Only if the play was ruled deadI thought the fumbling team couldn't advance the ball?
Only if the play was ruled deadI thought the fumbling team couldn't advance the ball?
Blocks or play ruled dead.I thought the fumbling team couldn't advance the ball?
Love their sad theme
Stacy looking like doo doo.
That is a TD. Fire Mel Tucker that never would have happened under lovie.
It's so blatant that the refs have an agenda here its really pathetic.
That is a TD. Fire Mel Tucker that never would have happened under lovie.
pats would be so fucked without edelman, blount, and vereen.
Last 2 minutes of the game, or if the play was blown dead.I thought the fumbling team couldn't advance the ball?
Never understood why players dont play till the whistle is blown
Never understood why players dont play till the whistle is blown
Every girl in the bar is fat.Oh my god, the entire bar went wild as soon as they realized what happened. Klinger's in Milwaukee.
I fucking love you we're beating the chargers at home using a backup team what in the shit is happening
lol chargers lol
Live ball, how dare those fucking refs not call the whistle and help Chicago out!