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new yankee stadium to be unveiled in 2 weeks

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folks, the baseball cathedral in the bronx will be no more.

The New York Yankees plan to announce within the next two weeks that they want to build a new, $750 million stadium across the street from Yankee Stadium. The new stadium would be in McCombs Dam Park.
this news makes me extremely happy and extremely sad at the same time. this is the stadium that has continually housed the greatest baseball players the world has seen. its the field where babe ruth played. babe fucking ruth. so much history has happened there it's not even funny. that stadium has seen more magical moments in the past 10 years that most stadiums won't see in its lifetime. on the other hand, this is the greatest franchise in sports history and it deserves a great stadium. the new stadium is guaranteed to be state-of-the-art, with a retractable roof, and have a throwback style to the ORIGINAL yankee stadium.

so far, even though its early to say it really seems this will get approved and it won't cost taxpayers a single dime.

here is a picture of a stadium the yankees proposed a few years ago that was approved by giuliani but then shot down by mayor bloomberg:

its not known if the yankees have kept to this same model as the plan for the new stadium, we'll find out in a couple weeks. so it looks like mystique and aura will have a new home in a few years.

THE HOUSE THAT RUTH BUILT! what about the curse of the bambino???

shit it might be worth scrapping the whole idea just for that.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Wack....that stadium is a landmark.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Miguel said:
Way to Rip off HomeRon Field...er...Minute Maid Park.

Shit it even bites off of Reliant Stadium too.


Matrix said:
Wack....that stadium is a landmark.

yeah it is a landmark. according to new york state law the existing stadium would have to be torn down. hopefully they find a way to make an exception.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
DMczaf said:
So Matrix is a closet Yankee fan? I knew it!

First bionic is a closet Jordan fan, now this...GAF is scandalicious!


Hey Ive been to the stadium many times *I still hate NY* you dont fuck with history.


so far, even though its early to say it really seems this will get approved and it won't cost taxpayers a single dime.

If this is true, then it's more proof that Steinbrenner is the best owner in sports.

All Hail C-Webb

Hailing from the Chill-Web
They need the stadium in Manhattan. Put it on a nice landfill, I want to go to more Yankee games, but the Bronx seems too far away (even though it's not). The Giants also need a stadium in Manhattan.

They're going to have to do something with monument park. Maybe they can tear down the stadium, and build a Yankee museum in it's place.

All Hail C-Webb

Hailing from the Chill-Web
Steinbrenner for Mayor.
I can see it now.

Bloomberg was doing great untill the Taxi and MTA hikes, but now with news of another hike, he's a fucking failure. We need to pull a California.


Joe said:
yeah it is a landmark. according to new york state law the existing stadium would have to be torn down. hopefully they find a way to make an exception.

wtf? thats sad. It's like how some people want to tear down the Astrodome...


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
I had no idea that the Giants played football there back in the day.


for a few seasons during the 70's the yankees played their home games at shea stadium while the current stadium was getting renovated.


some new info:
The new open-air stadium in Macombs Dam Park would seat around 50,000 people and include about 50 skyboxes. The current stadium holds about 57,000 people, but has fewer of the highly lucrative luxury boxes.
The new ballpark "will look like the old Yankee Stadium on the outside," the source said.
It's unclear what would happen to the current stadium, but it would likely be razed.
No taxpayer money is to be spent on the new stadium — although hundreds of millions of dollars in public money may be needed to upgrade a ferry terminal near the stadium, build a new Metro-North railroad stop and construct other infrastructure, said the source.
the team is likely to seek financing for its new ballpark by issuing tax-exempt Industrial Development Authority bonds. Sources told the magazine the facility would generate enough revenue to more than pay off the bonds.
The new South Bronx stadium will be "inextricably linked to a master plan for that community, so that it doesn't happen in a vacuum"
they better pay for it themselves. and why not just renovate the old stadium?
fucking bloomberg. he has nothing to do with this but i just felt like saying that.....
As a hardcore Yankee fan, I must say that this is the dumbest idea ever. I could care less if they paid for it themselves, or if it had a built-in hotel and rollercoaster. The Yankee Stadium in its current form is one of the most important landmarks in NYC, bested only by the Brooklyn Bridge, Empire State Building, and the Statue of Liberty. The stadium was home to some of the best baseball players who have ever lived. I'm all for renovating the current stadium, but I'm completely against building a new stadium, just to keep up with the Jones' (like the Phillies for example). No real Yankee fan would ever support the destruction of the house that Ruth built.


I'm quite surprised that they're tearing it down, figured they'd just re-use it somehow... kinda like how Arsenal in the UK are moving to a new stadium, but they can't tear down the old one because two of the stands are listed as historical landmarks and can't be demolished. So they're planning to turn them into apartments/a museum.

And that "holds less but with MORE LUXURY BOXES!" thing is ass. Typical, but still ass.


The only thing that would make me happy is if the new Yankee Stadium is a hole in the ground filled with shit. I HATE THE FUCKING YANKEES.


I hate the Yankees, and I hate that stadium... but as a fan of baseball, it would be a shame to tear down a stadium with as much history as Yankee Stadium....


Who cares about Yankee Stadium, Wrigley Field anyone anyone? Wrigley is falling apart before our eyes, still want that stadium around just because its been around for awhile?

If the Yankees have a shot for a new stadium they should go for it. Also I think the Mets are supposed to get a new stadium also. Yankees and Mets were promised new stadiums a couple years ago.

