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New Mega Man Legends 3 Prototype interview


Its been 6 years :(

It's a FB interview article so I'll post it here:

Today marks the 6th anniversary of our page, and we at GMOTM are proud to present our interview with Chris Hoffman, former editor of Nintendo Power and the only English-speaking journalist to have ever played the Mega Man Legends 3 Prototype. Chris was kind enough to agree to answer a copious amount of questions that we and our fanbase had about various things, particularly his gameplay experience with the Prototype six years ago. Suffice it to say that the end result was quite an informative interview! Chris supplied a lot of information about the Prototype that we previously hadn’t known. As a result, we anticipate that both fans and gaming historians alike will enjoy reading his answers!
So, without further ado, here’s our interview with Chris Hoffman!

- Prototype Questions -


How was the sheer feeling of playing Mega Man Legends on a 3DS? Did the gameplay make the transition well in your opinion?
CH: It was very solid. It definitely felt like a Mega Man Legends game - which is to say, just a little stiff, but still fun. It certainly felt like an authentic part of the series, except for the whole not-playing-as-Mega-Man thing.

What were some of the things that stuck out most from playing the Prototype? Any questions or occurrences in the game that left a mark on you?

CH: The battles against the bosses were certainly the most memorable parts. A lot of it has become foggy over the last six years, but I certainly remember fighting the Bonne mech and the police ARC1 mech pretty clearly, mostly because they were pretty challenging. The biggest questions I was left with were: Why did the Reaverbot army attack the city? What is the connection between Barrett and Barrell Caskett, especially given that Barrell was MIA? And...how would the gameplay between Barrett and Mega Man have been divided up in the final game??

What's it like to be one of the few to experience what a whole community wishes they could have?
CH: I just feel very fortunate for the opportunity.

The Mega Man Legends series is known for its humor, and it looked like the Prototype was going to have some equally hilarious moments. What did you find to be the funniest moment in the game?
CH: Probably the encounter with the Roast Beefs, because of their ludicrous name and the fact that Bullbreath threatens to turn you into beef stroganoff. There was a food stand called "Oh my gyros" that I found amusing too. I'd like to pretend it was an allusion to "Oh, my car" in Final Fight.


Bullbreath of the "Boast Beefs" biker gang.

How far did you get in the Prototype? Did you complete all ten missions? On a similar note, how long were the missions?
CH: Yes, I played through all the missions. None of them were very long, maybe 10 minutes tops. I spent a couple hours playing the game since I had to frequently pause to take notes.

Any clue as to what became of the last working demo of the MML Prototype? Think we could organize our community to ask for Capcom to release a ROM?
CH: No idea, sorry. If Capcom wouldn't release it on the eShop, I doubt they'd release it in any other manner.


Barrett vs. the fan-designed Bonne mecha "Donner Wels."

Did the Legends 3 Prototype seem to have what it takes to capture newer gamers' attention?
CH: Probably somewhat. The fact that the Prototype Version was just a glorified demo would likely be a tough sell for a lot of newcomers. However, the focus on new characters probably would have made it a good entry point even for players who'd never experienced Legends or Legends 2.

Do you know/remember the names of any of the voice actors featured in the Prototype?
CH: No idea, I'm afraid. They were pretty good though!

How was the music in the game?
CH: Can't say I remember anything about the music, so I guess it was forgettable. At least after 6 years.

What is the large brown building located in the center of the town? The one with the big "Mega Man Legends 3" billboard on it.
CH: I think it was the hospital.


The building that this question refers to can be seen in the center of this image. Notice the brown one with the Legends 3 billboard?

Any descriptive introductions for the members of the Garter Family (Rebel Riders)?
CH: According to my notes about the Bright Bats, Grille was their mechanic; Pic was a restless junk collector; Aero was very cheerful; and Barrett is all about "humanity and righteousness." The only thing I noted about the leader, Max, is that he was a hipster with silly hair.

Regarding one of the missions, “Barrett & Friends”, mentioned in the previous interview, can you tell us the detailed settings and the contents expressed in this mission?
CH: It was simply an introductory story mission that let you meet the members of the Bright Bats and learn a bit about the history of Teomo City, specifically that it was founded by diggers, for diggers. You met the Bright Bats in their hideout, the city scrapyard. It was pretty much just dialogue and cutscenes.


Roll encounters a genuine wrench in her plans!

