LQX Member Sep 25, 2012 #13,951 Fuck negotiations. I much prefer these refs. Games are more exciting.
D darkside31337 Tomodachi wa Mahou Sep 25, 2012 #13,953 GQman2121 said: In your mind...... Click to expand... No thats the actual rule. Simultaneous possession = catch for offense.
GQman2121 said: In your mind...... Click to expand... No thats the actual rule. Simultaneous possession = catch for offense.
B BolognaSoup Member Sep 25, 2012 #13,956 Can u imagine these refs all season. Shit would be total chaos eventually.
O offtopic He measures in centimeters Sep 25, 2012 #13,957 WOW. I'm a total neutral here but...>WOW< I wonder if the NFL office can reverse the result of the game? That was clearly an interception.
WOW. I'm a total neutral here but...>WOW< I wonder if the NFL office can reverse the result of the game? That was clearly an interception.
H Hunter S. Member Sep 25, 2012 #13,958 Funny as hell. This week be crazy. Houston looks like the best baby!
Nameless Member Sep 25, 2012 #13,961 We need a full background check on that ref and his ties to Seattle or any Packer rivals.
Chiggs Gold Member Sep 25, 2012 #13,962 Fuck Roger and his shitty scabs. This shitty league has become the WWE.
B bionic77 Member Sep 25, 2012 #13,965 MiamiWesker said: I can not believe this. ROBBERY. Click to expand... Nah. That was comedy. Packers walking off is the best part!
MiamiWesker said: I can not believe this. ROBBERY. Click to expand... Nah. That was comedy. Packers walking off is the best part!
C commish Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood! Sep 25, 2012 #13,966 Haha I'd kill myself if Pack fan
N Ninja Scooter Member Sep 25, 2012 #13,968 Give it to Marshawn Lynch for the 2 pt conversion. I need fantasy points.
M Major_Lazer Member Sep 25, 2012 #13,971 BEST WEEK IN THE NFL FOR A LONG TIME!!!! Man these scab refs just keep bringing the laughs
S scorcho testicles on a cold fall morning Sep 25, 2012 #13,972 so no extra point? can they just not enforce rules as they see fit?
C cdyhybrid Member Sep 25, 2012 #13,974 Good job Packers refusing to line up. Make the league fucking do something about this.
F Futurevoid Member Sep 25, 2012 #13,976 Folks waiting for the scabs to affect a game. Here it is. Sorry, Ez. I'm generally with you on the overbitching about the refs but this is BAD. Just BAD.
Folks waiting for the scabs to affect a game. Here it is. Sorry, Ez. I'm generally with you on the overbitching about the refs but this is BAD. Just BAD.
M MechDX Member Sep 25, 2012 #13,979 That was an interception Somehwere Ed Hochuli is flexing and laughing
M Mrbob Member Sep 25, 2012 #13,980 Packers walked off the field. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssss. I love it. Fuck these scabs.
M Matrix LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world hed rather have. The problem is, Dwyanes not a woman. Sep 25, 2012 #13,981 WOW THIS ENDING JUST GETS SADDER LOL
N Narag Member Sep 25, 2012 #13,990 squicken said: i'm glad it all ended with ez eating crow Click to expand... I thought he was fine with a Russell Wilson win and a quality entertainment product being put out.
squicken said: i'm glad it all ended with ez eating crow Click to expand... I thought he was fine with a Russell Wilson win and a quality entertainment product being put out.
D Drakeon Member Sep 25, 2012 #13,992 woodchuck said: hahahahaha we'll probably see ed hochuli back next sunday Click to expand... God I hope so. I'm just not sure the NFL gives a shit.
woodchuck said: hahahahaha we'll probably see ed hochuli back next sunday Click to expand... God I hope so. I'm just not sure the NFL gives a shit.
L LJ11 Member Sep 25, 2012 #13,994 They're going to bring the teams out, have to appease the gamblers. LOL
G greepoman Member Sep 25, 2012 #13,995 Replay should've overturned (who aren't replacement), but people will blame the replacements.
R RoboGeorgeForeman Banned Sep 25, 2012 #13,996 The officials don't even know the goddamn rules. This is complete bullshit! I don't even like the Packers...
The officials don't even know the goddamn rules. This is complete bullshit! I don't even like the Packers...
E exarkun Member Sep 25, 2012 #13,997 Thank you so much... SCAB REFS SCAB REFS I LOVE IT. This has been the best last play of the game outside of the Jets and Jags vs the Texans. This is phenomenal.
Thank you so much... SCAB REFS SCAB REFS I LOVE IT. This has been the best last play of the game outside of the Jets and Jags vs the Texans. This is phenomenal.
Z zroid Banned Sep 25, 2012 #13,998 laughing my ass off over here. oh my god this is why I started watching NFL
F Fei Member Sep 25, 2012 #13,999 I feel terrible that GB lost this game, but it's better for the league. If the real refs aren't back Thursday night I will be stunned.
I feel terrible that GB lost this game, but it's better for the league. If the real refs aren't back Thursday night I will be stunned.
B Baconsammy Banned Sep 25, 2012 #14,000 Albert Breer: NFL Network - This is the proverbial "tipping point".