at 2.2GHz or greater
AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ (or equivalent) running at 2.6GHz or greater

At least 1 GB for Windows XP
At least 2 GB for Windows Vista and Windows 7

Disc Drive:
CD/DVD ROM drive (required for installation only), 8x or faster CD/DVD drive

Hard Drive:
At least 10.5 GB of free space

Video Adapter:
NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT 512MB or better
ATI Radeon HD3650 512MB or better
Supporting Pixel Shader 3.0
Minimum Resolution Supported is 1280x720

9.0c Compatible


Windows XP with Service Pack 3
Windows Vista with Service Pack 2
Windows 7 with Service Pack 1

Intel Core 2 Quad (or equivalent) running at 2.4GHz or greater
AMD Phenom X4 (or equivalent) running at 2.6GHz or greater

At least 3 GB for Windows XP
At least 4 GB for Windows Vista and Windows 7

Disc Drive:
CD/DVD ROM drive (required for installation only), 8x or faster CD/DVD drive

Hard Drive:
At least 10.5 GB of free space

Video Adapter:
NVIDIA GeForce GTX260 1GB RAM or better
ATI Radeon HD4850 1GB RAM or better
Supporting Pixel Shader 3.0

9.0c Compatible

You will also need an internet connection for product activation/registration.


The demo will be available on the 17th: http://majornelson.com/2012/01/10/a-...n-to-the-xbox/

Reckoning theme(music composed by Grant Kirkhope):


Gamespot plays (23 minute gameplay demo):

GiantBomb: what is it?(20 minute gameplay demo)






Destructoid(10 minutes of gameplay):





Game Revolution:

Inside Reckoning:

Reckoning live:

Developer Weekly Q&A Archive

Discussing cross platform development:

Quote from Tag on the reckoning forums, he is the lead programmer on reckoning.

PS3 Version
Hi all!

We've spent a lot of time nurturing this game for every platform it is being released on. We feed and water it, expose it to sunlight, even sing to it if needed. And when all else fails we roll up our sleeves and write some code.

Each platform has its own unique technical strengths and weaknesses. Our goal while coding Reckoning has been to play up the strengths and play down the weaknesses of each to the point that you have the expected, optimal experience on each platform. We've logged thousands of QA hours on all platforms, and are pleased with what they have to say...

I preordered my own Special Edition of this game (Amalur dice are just plain cool)...on the PS3. Hopefully that will help allay any worries that you may have. In fact, around the office everyone seems to have their own platform of choice to play the game on, evenly divided amongst all 3.

Hope that helps,
BHG Coder, far too infrequent forum poster

In response to asking about the developing to the strengths and weakness in different platforms.

So one simplified theoretical example: Let's pretend system A has a lower performing graphics device than system B, but more CPU power. This could lead to a situation where on system B we spend less CPU processing determining what to show on screen, because the video card can handle some of that for us. On system A we could use the CPUs to whittle down more of what should be displayed, thus handing less data off to the video card for display. Neither system is crippled or forced, and to you both scenes will look nearly the same (fast and pretty!). There is a large difference in what goes on technically under the hood to get the game looking and performing how you expect, but the difference to you as a user on the different platforms is subtle or negligible. This example can be applied to almost all the differing subsystems on the consoles, but I feel we achieved our end goal which is to have the game look and feel on both exactly how our designers and artists wanted it to be for you.

We wouldn't cripple a feature on one platform just because the other couldn't handle it, but that really isn't a scenario that came up all that often. We more worried about making sure everything ran fast, looked pretty and sounded great. Those three are often at odds with each other, but I think on all platforms you all will be pleased with the results (I am).

Another Update with reguards to rendering:

The underlying rendering code is specific to each platform, but the base textures and shaders used for each platform are as visually similar as we could get them. Additionally all lighting and post-processing are tuned to be equally as close as possible. We needed the artists to be able to tweak their lighting/environment settings on one platform and know those changes would carry over to the others. Any other way would leave open the possibility of things falling through the cracks and having some areas be totally different on the other builds. Any differences you are seeing is likely attributable to the lighting and other settings for those particular shots. The art and cinematics crews spent a lot of time designing the lighting and camera shots to convey the mood and feel they were going for in each area or for each cinematic. All 3 platforms should render very close the each other in overall feel, so you won't see something more or less stylized than the same scene on another platform.