What is the relationship between Roll and Barrett (such as how they interact and call each other)?
CH: Very enigmatic and somewhat contradictory. At first, she's sort of an adversary, as she built the Anti-Rider Crusader for the police to put the Rebel Riders in their place. However, you then end up helping her gather refractors to help power the rocket. It's clear that Barrett knows her somehow, but specifically how is a mystery; Roll doesn't seem to know Barrett, but says he "seems like family."

What and how many types of dungeons were there? Were there any gimmicks in the dungeons?
CH: There were two dungeons (ruins) in the Prototype, as well as the Bonne boss battle which was in an area that seems like it would have come at the end of a dungeon. The ruins were pretty straightforward, with no gimmicks of note. The first dungeon, in the "Rocket R&D" mission had some platforming bits at the end, and the second dungeon, in the "What's in the Box" mission, featured a big room where you had to defeat approximately 14 Reaverbots.


One of the ruins in the MML3 Prototype.

How did Barrett meet with Bullbreath's gang, the Roast Beefs?
CH: The Bright Bats wandered into what the Roast Beefs considered their turf, which was near the docks. This led to a boss fight against Bullbreath.

Did you get the impression that the Klicke Lafonica was in some way connected to the legendary Mother Lode from the past two games? On that note, was the Mother Lode mentioned in the Prototype by name at all?

CH: My notes describing MML3's intro make mention of the fact that Mega Man found the Mother Lode in Mega Man Legends 2, although I don't remember if this was actually in MML3's opening animatic or if this was just what a Capcom employee was telling me while I was playing. Either way, the Mother Lode was a false hope, and the Klicke Lafonica appeared to be something different.


The Burst Spreader in use.

Was there a pause menu with sections for items, equipment, special weapons, control config, and such? Was there anything telling about the arrangement that hinted to specific features waiting to be added?
CH: There was nothing like this in the Prototype Version, although you could switch between the Volcanic Leggings and the Burst Spreader as your special weapon (X Button) in some missions.

How was back-stepping and side-stepping performed? Was it with a fast flick of the circle pad like a smash attack in Smash Bros, or a constant direction used in conjunction with the dash button? Were these maneuvers only available when locked on to an enemy?
CH: Sorry, I can't remember. It might have been the dash button but I'm not sure.
Did you hold Y to dash, or was it a toggle thing? Seems hard to pull off dash attacks with Y as dash and A as melee.
CH: I believe you held down the Y button to dash.

Could you melee in the air, aside from the special weapon kick?
CH: Sorry, I can’t remember.


Barrett performing his signature "Volcano Kick."

When you'd get launched, did Barrett automatically ukemi, or did you have to time a button press? (I've never seen any footage of a missed tech.)
CH: I think it was performed manually, but I'm not 100 percent certain. I kind of recall falling to the ground with a thud more than once during the Donner Wells mech fight against the Bonnes.


Barrett and Max (right) being chased by the Anti-Rebel Crusader (left), a weapon Roll created for the police to more easily apprehend Rebel Riders.

With her parents and best friend/love interest gone and her grandfather having disappeared, how broken is Roll in the Prototype? (On a scale of 1 to "Criminal Insanity")

CH: Not very. She was pretty optimistic and determined. Although maybe her judgment wasn't the best if she was making things like the unstable, overpowered Anti-Rebel Crusader for the cops.

I know that Barrett can dash and run straight up on walls by using volcanic leggings, but was he able to dash sideways, diagonally, or downwards as well? What happens if you let go of the controls while running up on walls? Does he continue to run up, fall off, or slide down just like in the Megaman X series? If that's the case, was he able to perform wall jumps too?
CH: You were pretty much limited to dashing forward toward the screen, if I recall correctly, but you could turn - you weren't forced to go in just a straight line. If you stopped dashing while running up a wall, I believe you transitioned into a jumping animation and fell to the ground.


Barrett running up a wall.

What was the 3DS icon for the Prototype?
CH: I didn't get to see it, unfortunately.

What do you know about Barrett's reasons for helping the Bonnes and Casketts rescue Mega Man? Anything in the game that detailed his motivations?

CH: The Bright Bats, and especially Barrett, saw themselves as a force of good in the city. Roll requested help and Barrett was there to heed the call. I don't think there was anything more detailed than that, other than the mysterious connection that was alluded to. I can't recall why he helped find Tron's Servebots in the "Yes, Miss Tron" mission, but probably for the same reason.

