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new videos of Midway Arcade Treasures 3 [Hydro, Rush 2049 = Dreamcast]


new Midway Arcade Treasures 3 videos:
(new ones marked 8/11/2005 or 8/12/2005)




it's clear to me now, from these new videos, that Hydro Thunder and SF Rush 2049 are based on the Dreamcast versions, not the arcade versions.

edit: Gamespot has longer gameplay movies of Offroad Thunder and S.T.U.N. Runner, as well as a brief new developer interview


That is so lame. What a dissapointment. What is the point of Midway Arcade Treasures if it's Dreamcast games?


Gold Member
Wario64 said:
well, you could buy MAT3 to own the games....legally..

What are you talking about? He obviously has Hydro Thunder and Rush arcade machines in his garage so Mame is perfectly legal for him. :lol


Anyanka said:
That is so lame. What a dissapointment. What is the point of Midway Arcade Treasures if it's Dreamcast games?

yeah but SF Rush The Rock (the best game in the series IMHO) and Offroad Thunder are both based on the arcade versions.

so it's a mixed bag.


Mayor McCheese said:
WTF would anyone buy this with MAME in existence?

because mame cannot run SF Rush The Rock at a playable framerate.

MAME: *less* than 10 fps... average is 4-5 fps

original arcade and MAT3: ~30 fps


I might, because I'm that much of a whore to Rush, but not enough to even look at the abomination that is LA Rush.

Ranger X

How come devellopers are generally so cheap with collections???
I can't get that. They think they're gonna make the cheap bucks? Potential buyers (wich are most of the time older players) generally want THE REAL VERSION.

Why dreamcast versions? wtf? Does this collection had to suck just because the 2 previous did??
Wyzdom said:
How come devellopers are generally so cheap with collections???
I can't get that. They think they're gonna make the cheap bucks? Potential buyers (wich are most of the time older players) generally want THE REAL VERSION.

Why dreamcast versions? wtf? Does this collection had to suck just because the 2 previous did??

The Dreamcast versions are superior to the arcade iterations.


Ninny Prancer
distantmantra said:
The Dreamcast versions are superior to the arcade iterations.

Not really (at least in HT's case). The DC version was inferior in frame rate and graphical detail.


distantmantra said:
The Dreamcast versions are superior to the arcade iterations.

regarding the Dreamcast versions:

SF Rush: in some ways, yes. in other ways, IMO it was not.

Hydro Thunder: overall, IMO it was not


distantmantra said:
The Dreamcast versions are superior to the arcade iterations.

I don't care. It's Midway Arcade Treasures. The whole point is to be able to play the arcade games at home, not an old port of the arcade version. If I wanted to play the DC game I'd play the DC game.
Ironic. People were previously complaining that they wanted the DC versions because they looked better (particularly the water in HT), now people are complaining because they want the arcade versions.

Maybe Midway will be extra kind and include both. :p Me, I'm just happy to finally get a home version of STUN Runner, so I can play it for five minutes and have all my nostalgia destroyed.
Kulock said:
Ironic. People were previously complaining that they wanted the DC versions because they looked better (particularly the water in HT), now people are complaining because they want the arcade versions..

I wanted the dc versions (of rush anyway), thats what we got

good job miday

sales +1
The Dreamcast version of Rush 2049 is way superior to the arcade:

Stunt mode.

Battle mode.

Gauntlet mode.

60 frames per second 90% of the time.

Anyone complaining that Midway Arcade Treasures 3 sucks because it has the Dreamcast version is a misinformed dumbass.


crankypants said:
Anyone complaining that Midway Arcade Treasures 3 sucks because it has the Dreamcast version is a misinformed dumbass.

Or maybe they just want to play the actual arcade game on a collection of arcade games....

Besides, DC may have a bunch of extras but it does not have the Alcatraz track.
Anyanka said:
Or maybe they just want to play the actual arcade game on a collection of arcade games....

Besides, DC may have a bunch of extras but it does not have the Alcatraz track.

Whine whine whine. I'll take an awesome four player split-screen battle mode, a killer stunt mode free-for-all, and a much improved graphics engine over a single race track any day.
I agree with Anyanka in principle, since it's always nice to be able to finally play arcade-specific versions of games at home -- particularly in a supposed pack of arcade games. But in the case of Rush 2049, anyone who would actually prefer the arcade original is a crazy-ass fool, and I'm glad as hell that I'll be able to play the DC version all over again on my PS2!

Ideally they would've included both versions, but if it must be a choice between the two, it's gotta be DC.


