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New Strider game from Capcom?


Do you think it will happen? I played the first one and the arcade Strider2. They seemed pretty neat to me. If SEGA can bring back Shinobi, I think Capcom can bring back Strider. ..How about a Strider Action-RPG in Castlevania: SotN style? :D

Ill Saint

Strider is one of my all-time favourite games. So awesome...

I really wish the thread title hadn't got my hopes up for that brief moment, though.


I'd love Strider and Bionic Commando revivals. Suppossedly Capcom Studio 6 was making a 3D Strider on Xbox before they were shut down...


Yeah it would be cool, but I kind of like it where it is at the moment, I liked his appearance in the MvsC series though :)

I don't know if it would be cool in 3D


Trevelyon said:
Maybe it was for the best, I don't know if I'd trust the Chaos Legion team with the Strider franchise.
Well, Capcom Studio 8 (the Maximo guys) are rumored to be making a Bionic Commando revival fwiw.

I'd like to see Studio 4 take on Strider 3 myself. Shinobi PS2 felt more like Strider than Shinobi imo, they could take that formula and really run with it.


Very mixed on this. I think we have wait few years and hope the mentality "it has to be 3d" has worn off or 3d games actually get alot better. Cuz 3d strider this point would stick high heaven.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
playing ninja gaiden makes me want a redone strider. i absolutely love that franchise
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