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New Ping Pals from WayForward details direct from Guppi

Guppi on IGN is Matt Bozon, the Lead game designer/creative director from Wayforward, the makers of Shantae.

He just posted some interesting stuff on the new Social Game, Ping Pals for the DS.

"I'm glad its now $19.99....makes it easier to swallow since it is 50% PictoChat. Some other details that seem to have slipped between the cracks:

-time of day sensitive items at the store, ala animal crossing, stocked for a full year of unique items

-192 DS units can connect at once vs PictoChat's 64

-single and multiplayer text-based mini games

-there is a ton of sound customization, which is really fun, and easily overlooked

-you can save pictures that you draw...I believe P-Chat can not.

-if you are alone, you can talk to NPCs or play single player games to build up money"

So budget games ($19.99) are possible right off the bat. Cool news for the success of the 3DROMs Nintendo went with.


Very, very nice. I won't buy this, but it provides a nice alternative for someone willing to shell out the $20.


Can you change colors in PictoChat and this game?

If not, Nintendo should hack that ability into the game before the DS is released.

Kon Tiki

-192 DS units can connect at once vs PictoChat's 64

That is one crowded room...unless.

IMO, they should of worked with Nintendo for Picto-Chat. Or release this as a free download called Picto Chat 2.0, which would be a software upgrade.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
krypt0nian said:
-192 DS units can connect at once vs PictoChat's 64


It does sound better than Pictochat, but I wouldn't buy either game even if they sold for $10, being free is the only way I'd pick up something like this.


Mama Smurf said:

It does sound better than Pictochat, but I wouldn't buy either game even if they sold for $10, being free is the only way I'd pick up something like this.

Mama Smurf said:

It does sound better than Pictochat, but I wouldn't buy either game even if they sold for $10, being free is the only way I'd pick up something like this.
are people still not realizing this though, PICTOCHAT IS BUILT IN to the system, no buying anything for even $10. It starts up when you turn the thing on without a game.


Queen of Denmark
krypt0nian said:
-you can save pictures that you draw...I believe P-Chat can not
That sucks. Being able to save Pictochat images would've brought the DS a lot closer to PDA-like capabilites right out of the box. Even being able to save one image with several things written on it would've been kind of nice to have.

Ah well. Hopefully the organizer software that's coming will be budget-priced, too...and with lots of save memory on the card.

Kon Tiki

human5892 said:
That sucks. Being able to save Pictochat images would've brought the DS a lot closer to PDA-like capabilites right out of the box. Even being able to save one image with several things written on it would've been kind of nice to have.

Ah well. Hopefully the organizer software that's coming will be budget-priced, too...and with lots of save memory on the card.

PP can save pictures to the cards. Where is PC going to save to? :p


jarrod said:
WayForward should move Shantae 2 to DS... might be easier to find a publisher.
True. The earliest days of a videogame system seem to be the easiest for smalltime developers to get in a low profile game. After that, high-profile sequels and licensed nonsense seem to take over. We want Shantae 2!!!!!


jarrod said:
WayForward should move Shantae 2 to DS... might be easier to find a publisher.

funny you mention this... I emailed WayForward quite a while ago and got this:

Hi Dennis,

We still haven’t found a publisher for Shantae Advance, but we are currently talking with a few publishers about a Shantae DS game. We may even be able to piggyback Shantae Advance with the DS game as a package deal. Nothing is set in stone yet, though.

what's with the 64 users in PictoChat? This comes straight from Ninty's press extranet:
Keep in constant contact with your friends with PictoChat – a wireless chat program that’s built into the Nintendo DS. With PictoChat, up to 16 people per chat room can link over a wireless connection and chat and swap drawings all they want. Simply hand-write words or draw pictures on the Nintendo DS touch screen, and then send them to your friends. You can even copy someone else’s message, edit it, add to it and send it back. Draw, doodle, share ideas or do anything else you can think of – dreaming up new ways to use PictoChat is half the fun. Anyone with a Nintendo DS can play with PictoChat – no Game Card is required.
it read 16 to me :-/

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
ImNotLikeThem said:
are people still not realizing this though, PICTOCHAT IS BUILT IN to the system, no buying anything for even $10. It starts up when you turn the thing on without a game.

...I think you misunderstood my post.
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