You can see the post here http://forums.reckoning.amalur.com/showthread.php?1346-PS3-version-vs-360-version-differences/page5
Can't wait for this one. I'm digging on the art direction and the combat system looks pretty deep.

Looks like they pulled the best aspects from the elder scrolls, WOW, and GOW/Darksiders which from what I've seen it all looks awesome.


Looking forward to this one as well but let's wait until the game arrives before claiming it's bug free compared to Skyrim...previews are great and all but when was the last time previews said the game sucks and is full of glitch hehe...


Gold Member
Yes I love it when new info comes out for this game. Hype!! Between this and ME3 I'm frothing at the mouth for the new year. I'm starting the Becker review for the CPA exam in January... I'm not sure if it would be tougher to get these games and still commit myself to studying, or having the willpower to not get these games until I'm finished.


This game looks fantastic. Very pleased to hear the QA folks having a speed run 100% completion challenge and they're currently clocked over 200 hours lol.

The interviewer on this video couldn't look more disinterested. He's got less personality than a tree stump.



Looking forward to this one as well but let's wait until the game arrives before claiming it's bug free compared to Skyrim...previews are great and all but when was the last time previews said the game sucks and is full of glitch hehe...

Your right of course, however there is a massive difference in terms of the way the 38/Big Huge Games has interacted with their fanbase compared to bethesda. They have said multiple times that their QA testers have put hundereds of hours into the game and they are doing everything they can to make it as bug free as possible.

For reference here is a quote from CoreFracture on the KOA forms, he is the QA manager at 38

Just as Ngruk(curt Shilling) mentioned we're definitely "QAing" for that challenge! If I get some time in the coming weeks I hope to put together a bit of an inside look at QA on Reckoning!

here is the thread in which the quote is taken


So at the very least they seem to be taking bug squashing seriously, I can only imagine that finding every bug in games of this size is a monsturous task, but so far these guys are giving me more reason to have faith than Beth ever has.

looks amazing, day 1.

does it have coop?

no co-op sadly, the multiplayer aspect of the franchise will be handled by the MMO which will probably get more information next year after reckoning is released.


So at the very least they seem to be taking bug squashing seriously, I can only imagine that finding every bug in games of this size is a monsturous task, but so far these guys are giving me more reason to have faith than Beth ever has.
Unless they have a million people in QA, it doesn't give me any more faith. There's only so much you can test with an open world game. I can't think of a single one that didn't release with some significant bugs. Though it won't be going out on a limb to say the PS3 version will fare better than that version of Skyrim.


Didn't even know this existed till today. Just shot right up there with Diablo 3 and Max payne 3 as my most anticipated.


Unless they have a million people in QA, it doesn't give me any more faith. There's only so much you can test with an open world game. I can't think of a single one that didn't release with some significant bugs. Though it won't be going out on a limb to say the PS3 version will fare better than that version of Skyrim.

I can understand being skeptical, I know pretty much for a fact that the game will not be 100% bug free, I just think that thus far, and especially with all of the gameplay footage out there for the game it just looks more polished overall at this point. While words don't fix bugs, the fact that the dev team is so open with their fans on the forums, and in general it really makes it easier to have faith in them, than it is to have any in Bethesda. Beth was shady as hell about the game for a long time. They only ever showed the one gameplay demo up until release, they lied about the PS3 version on multiple occassions, and treated their core PC fanbase as second class (Ps3 players are much lower on the scale).

The Reckoning dev team seems to take their fans feedback to heart, they have changed some things a few times based on feedback, and Curt himself, along with other development team members continuesly show up on the forums to talk about stuff related, and non releated to the game.

