K kliklik Banned Oct 16, 2017 #101 Well I'm glad. Maybe this'll make stores lower the price of the white PS4Pro bundle and i can upgrade.
Well I'm glad. Maybe this'll make stores lower the price of the white PS4Pro bundle and i can upgrade.
N neilyadig Member Oct 16, 2017 #102 let's make the main focus of the be a logo that nobody knows what it is yet and combine rebel and imperial together. they could sell a ton more with just an imperial version and rebel version... not that difficult. this is really phoned-in
let's make the main focus of the be a logo that nobody knows what it is yet and combine rebel and imperial together. they could sell a ton more with just an imperial version and rebel version... not that difficult. this is really phoned-in
8 8byte Banned Oct 16, 2017 #103 Gross. Very happy with my Destiny 2, clean, unmarked, all white PS4 Pro. Very beautiful.