Anyanka said:
I don't care. It's Midway Arcade Treasures. The whole point is to be able to play the arcade games at home, not an old port of the arcade version. If I wanted to play the DC game I'd play the DC game.

I very much agree about that.


bobbyconover said:
I agree with Anyanka in principle, since it's always nice to be able to finally play arcade-specific versions of games at home -- particularly in a supposed pack of arcade games. But in the case of Rush 2049, anyone who would actually prefer the arcade original is a crazy-ass fool, and I'm glad as hell that I'll be able to play the DC version all over again on my PS2!

Ideally they would've included both versions, but if it must be a choice between the two, it's gotta be DC.

I can understand most people wanting the Dreamcast version of Rush 2049 because in most aspects, the DC version is better (not in every aspect though).

however, regarding Hydro Thunder, the arcade version is much better - the water looks so much better than the DC version for whatever reason.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
How could anyone argue that 2049 was NOT better on DC? They fixed so many problems and delivered a MUCH better game overall. The arcade version was choppy as hell.

Hydro Thunder is another story, though. The DC port wasn't as good looking and had awful loading times. The framerate was mostly the same, though.

Agent X

Anyanka said:
I don't care. It's Midway Arcade Treasures. The whole point is to be able to play the arcade games at home, not an old port of the arcade version. If I wanted to play the DC game I'd play the DC game.

I agree. While a lot of home versions of games had extra features and whatnot, sometimes you really want to play the arcade version of the game.

What would be great is if they gave you the choice of having the arcade game along with one or more of the home versions. Atari Anthology on PlayStation 2 and X-Box (a.k.a. Atari: 80 Classic Games in One on PC) did this. It was a collection of arcade games as well as Atari 2600 games, and there was some overlap where Atari 2600 games were ported from arcade games. So, for some games like Asteroids, Missile Command, and Centipede (just to name a few examples), you could play either the arcade version or the 2600 version. While the 2600 versions generally didn't look or sound as good as the arcade games, they often had interesting gameplay variations which were different, and sometimes better, than the arcade games.

I was watching some of the videos on IGN. While I never got too heavily involved in Hydro Thunder or San Francisco Rush 2049 to pick out the differences/improvements between the arcade and home versions, I did notice that S.T.U.N. Runner seems like it was sped up from the original arcade game--and I've also read on GameSpot that the developers did indeed speed it up. While I don't mind trying a faster, smoother rendition of a late-80s polygon favorite, I'd also appreciate being able to choose an "arcade-perfect" port that looks and plays exactly the same way that it did back then.


From what I can remember, the arcade version of Hydro Thunder shits all over the DC port .. I think the draw distance was closer, the water looked worst and you could see strange things (like the sun going through a mountain in the background... or through a tunnel) on DC...


Is it possible that while using the DC engine, they'll actually harness some of the extra power the newer consoles have under the hood to address issues like framerate and draw distance?

This Midway collection might be the first I skip. I'm sort of burnt out on racing games, even though it's a decent collection and I love to support the continued existence of these compilations.

Re: the Atari Anthology, I keep looking at it and thinking about picking it up. Don't know why I haven't yet, other than that they're all ancient games... but some of them are 100% pure classic.
Not to mention Hydro Thunder DC only went up to 2 players whereas the Nintendo 64 version was the only home version at the time with 4 player.

Edit: What I mean by this is that of course they'll harness the power of the new consoles to make them even better. Some of you really need to get a grip on this, its not horrible by any means.


Hydro Thunder N64: 20% as good as the arcade

Hydro Thunder DC: 60-70% as good as the arcade

Hydro Thunder MAT3 (PS2, Cube, Xbox) I assume, 60-70% as good as the arcade, like DC :(
Mayor McCheese said:
WTF would anyone buy this with MAME in existence?

why the fuck does anyone buy anything when you can download movies, music, games hell even books off the internet. Fuck, why even buy clothing and food when you can go into the store and steal it?


FYI MAME is an emulator meant to technicaly emulate a game 100% even if that means a game will be unplayable by hardware today and ten years from now.

If you want to play games a normal emulator meant for normal players is better instead of a technical emulator meant for programer geeks..


Ninja Scooter said:
why the fuck does anyone buy anything when you can download movies, music, games hell even books off the internet. Fuck, why even buy clothing and food when you can go into the store and steal it?
:lol :lol
Anyanka said:
That is so lame. What a dissapointment. What is the point of Midway Arcade Treasures if it's Dreamcast games?
Are you F'ning kidding me? me and my wife would spend HOURS playing those games at the arcade. Sounds like someone doesn't appreciate a good honest game anymore.
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