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New Trailer for Netflix One Piece Released

drowning help me GIF


Costumes always look so fake nowadays in almost everything. It’s like they look obviously just made with wear and scruffs looking unbelievable.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
I watched one episode of the anime....I don't think it is for me. Even though the bikini girl is drawn well.


This actually looks good.

They've done a good job translating the weirdness of the series.
Super clear the people making this know their source material.

It feels like it captures the fun and goofy feel of the original.


Tag, you're it.
I think it's looking as close to the manga as possible without seeming too stupid. I'll watch it.


I don't care what you all think this looks great, exactly what it needs to be. Good vibes all round. Like a sprinkle of One Piece, Peter Pan and Pirates of the Carribbean

It still may not work. Maybe won't vibe with mainstream audiences enjoy. Critics will probably still slam it. But it doesn't seem at all to be from lack of effort or respect for the source material. They even have the equivalent of like season 8 easter eggs in the trailer
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Kid Fury Reaction GIF

Im still going to watch it but this looks bad. Shanks making a handgun ? :messenger_grinning_sweat:
Ruffys character doesnt fit him imo

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Obligatory Dragon Ball Evolution joke.

Anyway. Live action adaptions of Manga actually does quite well in Japan (such as the Cutie Honey ones). But i don't think a western made one has ever worked...


Be prepared for a lot of changes. A lot of cuts and streamlining.

Luffy's delivery is completely different than anime luffy, but I like it, he feels so enthuastic.


Looks like ass. Won’t get a season 2. Netflix will quietly cancel it when this one bombs. Eventually they’ll learn to stop wasting money on shit no one wants.


Sanji and Nami look terrible. Sanji should be this skinny suave looking guy who can easily sweep the ladies off their feet and Nami is complicated. She fits the original vision but she transforms into this big boobed sexy thief/navigator and I just can't see that happening.

I will say that this trailer does get me thinking that they should have went with a goofy over the top power ranger style for this series. It really fits when you think about the big bad guys they fight and you can have Buggy eventually be the Rita Repulsa of the show.
imagine if this has success and they do all the story. In the end it'll be like smallville, 40 year olds playing 15 year olds.


This was substantially better than the first trailer.

Still looks terrible though. Some things just don't work in live action


imagine if this has success and they do all the story. In the end it'll be like smallville, 40 year olds playing 15 year olds.
Definitely would take a minimum ten years but they can easily explain it away as a longer timespan in the show


i love this panel/scene and i hope you are not right becaue it will kill that scene for me
That whole panel and scene is great. I love the message there too. Tough guys don’t necessarily lose their shit over little unimportant things but if you cross the line on family/friends we’ll kill you. Real tough guys can take a little shit thrown at them. Weak guys pretend to be tough and get offended over every little thing.


There’s so much detail from Manga/Anime. It does seem like they care about the original material.

I had no interest and didn’t even see the first teaser trailer. But this trailer got me interested to at least check out the first episode.

Oda did put out a message saying he had a lot of input and even had them reshoot scenes to get it right!

Like a lot of us fan sayings! In Oda We Trust!
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Rat Rage

This looks really, really bad. It looks like one of those real-life fan-made trailers that you sometimes encounter on youtube.

One Piece's Anime aesthetic just can't be translated into a real-life format. It's impossible. I don't get why they are even trying...
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