I'm not saying that any of this will make the game itself better, but it goes along way in making you feel like the devs care about what their making, and about each platform it's releasing on. Hell I think the way that the interface changes dynamicly on PC based on you using a controller or a KB/Mouse is something more developers should look at as it's a great feature.


I'm alittle shocked, IGN posted up an article trying to gain Reckoning some attention.


I've actually been pretty surprised that most of IGNs staff has been pretty positive of the game in the majority of their write ups. Seems like a perfect game for them to jump on in a negitive way given how they normally react to stuff that does not fit with their image.

I've been pumped for the game for a long time now so I think it's great that most that are getting hands on time with the game seem to agree that it's shaping up to be a good/great new RPG. Ofcourse we won't know how it is as a whole until players get their hands on it for themselves, but it's always great to see new IPs getting some spotlight.


This is the first time I've heard of this. Thanks for the heads up. It looks like it has a lot of promise.


This will be my first and hopefully last game that I buy from Origin. And that's the biggest testament to this game I can give before launch.

If it was a Steam release I would have a stroke from happiness.


New previews:





10 minute gameplay vid from Desrtuctoid:

Seems to be a general opinion that overall the game feels tight, clean, and quite polished so far with the complaints being that it's not an overtly innovative game (which I don't expect every game to be so i'm fine with that), and some seem to have some trouble with the camera but BHG says their taking all the feedback seriously so hopefully any issues like that can be cleaned up before launch in Feburary.

Bit of a shame that we can't get a taste of the narrative, but at the same time it helps to keep things fresh and not ruin things for people before we can get the game. The combat looks much more enjoyable than most of the games that Reckoning is being compared to especially TES, and Fable so it'll be fun to see how they make a combat system like this tie in with an RPG. I'm actually ok that it's not quite an elder scrolls style open world, it's still massive, but I think that having huge areas connected by smaller more linear passageways will probably allow for a tighter experience, and I can imagine would probably help in minimizing bugs.


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
Been waiting for this and the MMO for a while now, looks great.


This will be my first and hopefully last game that I buy from Origin. And that's the biggest testament to this game I can give before launch.

If it was a Steam release I would have a stroke from happiness.

Pretty sure it's coming to Steam.


Three different Special editions of the game have just been announced, as per Shilling had already stated these will indeed be actually limited with the lowest tier special edition only have 2000 copies and each tier up less.

here is whats included in the special editions of the game.



Immerse yourself in the world of Amalur with the Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Special Edition. Explore Amalur with a custom parchment map of the world. Tempt fate at your next tabletop gaming session with a custom 7-piece set of Amalur themed premium dice and dice bag including a D20, a D12, two D10s, a D8, a D6, and a D4. Choose your destiny from the complete set of Destiny Cards featured in the game. Enjoy the epic score of Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning with the official soundtrack composed by Grant Kirkhope.

• Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, or PC)
• Parchment map of Amalur's Faelands
• Amalur themed 7-piece dice set and dice bag
• Full set of 40 Destiny Cards
• Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning - The Soundtrack
• Bonus DLC - Fate-Touched Weapons Pack (Increase XP gained from Fate Shift Kills with these nine weapons)

Only 2000 produced. Available in the US and Canada only. Release day delivery option for US orders.

Price: $80.00


The Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Collector’s Edition is a great choice for any RPG enthusiast. Along with all the items featured in the Special Edition, the Collector’s Edition also comes with an individually numbered limited edition Prismere Troll figurine created by McFarlane toys in a limited run of 1,600 units. This solid resin Troll figurine stands 12.5" and normally retails individually for $125.00. The Collector's Edition also includes high-quality concept art lithograph from Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning signed by Ken Rolston and limited to 1,000 units. While supplies last.

• Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, or PC)
• Limited Edition McFarlane Toys Prismere Troll figure
• Original lithograph signed by Ken Rolston
• Parchment map of Amalur's Faelands
• Amalur themed 7-piece dice set and dice bag
• Full set of 40 Destiny Cards
• Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning - The Soundtrack
• Bonus DLC - Fate-Touched Weapons Pack (Increase XP gained from Fate Shift Kills with these nine weapons)

Only 700 produced. Available in the US and Canada only. Release day delivery option for US orders.

