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Newspapers...do you read them?

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I tend to read newspapers every couple of days. I like them because they're cheap and I like to read. However, I've noticed that there really isn't one "good" paper to read. I live in NY so obviously I get the New York Times and Post. The Post, I view, as a very gossipy/trashy paper with only a couple of good sections (ie. - Op Ed.) The Times, is much more serious, but blatantly slanted towards the left. But, I guess the NYT remains the better of the two -- you just have to "take it with a grain of salt."


The arizona republic is a trash magazine. I usually pick up a local tribune or something, or the wall street journal.
MIMIC said:
I not only read them, I collect them.

Don't tell me you're one of those crazy people who'll be found dead and half eaten by their cat after being crushed by a falling stack of newspapers.

I don't usually read papers though. I guess I would like my news without an agenda I don't care about editorials or fluff pieces about puppies. Just tell me what happened and where. Unfortunately no such paper exists.


Die Squirrel Die said:
Don't tell me you're one of those crazy people who'll be found dead and half eaten by their cat after being crushed by a falling stack of newspapers.

lol...I just collect the ones that carry huge, front page coverage...usually the ones with the big, historical news events (9/11, Columbia Space Shuttle Disaster, the Blackout, etc.)


I read newspapers pretty thoroughly, but more when I'm bored. NYT every day once I get to college (we get it free).

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Why're you so hung up on whether newspapers are slanted? Of course they are. They aren't like the weather almanac.

I sometimes read the SF Chronicle; it's ok.


asking dangerous questions
I do occasionally.
If I had more time, I would definitely read more newspapers.

As it stands, most of my news comes from checking out cnn.com/reuters.com and from this man:



I read the online versions of the Globe and Mail and the Toronto Star. National Post on occasion, but their journalism bugs me.

Pochacco said:

Yeah, the Daily Show rocks.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
When I'm up at college I read the New York Times daily. Some days I'll read through a really major chunk of it, others just the front pages. I glance through the college paper too, but I find there usually isn't much that's either interesting or relevant to me.


Count of Concision
Zero said:
I tend to read newspapers every couple of days. I like them because they're cheap and I like to read. However, I've noticed that there really isn't one "good" paper to read. I live in NY so obviously I get the New York Times and Post. The Post, I view, as a very gossipy/trashy paper with only a couple of good sections (ie. - Op Ed.) The Times, is much more serious, but blatantly slanted towards the left. But, I guess the NYT remains the better of the two -- you just have to "take it with a grain of salt."

I'm in NY also, and I agree with you that the op-ed section is the only slightly redeeming quality of The New York Post, though it's pretty blatantly rightist in its leanings. Personally, I read The Daily News every day because we have it delivered-- they seem to strike a fair balance most of the times; they're fiscally conservative and socially liberal, if anything. It's still ultimately a tabloid though, and that really hits you sometimes as you read it. They have a tendency to sensationalize things (though not to the extent that The Post does). In addition, I try to read The New York Times at least once a week, usually on Sundays, but sometimes Tuesdays also because of the science section; I haven't picked it up on Tuesday in quite a while, though, so who knows if the science section is actually still printed on Tuesdays. :p Their Arts & Leisure section is great, too.

More than newspapers, I prefer magazines such as Time, Newsweek, US News & World Report and sometimes The Economist. I don't have much time for leisurely reading anymore (or at least I choose not to make time ;)), so I tend to just grab one of those each month when I'm at the newsstand (The Economist is read at the university library, however).


My friend does articles for the local section of the Press Enterprise here, so I read those. But that's about it.
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