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New Urbz DS Screens



Seems to be a DS launch title in the US. So that's one confirmed?



ok wow, you're telling me that they get an entire extra screen for menus, and they still have menu icons on the action screen?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Society said:
I do not think it is fair to assosiate EA with anything of quality.

EA defense measures engage!


EA defense measures disengage!

Ahh wth I don't care about portables....


evilromero said:
Why do the visuals look like a Genesis game?

Because all they did was give the GBA version touch screen menus (more or less) so that they could have something ready for launch.

Thank god they won't be doing any crap like that for Need For Speed DS or Goldeneye DS.

(actually does look a bit better than the last time they showed it, though. i'll give em' that...)
Blech, I was one of the ones who bitched about people bitching about how shitty this looked, but it looks even worse with these new sets of screens. *eats his black derby* Mmmm...


Funky Papa said:

Goldeneye DS is fully 3D(and possibly based on the N64 version by some accounts), and there isn't even a Need for Speed GBA version in the works.

We're safe on both counts :)

Funky Papa

Lost Weekend said:
Goldeneye DS is fully 3D(and possibly based on the N64 version by some accounts), and there isn't even a Need for Speed GBA version in the works.

We're safe on both counts :)

It is EA. It is a nintendo handheld. Expect the unexpected :D
kaching said:
So suddenly GBA-level visuals are passe?

No not at all, I thinks more or less the system it's ona nd what it's capable of. Games of a certain generation that look like the previous generation have always been scrutinized.


Society said:
I do not know if this was answered, but can GBA games be made to use DS's features?

I do belive so, yes (atleast Kobun Heat said someone from a NDS show in NYC told him yep)
kpop100 said:
GBA-level graphics have been passe since the damn thing arrived...I mean the games are great fun don't get me wrong.

you know the GAF policy on trolling? So what is wrong with GBA level gfx? It only looks horrid for 3dish titles like Tony Hawk / Rally games imo. Golden SUn + Emblem > YOU

Looks interesting. I think the artist who did the texture/art for the brick (image with the girl walking towards the house) has to be fired. You can't have that much mortar.

You know what? This game looks different and different is good.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
DarthWufei said:
No not at all, I thinks more or less the system it's ona nd what it's capable of. Games of a certain generation that look like the previous generation have always been scrutinized.
But I thought the traditional handheld gaming crowd transcended this kind of rat race mentality?


Passe != ugly I never said that. I find the look of many GBA games to be fine. But it does = outdated. If you think GBA graphics are on par with the pinnacle of what current technology has to offer (or ever did for that matter) than by all means don't let me burst your bubble.


kaching said:
But I thought the traditional handheld gaming crowd transcended this kind of rat race mentality?

If that was true why would we ever upgrade from a GBA? The games are just fine on it..
kpop100 said:
Why do I have a feeling there are more than a few people here who dont know what passe means.

Why do I get the feeling there are more than a few people here who prefer rediculing over enlightening?


kpop100 said:
Why do I have a feeling there are more than a few people here who dont know what passe means.

You do know that it's commonly used to declare something as out of fashion, right? Well, I beg to differ. As a matter of fact, recently the old school graphic trend has become extremely in vogue.


Lost Weekend said:
You do know that it's commonly used to declare something as out of fashion, right? Well, I beg to differ. As a matter of fact, recently the old school graphic trend has become extremely in vogue.

Actually you do have a point there..


"GAF's biggest wanker"
No actually, that's my point. If old school graphics are truly en vogue, why the complaining about "Genesis" visuals?


Because not everyone follows what is en vogue. We all got free will, ya know.

(this is turning into some kinda Philosophy and Group Mind seminar or something)


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Yes, but the complaints seem to be coming from people who have traditionally been happy with old school visuals. So why the change of heart?


force push the doodoo rock
you guys are missing hte point.

The game is ugly. not because of the limitations of hardware, its because THE GAME IS UGLY.
kaching said:
Yes, but the complaints seem to be coming from people who have traditionally been happy with old school visuals. So why the change of heart?

If you want my stance on it. I have never liked the visuals for the Sims GBA, so I'm saddened to find it looking exactly the same. It's not of the style that traditionally appeals to me. I won't be turning it down for that though since the original was actually fun, does that not count for when I argue that graphics don't mean as much to me as opposed to game content? So basically, I do not think it looks shitty because it's 2D and of GBA graphics, but rather because the style is off from what I like.

As for my first response to you, that wasn't from my opinion, just trying to explain to you why many are complaining. In that case, yes I can see what you mean, but I remember there were very few people even arguing about that in the first place in the 2D vs. 3D discussions. So I think such a reacion shouldn't be surprising.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
I don't get the ugly comments either. It's not the height of visual artistry, and I'd agree if you thought it trended towards generic, but its not anywhere near what I'd consider visually offensive. So what's so ugly about it?
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