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NFL 2013 Divisional |OT| Don't Call It A Comeback


Goodell is stroking himself brutally at the thought of Bradys vs Mannings/Seacunts vs Niners as his conference title games.


The game is not even 7 minutes old and people are claiming it's over already?
Jesus. Never change folks!


Colts are worse than the Steelers. Anyone that bad should lose their right to be in the playoffs for the next 3 years.

This game is fucking horrible.

I would rather watch anime tentacle porn or whatever is the worst kind with my grandmother than 60 minutes of this.

Cmon Lurch, turn this game around.


I remember when Blount was had agreed to sign with us as an undradted FA and changed his mind after getting wind of how rigorous Singletary's training camp was.


you think this reverse psychology "hope I curse them please the opposite happen" garbage works with us?

we are the patriots, belichick eats your superstitions for breakfast

Not trying to curse anyone. I said at the beginning of this whole dog and pony show that I'm not rooting against anyone. There's just 3+ quarters left.
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