Price: $200.00


This is the perfect package for the ultimate Reckoning fan. Available in extremely limited quantities, the Signature Edition of Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning comes with everything featured in the Collector’s Edition as well as an individually numbered custom sketch by Todd McFarlane limited to 300 units. All Prismere Troll figures in the Signature Edition will be signed by either Todd McFarlane, R. A. Salvatore, or Curt Schilling, are numbered 1 to 300, and normally retail individually for $175.00.

• Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, or PC)
• Signed, Limited Edition McFarlane Toys Prismere Troll figure
• 1 of 300 individually numbered, Limited Edition, Todd McFarlane sketch screen-prints
• Original lithograph signed by Ken Rolston
• Parchment map of Amalur's Faelands
• Amalur themed 7-piece dice set and dice bag
• Full set of 40 Destiny Cards
• Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning - The Soundtrack
• Bonus DLC - Fate-Touched Weapons Pack (Increase XP gained from Fate Shift Kills with these nine weapons)

Only 300 produced. Available in the US and Canada only. Release day delivery option for US orders.

Price: $275.00

still debating which I want, I'm a big fan of Mcfarlane so the collectors stuff here is pretty cool to me, but 275 is a big chunk of change, there is alot in each package for the cost though. The a friend of mine told me he got to see the troll in person and it looked pretty high quality which is a good thing.

might have to wait to see what my bank account looks like after christmas though.
Those special editions are looking sweet. I already bought the $150 Skyrim CE, so I probably won't touch this one (thought that troll is badass as hell). The Special Edition is right in my range, though. I think i might actually preorder this.

The only game that could hope to pry me away from Skyrim for a few minutes.


I can't believe there isn't more hype for this game here. Well, I kinda can, but look into this game deeper, people!


well not really...yet
Shame about there not being an Art-Book in one of those editions. Im digging the style of the game. A skyrim sized artbook would have been awesome.


Neo Member
I can't believe there isn't more hype for this game here. Well, I kinda can, but look into this game deeper, people!

Expect interest in Reckoning to jump when the MMO starts getting shown off. I think they're banking on those post-launch sales, actually. Good thing they chose to make a PC version.

The limited editions don't really intrigue me, tbh. Though the dice have my interest. I meant to ask Curt at last PAX East if they're planning a P&P game for Amalur, but wasn't able to.


I really want that $80 with the map, dice and cards. I think this is actually coming out the day before my birthday, so I know what I'm getting!
I will gladly buy the $275 limited edition if they can guarantee me that I will receive an actual, genuine, signed-with-a-real-pen-ink-still-wet Curt Schilling signature. Even as a Yankees fan, I know that guy is THE MAN.


Is there any info on the races available to play as yet?

depends on what kind of info your looking for but here is a bunch of info on each



City and Homeland: Port Myria, Almere Valley

Kingdom of noble humans who personify knightly tradition.

The Almain are valorous humans who embody the ideal of Order in all things. They abhor Chaos, imposing structure and ritual in everything they do. One of the most imperialistic kingdoms in Amalur, the Almain are proud of their long and illustrious military tradition. Their patron deity is Mitharu, god of Order, a belief that guides every aspect of their lives.

Temperament: Noble. Honorable. Brave.

Some Almain have come to The Faelands seeking freedom from the binding ties of politics and religion, hoping to make their own destiny far from the rigid laws of their kingdom. Yet no matter how far they may wander from their homeland, they honor the battlefield disciplines of their ancestors.

Racial Bonuses
Blacksmithing +2
Alchemy +1
Persuasion +1


City and Homeland: Nomadic

Hardy humans known as traders and mercenaries. Though civilized, they are far less formal than the Almain.

The human clans known as the Varani can be found throughout Amalur, as much at home on the high seas as in the villages and outposts they inhabit. Though not as culturally refined as the Almain, the Varani have brought commerce and a degree of civilization to the wilds of The Faelands.