Do you have even the slightest bit of info as to the REAL reason why Capcom canned the game?
CH: Nope. I could speculate, but I have no concrete info on the matter.


I still am very salty about this. We had shit for years with Mega Man Pokemon wannabes, then the only good spin off gets canned. RIP.
Meh...Megaman Legends. After playing Megaman Legends 1 and 2 about a year or two ago, I didn't really feel dismayed by the canceled sequel.

The Misadventures of Tron Bonne was a way cooler game guys. All the charm and adventure of Megaman Legends without the nonsensical and ludicrous story.


Still hurts. I've come to peace with the fact we're never getting Legends 3 but damn it still hurts.


I still am very salty about this. We had shit for years with Mega Man Pokemon wannabes, then the only good spin off gets canned. RIP.

You best not be talking bad about Battle Network (feel free to shit talk 4-5 though!)

Either way though, this will always be a bad mark on Capcom, biggest FU to fans (and Capcom EU blaming fans on not showing enough interest didn't help with that)
What do you think would need to happen, either in the game industry as a whole, or with Capcom specifically, for Capcom to re-invest in the Mega Man series, and what would be a good starting point?

CH: I think it would require a staunch supporter of Mega Man to be in a position of power at Capcom, as was the case when Inafune was there. Or for a company like Nintendo or Sony to co-fund development of a new game.

Kudos to him for saying this.

I still think they should have released the prototype.


Meh...Megaman Legends. After playing Megaman Legends 1 and 2 about a year or two ago, I didn't really feel dismayed by the canceled sequel.

The Misadventures of Tron Bonne was a way cooler game guys. All the charm and adventure of Megaman Legends without the nonsensical and ludicrous story.

Some of us liked the "nonsensical" story.


Kudos to him for saying this.

I still think they should have released the prototype.

I personally think Nintendo would do a fantastic job with Mega Man. No idea if Capcom would ever sell it though (even if that new show fails hard)

Also yeah there was not much to lose by being one of the first games ever on the eshop on a platform that was content starved. Also it was going to be $2....like they would have made money


Glad they cancelled it, Barrett looks awful and switching between characters in adventure rpgs feels terrible. My Legends love will remain intact.
It's great hearing more about the game, but it's absolutely crushing that this will never see any further development and Capcom won't even release the prototype. Gotta hope that somehow somewhere we can get a leak sometime in the future.


I bought a 3DS for this game, and as such it sits in a drawer unplayed to this day. Megaman Legends is one of my favorite games of all time, this still hurts so much.
Sad thing about MML3 is it was never truly alive. Capcom didn't even properly greenlight it. It really was just Inafune's vanity project, and once he left, there was nothing to keep Capcom investing in it.

I love this junk. That's why I enjoy the BS narrative that is Kingdom Hearts.

Except actually "most" of the story in Megaman Legends 1 and 2 is charming and simple adventuring.

When you get near the end of each game, the games start dropping complete insanity upon you. I don't know, learning that Megaman was some
weird alien from a different planet
is the kind of dumb shit I can't really appreciate.
RIP Legends 3.

I replayed Mega Man Legends 1 earlier this year, and it's amazing how ambitious and forward thinking it was for a 1997 game. The main thing that didn't hold up were the controls and camera, and these would be the simplest thing to improve in a successor. I secretly still hold out hope that Mega Man Legends still has a future.



When you get near the end of each game, the games start dropping complete insanity upon you. I don't know, learning that Megaman was some
weird alien from a different planet
is the kind of dumb shit I can't really appreciate.

But that's not at all what happens? No wonder you think it's "dumb shit."


What do you think would need to happen, either in the game industry as a whole, or with Capcom specifically, for Capcom to re-invest in the Mega Man series, and what would be a good starting point?

CH: I think it would require a staunch supporter of Mega Man to be in a position of power at Capcom, as was the case when Inafune was there. Or for a company like Nintendo or Sony to co-fund development of a new game.
Kudos to him for saying this.

I still think they should have released the prototype.
We need Nintendo to pull a Bayo 2 on this game. I'm not exactly still salty, but I get a little wistful every time it's brought up.



Except that's totally what happens.

No it isn't.
Mega Man is a Carbon, just like everyone else, except he was a "special" one created in Elysium, where the last human fled and later died. He's an artificial human, just like everyone else on Terra.


Really nice of them to not even let the masses play it before cancelling it.

