bitchmade defense
That's all Madden mode. He's legit..Why if Gostkowski allowed to play on Rookie mode?
Pats fans complaining about refs.
bitchmade defense
Pats fans complaining about refs.
Wtf can somebody explain the clock thing there? What actually just happened? Does an excess timeout not stop the clock? what is going on?
Aww.Have you watched this fucking game?
I was ready to go to bed. That's the real tragedy here.
My stomach is seriously sick. I don't know. Our team is held together by pieces of string right now.
Patz gotta stay undefeated just two more weeks
How do you fuck up clock keeping so much.
Pats fans complaining about refs.
Refs got it right. BB was wrong.
There was no clock error. After an excess timeout, the clock starts on the ready for play not the snap. Clock started correctly.
How does Brady luck into the two best kickers ever back-to-back?
Time for him to Dick kick Brock?Gostkowski is pretty good at kicking footballs.
Pats fans complaining about refs.
Wish they would just college overtime, the NFL rules are dumb. The whole scoring a TD thing wins a game, but a field goal keeps the game going makes no sense.
Ah, ok. And here I was, hoping that the gloves had come offRefs were correct in winding the clock:
Dean Blandino ‏@DeanBlandino 1m1 minute ago
On excess TO clock was running when injury occurred so it is wound on Referee's ready for play once injured player is removed.
My stomach is seriously sick. I don't know. Our team is held together by pieces of string right now.
I don't think his point is that the refs aren't fucking the Pats over. His point is that the Pats are usually the ones benefiting from the refs fucking people over.Have you watched this fucking game?
I know you can walk with an ACL, but it's good to see its not the patella.