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new tales of rebirth screens/arts


at magicbox http://the-magicbox.com/0411/game041116b.shtml

Every Little Thing will be doing the song for this one, call "Good Night"

images link to the official site.






















some things look fine, others look lame, but nothing looks good.

wonder how this game is going to turn out, in the end.


The artworks of the sacred beasts are really nice imo.
Pretty much the only thing. Still looking forward to play this though.


God, does everything have to be so generic?


I missed you, Tiger-That-Everyone-Treats-As-A-Wild-Beast-But-Who-Is-Actually-A-Kind-And-Gentle-Warrior-Accented-By-The-Raindrops


Ohohoh, I thought you would be late to the party, generic hero with green hair who constantly thrusts his sword out in front of him!


<GirlWhoHeroLoves> "How could you, father!?" <TheKingWhoIsTheGirlsFather> "Do not speak to me as if I am a puny human! You do not know ultimate power!"


<AngstyHeroWithACutePetSidekickWhoMakesWittyCommentsFromTheSidelines> "So it has begun. I was not able to save her..." <CuteSidekickPet> "Cheer up! I'll get her back single handedly if I must! Let me at em'!"


They have entered the shrine of the evil corrupt religion that is the root of all bad things.


"I swear to you, if you don't leave my friends alone... I'll...I'll... *Pssstttttt* ... THIS POWER... It's UNBELIEVABLE! Where is it coming from!?"


<RacistTownsPeopleWhoHateCreationsThatLookLikeCattle> "Get out of our town, lowlives! You've done nothing but cause us trouble!"


<ConstantlyPersecutedCattleLikeTownsFolkBeingCastOutOftheCity> "We have done nothing to deserve such treatment! Please, hear us out! We'll give you our goat milk for ten percent off during holidays!"



Amir0x said:
<RacistTownsPeopleWhoHateCreationsThatLookLikeCattle> "Get out of our town, lowlives! You've done nothing but cause us trouble!"

<ConstantlyPersecutedCattleLikeTownsFolkBeingCastOutOftheCity> "We have done nothing to deserve such treatment! Please, hear us out! We'll give you our goat milk for ten percent off during holidays!"

And it's kind of ironic, because Japanese RPGs typically personify racism like this, using retarded analogies to other creatures/things.


Andy787 said:

And it's kind of ironic, because Japanese RPGs typically personify racism like this, using retarded analogies to other creatures/things.

I know, it's like they don't even get what racism is all about.


Amir0x said:
I know, it's like they don't even get what racism is all about.

I'm not sure if that was a joke or sincere but it's actually true.

Japan has yet to get over racism. There is racism against the bloodlines of Japanese whose ancestors did jobs involving blood (ie, butcher, leather), there is racism against the native people of Japan the ainu, and of course there is racism against the foreigners. Considering how they view racism as 'don't talk about it and it doesn't exist' vs. how the rest of the world views it...it doesn't take a huge leap of logic to realize that the way they would portray the subject in their games is very different than how the rest of the world would.


Bebpo said:
I'm not sure if that was a joke or sincere but it's actually true.

Japan has yet to get over racism. There is racism against the bloodlines of Japanese whose ancestors did jobs involving blood (ie, butcher, leather), there is racism against the native people of Japan the ainu, and of course there is racism against the foreigners. Considering how they view racism as 'don't talk about it and it doesn't exist' vs. how the rest of the world views it...it doesn't take a huge leap of logic to realize that the way they would portray the subject in their games is very different than how the rest of the world would.

I was actually pretty ignorant about the racism situation in Japan. I had heard stuff about it, but that sounds pretty intense. Uh, I...I hope I didn't offend anyone then. Heh, anyway, thanks for the information.


Good Scared Beast designs but someone slap Inomata Mutsumi plzkthx. I love her work but this only gets worse.


Rubeus said:
I am still waiting for a PS2 port of Tales of Symphonia in US, is this confirmed?

I could have sworn that it was confirmed that it was NOT coming to the US awhile back....so enjoy your wait.


The summon monster/god things are the only characters that look cool.

And just like someone else joked about in this topic, going off the anime screens alone, this game is probably going to have every stupid JRPG cliche in the book again like Symponia, including the retarded "everyone who's different from us is evil!" approach to racism. Man, I wish Japanese devs would get good writers for their games
>>>Japan has yet to get over racism. There is racism against the bloodlines of Japanese whose ancestors did jobs involving blood (ie, butcher, leather), there is racism against the native people of Japan the ainu, and of course there is racism against the foreigners. Considering how they view racism as 'don't talk about it and it doesn't exist' vs. how the rest of the world views it...it doesn't take a huge leap of logic to realize that the way they would portray the subject in their games is very different than how the rest of the world would.

Not sure if I totally agree with you in regards to your assessment of the rest of the world. Too often Americans (assuming you are American) link any kind of discrimination to the word racism which is incorrect. The problem stems from the fact that Amerca is viewed as a melting pot with one supra-culture that everyone buys into. Culture is connected to skin color because of the diversity of people in the country.

The type of discrimination in Japan and most of the other parts of the world is ethnocentrism. This is true for France, England, Japan, China, India, even the Middle East (particularly Iran and the Gulf States).

Of course what most Americans lack in internal ethnocentrism is made up for with nationalistic ethnocentrism (the our secular human-rights democratic feministic race-less gender-less idealistic view of how the world should be run mentality).

Just my 2 cents.

And I agree with your second point. The video games we play and the way we are presented ideas is in a manner the developer deems appropriate. The result of which, can influence how we interact with one another. I could get started on the movie "Hero" but I'll spare you the diatribe... :)
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