Jason Hanson punting too....
Jason Hanson da god!!!
AJ Green is a good player
I can see very clearly whats wrong with the Oline.
Without Carl NIcks there, Jermon Bushrod is left to defend Brees' left side. Grubbs is ok, but hes not the road grader that Nicks was so he cant help Bushrod, who is a turnstyle and always was. Without anyone bailing him out, Bushrod is just flat out failing and letting defenders have a free shot at Brees and the runners. Might have to put max protect out there and use some chipping to help his pathetic ass.
So the Jets stagger in Tebow from time to time in Game 1, he doesn't do much but Sanchize plays well and they win.
Then the Jets abandon this completely. Sanchize is tanking. And commentators are saying " Sanchize isn't getting into rhythm because of Tebow"
OH REALLY? Play tebow a lot in game 1, Sanchize plays well regardless. Don't play him at all in game 2 and 3 so far, Sanchize tanks and commentators say it's because he can't focus/get in rhythm. Bull.
They literally have giant curtains in the metrodome to cover up empty seats. Mostly for twins games back in the day but still.I bet that is the last time they do a pan of the stands in Minnesota today, holy crap they are half empty up top.
I've been saying year after year that Bushleague needed cutting and has been so ovverrated. How does this man still have a job?
Nice TD. Glad to see Titans showing signs of life.