Tom Nook
Until Yukes gets the heave-ho these games will not be worth the time of day.
Presentation was one of the key areas that the developers--a collaboration between Visual Concepts and Syn Sophia--wanted to focus on.
Until Yukes gets the heave-ho these games will not be worth the time of day.
Presentation was one of the key areas that the developers--a collaboration between Visual Concepts and Syn Sophia--wanted to focus on.
Having 8 wrestlers on screen at once is definitely not going to be good for graphics. That's two extra wrestlers that are taking up resources, including their AI. I have defended the mediocre to bad WWE 2k graphics simply because they have to account for six wrestlers on screen and an AI that needs to interact with other wrestlers, ropes, tables, chairs, ladders and more. I imagine that's a resource hog. They scan these models in and we still end up with most of them looking like shit.
Kurt Angle Edition please
It shouldn't do. I just imagine that there's a lot of unoptimsed crap in there considering they've never had a total re-write. If they've finally managed to make things more efficient, it should be doable with ease.
Looking at how the PC version allocates resources, it's never even been well multi-threaded for the multi-core processors.
He's the pre-order bonus and the CE is likely Undertaker themed.
I imagine the lack of optimisation due to years of building on the same foundation is a problem as well. It brings back to the same conclusion. We need a new engine.
Didn't we just have an Undertaker CE? 2k14?
Are any of these WWE2K games on PS4 good? I've avoided them like the plague because I always hear about how dull they are.
Are any of these WWE2K games on PS4 good? I've avoided them like the plague because I always hear about how dull they are.
Know your role, and shut your mouth!Why would someone fight you when you're already in the X-Factor of video game fans?
You missed out on the very bad smackdown just bring it, the first one on ps2 as it featured 8 wrestlers at once.Been waiting for 8-man Royal Rumbles since the old Dreamcast game.
Can we just get WWE All Stars Remasted, please??
All Stars is fucking great. Fuck this 2k sports sim BS. This is a fucking pro wrestling game. I want to throw my opponent 20 feet in the air with my special and do insane moves that look like they should break the ring. Not play your "chain wrestling" mini game for a "realistic" experience.
The boys at NewLegacyInc are going to be pleased.
Some of us don't want outlandish shit though. You don't throw people 20 feet in the air in pro wrestling so I don't want it here. They really need to make that separate arcade game for people who want this.
I don't play these games anymore but being able to watch nL play them still gets me excited.
Which they haven't done in ages and that's the issue I have really. IMO they should do off years or something at the very least.
Same song and dance every year.
It's the sonic cycle
With 2K18's powerful new graphics system you can create the most stunningly realistic Hana Kimura ever seen in a videogame
Can we just get WWE All Stars Remasted, please??
I find the limited reversals and big reversals to change momentum good for putting on decent matches. The rest of the shit around it makes it bad.
Maybe if it wasn't so timing based. I don't know what an alternate would be in fairness but timing when TV latency is a thing seems bad.
Tried playing 2K16 through a steam link once, it was rough lol.
Still will be buggy as fuck.
I don't know, last year, I put every single sweat and tear into this game that my body had to offer.
Created the bugs collection thread on, made huge lists with every single bug and problem and posted it on the official forum with pictures, gifs, videos, descriptions, everything. It was a big well known thread there.
2k17 was the biggest piece of broken shit I ever personally played in the last 25 years of gaming and I'm not even kidding.
Getting the game, starting it up for the first time, starting the universe mode only to have the very, very first match completely broken was the moment where something died inside of me. It was a tag team title match where only 2 of them came out and had a single match for the tag titles, oh boy it broke me from day one.
Bad broken entrances like that from Bayley where they completely forgot to animate her head, over every single big major bug from 2k16 that went over to 2k17 even if they patched them in 2k16! (Serious, wtf)
What made me realize that they used the unpatched 2k16 as start for 2k17.
Over to a broken caw mode, a universe mode that was so broken like never before, ingame glitches and caw downloads that corrupted your complete savefile.
Wait, they do that? Almost every single thing I hear about wrestling games today makes me wonder why anyone would play them.
Off topic but anyone remember this turd?
Still worse than anything Yukes put out.
Blind fanboyism for wrestling.
Off topic but anyone remember this turd?
Still worse than anything Yukes put out.
That wasn't even the worst Xbox WWE game.
That wasn't even the worst Xbox WWE game.
That's from WWE 2K18???
That's from WWE 2K18???