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new Stuff: Nicole Richie on the cover

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Sactown said:
You better be talking about Richie.
If you just looked at the pictures I posted, and you think she's "pretty ugly," then I don't think it is women that you should be rating. She might not be your style, but it's impossible to justify calling her ugly.

I was talking about richie, that woman isn't my type but she is not ugly. I hate the polished clean cut look though



thread derailment : complete.

special thanks to SSX.


ya i seen the Maria Menounos episode of Howard Stern on E tuesday night, she was looking fire, and Howard had a damn good view of her boobies bouncing when he was tickling her

as for nicole richie she is gross
Ok, I just got the issue in the mail, like 5 mins ago, and I must say that they actually made Nicole Richie look not so bad on the cover. I always thought she had a wrecked face. Haven't looked inside yet...
OK WTF. I just checked out the pics inside... I never thought I'd say this... Nicole Richie is fine. At least in these photos. Her body is so nice, especially that ass. Oh man. They somehow made her face look OK! Amazing. The eyeliner job they did really helped out, I think. And the two page shot in the beginning of the article is by far the best. Got that sort of Southwestern look going with an incredible looking ass right there sticking in your face. I rate this as fap material.


People that keep bringing up pedophilia are probably pedophiles. And none of that changes the fact that Nicole Ritchie looks like Gimli.


Holy SHIT! Nicole Riche is fine as FUCK in these new pics!!

Lemme check the TOS before I post em (scans).


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OK, they don't LOOK scanned....


I knew some really cute Greek girls in High School...and my cousin married a greek.

Well they are divorced now, so lets not go into that.

that maria chick is hot... the ONLY thing i can even maybe THINK ABOUT to nitpick is her chin .. but i would ignore that in under a millisecond ..

and nicole .. oh my god .. facelift PLEASE ..


I dont like Maria. She has a scary mouth and reminds me of Michael Jackson, which is no fault of her own. I blame him.
It's too bad I can't find some pics from the Nicole Richie Stuff photoshoot online! 'Cause you bitches would have to shut yer yappers!







Error Macro said:
It's too bad I can't find some scans of the Nicole Richie Stuff photoshoot online! 'Cause you bitches would have to shut yer yappers!

Google: "nicole richie" +stuff
Nintendo Ate My Children said:
The following pic is NSFW, and features eye-searing horror. Especially after viewing the previous Nicole Ritchie pictures. Remember, Maxim/Stuff photo retouchers and expert cameramen could make Rosie O'Donnell look hot.


JESUS! But hey, like I said earlier in the thread, I never found Richie to be hot. Those wizards at Stuff must be applauded for their work. I look at the Stuff Nicole pictures like I do a painting or a cartoon. It's not real, but it's nice to look at.
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