Combine that with bad box art mega man in SFxT and Mega Man Universe getting cancelled. What a terrible year.
Really nice of them to not even let the masses play it before cancelling it.

Combine that with bad box art mega man in SFxT and Mega Man Universe getting cancelled. What a terrible year.
Don't forget there being two versions of Marvel vs. Capcom 3, both not having any form of Mega Man whatsoever.

If there's one thing Infinite's got right, it was that X was the first character revealed for it.
I am still just amazed Capcom didn't push through and finish something, anything, and call it Mega Man Legends 3. Or even just buffed the rough edges off the prototype, called it Mega Man Legends 2.9, and sold it on the eShop.


I never understand the rationale behind this cancellation. What was the best selling game in Legend series? And how much did it sell? It never been popular in the first place and (some) people keep holding the grudge on Capcom until now ...
No it isn't.
Mega Man is a Carbon, just like everyone else, except he was a "special" one created in Elysium, where the last human fled and later died. He's an artificial human, just like everyone else on Terra.

I don't really see how that disproves me?
You play these games thinking Megaman is just some robot dude on an Earth looking planet, and then you later learn he's actually from some weird intellectually superior planet called Elysium. Like, you can use different scientific language to talk around it, but basically, Megaman is otherworldly.
I just don't see the point of this kind of dumb JRPG story stuff. Completely contrasts with the colorful and adventurous art style.
Never forget the prototype that was supposed to decide the gate of the game was complete and all Capcom had to do was push a button and it was ready to go.

I have only bought 2 Capcom games since then out of spite. Both Ace attorney games because i wanted to show support for another series that needed it stateside.


It still hurts. I hate that we never got this game.

On the bright side, EXTroopers wouldn't exist if MML3 did. I just wish EXTroopers was localized.


Don't worry guys.

Never forget the prototype that was supposed to decide the gate of the game was complete and all Capcom had to do was push a button and it was ready to go.

I have only bought 2 Capcom games since then out of spite. Both Ace attorney games because i wanted to show support for another series that needed it stateside.

It's been so long that I don't clearly remember the details anymore...wasn't it canned because they didn't get enough activity on polls or the official forums?


I bought a 3DS for this game, and as such it sits in a drawer unplayed to this day. Megaman Legends is one of my favorite games of all time, this still hurts so much.

After Xbox and True Fantasy Live Online, I learned my damn lesson on things like this. :(


Don't worry guys.

It's been so long that I don't clearly remember the details anymore...wasn't it canned because they didn't get enough activity on polls or the official forums?

On the forums yeah, that was the excuse given.
Because as we all know, blaming the fans that asked for a sequel for years for the cancellation, while also not releasing a already complete demo that was supposed to gauge interest outside of the forums, could only be taken in a good way.
I am still just amazed Capcom didn't push through and finish something, anything, and call it Mega Man Legends 3. Or even just buffed the rough edges off the prototype, called it Mega Man Legends 2.9, and sold it on the eShop.
They seem to have done the inverse and made MML3 into Lost Planet: EXTroopers...
Don't worry guys.
I know you are just joking but I do still have hope for Red Ash releasing and being a good game no matter how bleak it has become for the IP. In fact I'm gonna do a quick search to see how the Anime is doing...

Edit: It's looking good but still no date or info.


Man, the fact that they canceled an-already finished demo still bothers me.

The reason for it was even more bullshit, blaming fans for not being interested in form/polls, when they could have at least tested their interested with the demo they already completed.

They just wanted to stop developing Mega Man games.


I know you are just joking but I do still have hope for Red Ash releasing and being a good game no matter how bleak it has become for the IP. In fact I'm gonna do a quick search to see how the Anime is doing...

Comcept has such a messy track record that I don't even know what to think. I'm hoping it turns out well but I have no idea who Fuze Entertainment or Hyde Inc. are so right now the project feels like vaporware.

Edit: huh, that's a pretty recent update so that's something.
The wound will never heal and I've accepted Legends is one of the least likely things in gaming to ever be touched again. Even Megaman as a franchise seems to be purposely dead and buried. At this point I'm simply counting the days until Capcom folds and they bid off Megaman to Nintendo or Sony.

Hey at least the prototype's artwork got me my avatar :)





Not playing as Mega Man was the killer for me. It's a MM game, we play as MM. This game was doomed from the get go with that shoehorned new lead character.
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