Trent Reznor tweets "NEXT WEEK"
Guessing this might be the second part of the NIN trilogy of albums Trent Reznor talked about in this RS article last month.
Trent Reznor Announces Trilogy of Nine Inch Nails EPs
Loved Not the Actual Events after really not caring for Hesitation Marks. Hoping the next two albums are in the same vein.

Guessing this might be the second part of the NIN trilogy of albums Trent Reznor talked about in this RS article last month.
Trent Reznor Announces Trilogy of Nine Inch Nails EPs
"Did you know Not the Actual Events was the first part of a trilogy of related EPs that will be released about 6-8 months apart? Now you do," he wrote in the message. If the band is on schedule, the second EP should arrive around July 23rd, ahead of Nine Inch Nails' first scheduled tour date at FYF Fest in Los Angeles. The final EP would come out by the end of 2017.
Loved Not the Actual Events after really not caring for Hesitation Marks. Hoping the next two albums are in the same vein.