Edit: Wait a minute....if Yankee Stadium is torn down does that mean the curse is lifted? It would be so funny if the Yankees get a stadium and then the Sox start winning. Ohh, I can just picture NY now. Lol.


new jersey politicians have said that if new york goes ahead and builds a manhattan stadium for the jets they'll build a nice, brand new stadium for the mets in new jersey.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Joe said:
new jersey politicians have said that if new york goes ahead and builds a manhattan stadium for the jets they'll build a nice, brand new stadium for the mets in new jersey.
which would make sense economically considering the overwhelming fan support given to the Devils and the Nets.


Ryck said:
Make it look like the old yankee stadium.......and maybe

...and then build it on the same site! By George I think he's got it. (don't forget the British accent when reading that.)


Joe said:
so it looks like mystique and aura will have a new home in a few years.
Good Lord, let's not lay it on quite that thick. :p Even for a fan that's getting a little freaky.

I hope the old stadium isn't torn down, but I'm sure it probably will be. People don't have much appreciation of history, most of the time. It'd be a shame to see it go. It's too bad, when you think of all the great stadiums that have been destroyed over the years, the Polo Grounds, Ebbets Field, Comiskey Park, etc.


-jinx- said:
The only thing that would make me happy is if the new Yankee Stadium is a hole in the ground filled with shit. I HATE THE FUCKING YANKEES.

haha, I wasn't going to respond to this thread, but +1 jinx!
I love NY. Where else can cops, firemen, and teacher go years without raises, and yet the city has enough money to put into a stadium (yeah I know they're not forking in 100%, but still...). The fact that most New Yorkers don't care and obsess over sports is also pretty sad.


To be fair, New York's hardly the only town that's like that.

On a related note, I suggest that all New Yorkers do everything in their power to kill the Olympic bid. That goes for any Londoners too. It simply isn't worth it.


Shinobi said:
On a related note, I suggest that all New Yorkers do everything in their power to kill the Olympic bid. That goes for any Londoners too. It simply isn't worth it.

im all for it, nyc needs a makeover.


Makeovers are fine, but I don't know why city's don't just do those without needing to spend more billions on a bunch of facilities that get used for three weeks and are then left to rot. Same thing happened with Toronto and their bid for the 2008 games, tying in this great revitilazation of the city with the Olympics. Just revitalize and be done with it...at least that'll last longer then three weeks.

Check out this article that I read last night...it shows the REAL economic impact that the Olympics have on a city, as opposed to that bill of goods the bidding politicians like to trot out.


BTW, this only counts for the summer Olympics...from my understanding it's possible to make a profit off the winter Olympics.


The Met's have an AWESOME design going for their new ballpark. I absolutely loved it. It grabs me 100 times more than this NEW Yankee design. I think they need to put more thinking into this. And they should especially think about putting trains straight to the park from Queens. Sheesh.

Anybody got pics?


Slightly off-topic, my wife, who works at the MTA, was just handed the "New York Yankee" project--she's in charge of creating the new Metro North train stop the proposed stadium will need.


Shinobi said:
No kidding? That's pretty cool.

Yeah, it's a pretty big deal for her. Currently, she's senior real estate manager for both MTA/Metro North, which means usually she's upstate dealing w/ clients (think Gap, etc.), but she asked for the project on a whim and her boss was like "It's yours". I just hope this leads to some sort of free tickets scenario.


Madison Square Garden for example. Built on an awesome landmark.
The OLD Penn Station was 100x better than the current one.
The world trade center knocked out huge blocks of historical land from old new york.
FortNinety said:
Whenever any part of the city gets a "makeover" it translates to poor people getting kicked out of that area.

Thank you for saying that, and saving me some time. A perfect example of this would be Harlem. When I was growing up in East Harlem, people lived in Harlem only because it was the only area inside Manhattan that they could actually afford. Then the "makeovers" kicked in a few years ago, and now several yuppies and Japanese people who moved from Tokyo have been flocking to the area, so now the rent for a 1-bedroom apartment is about $1200 a month. Trust me, I checked. Another example of this would be certain areas of Brooklyn, where you were once able to get a one-bedroom apartment at about $600 a month a few years ago, have been going up in price dramatically, and have been topping the $1000 a month mark. Here's a good rule of thumb: Build a Starbucks, and the rent doubles.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
FortNinety said:
Whenever any part of the city gets a "makeover" it translates to poor people getting kicked out of that area.
Maybe, but that doesn't somehow mean that a lot of NYC and its infrastructure isn't in need of refurbishing.
Dan said:
Maybe, but that doesn't somehow mean that a lot of NYC and its infrastructure isn't in need of refurbishing.

Generally, that rule of thinking is usually dicatated by how much one makes. I for one can't afford the $1,200 a month studios that are becoming the norm now that the city had been "improved".


Scoobert said:
...and then build it on the same site! By George I think he's got it. (don't forget the British accent when reading that.)
I meant before they renovated it......


steinbrenner has apparently found something in the fine print that will stick half the bill for a new stadium to the other 29 owners...

With his recently revealed plan to build a new $750 million stadium in the Bronx, though, Steinbrenner may have hit upon the biggest scam of his life. If the early reports of the plan to tear down the House That Reggie Remodeled and replace it with a new one across the street are accurate, Steinbrenner looks to have figured out a way to build a new playpen for the Yankees, replete with extra luxury suites and food courts and all the other gewgaws that he's been slavering after for decades...and force baseball's other 29 teams to pay nearly half the cost.

(We now pause for Larry Lucchino's head to explode.)

steinbrenner you evil, evil man....I LOVE YOU
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