Temperament: Traders. Mercenaries. Wanderers.

While lacking political motivation for involvement in the war against the Tuatha, many Varani have found employment fighting in the mortal armies as mercenaries. The battle-hardened fierceness of the Varani has given them a well-earned reputation as a valuable ally in the seemingly unwinnable conflict.

Racial Bonuses
Detect Hidden +1
Mercantile +1
Lockpicking +2

Ljosalfar(Light Elves):

City and Homeland Fieriol, Glen Suthain (The Eternal Vale)

Light elves from the frozen north. Dedicated to the principle of justice.

A proud and insular people, the Ljosalfar strive to preserve nature and shape it to their will. The light elves resist change, flash-freezing their ancient homeland to keep it in an idealized, timeless state. The Ljosalfar revere the principle of Justice, fighting time and again to defend Amalur against chaos and darkness.

Temperament: Regal. Steadfast. Uncompromising.

The light elves stand with their Dokkalfar cousins to battle the relentless armies of the Tuatha. Though far from their frozen homeland, the Ljosalfar are determined to keep the fortress of Mel Senshir from falling into the hands of their enemy.

Racial Bonuses
Dispelling +2
Alchemy +1
Sagecraft +1

Dokkalfar (Dark Elves)

City and Homeland: Rathir, Plains of Erathell

Alluring, magical dark elves. Inhabit the port city of Rathir.

The Dokkalfar are respected as sophisticated students of magic and diplomacy, yet it is their alluring presence that makes them so compelling. The dark elves are the ultimate manipulators, controlling the actions of others from the shadows. While their reputation for subtlety is well earned, many find the Dokkalfar so charismatic and compelling that they willingly parlay with them--regardless of the consequences.

Temperament: Charismatic. Intelligent. Seductive.

Though the port city of Rathir stands as a testament to their thriving culture, the relentless war against the Tuatha has put a great strain upon the Dokkalfar. The dark elves fight alongside their fairer-skinned cousins, the Ljosalfar, in an attempt to push back the unyielding armies of the Fae.

Racial Bonuses
Stealth +2
Persuasion +1
Sagecraft +1

for extended history on each race you can go here, lots to read if your interested in the lore.


click on the amalur tab on the top left and a drop down will show with lots of info on the Almain, Ljosalfar, and Dokkalfar . Varani coming soon. i'm leaning to the light elves the most right now. back story for them is pretty interesting.


Why do Dark Elves have lighter skin than light elves?

thats a good question and i'm not entirely sure, my first guess would be where they come from could have to do with skin pigment but i'm not sure if that question is answered directly anywhere. I know that the light elves flash froze their homeland but I don't remember if it affected their racial traits. I suppose it would make sense that it would though.

something i'll have to ask on their forums. Going to ask about the pen and paper version aswell, as this is something i'm also interested in. Seems like it would be a waste of potential not to when you have rolston and salvatore attached.

Yo Gotti

This game looks like a ton of fun, if the content is well developed and progression feels good then I'll definitely pick this up.

Not digging some of the character design though, I wish they didn't go for the ultra generic fantasy look. Ex. Dwarves being the typical short, fat faced looking things. Some of the design work just isn't as fluent and elegant as something like Elder Scrolls.


This game looks like a ton of fun, if the content is well developed and progression feels good then I'll definitely pick this up.

Not digging some of the character design though, I wish they didn't go for the ultra generic fantasy look. Ex. Dwarves being the typical short, fat faced looking things. Some of the design work just isn't as fluent and elegant as something like Elder Scrolls.

yeah, i can understand people having that opinion due to mcfarlanes designs usually being different than most, but he explained the reasoning behind the design being that there is only so many people that know who he is from his comics and other things, and this has to appeal to all the people who do not know him. So he did not want to take any drastic risks by making elves hulking giants who breathe fire, and have four arms.

However he did say that if this is as successful as the team hopes then he plans to take alot more creative freedom in the future in terms of the art direction. I like the art design overall but I can see where some might feel it to be a bit generic.
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