Can we stop footballing for the day?
Dude is a real Paxton Lynch.Wait hold on. Osweiler is 6'8"?
Edit: 6'7", wow. I knew he was tall, but not nba forward tall.
Collins put on them Larry Allen cleats today
Allegiance Chart is complete, just need the list.
I see what you did there..Dude is a real Paxton Lynch.
Longtime Panther fan here. Remember watching games with my dad back in the day. Those old Tim Biakabatuka teams were something else.
That's just the size of his penis.
8x11, here you go
8x11, here you go:
Seattle Seahawks _woLf
Seattle Seahawks CdyHybrid
Seattle Seahawks Hitokage
Seattle Seahawks Rando14
Seattle Seahawks WesternHeretic
Ravens, but I insist BLarry gets top billing there because the gif perfectly represents his feelings
Longtime Panther fan here. Remember watching games with my dad back in the day. Those old Tim Biakabatuka teams were something else.
Damn, only one Titans fan?
Allegiance Chart is complete, just need the list.
Allegiance Chart is complete, just need the list.
As far as I know.
That's the list as most current as I have it.
Cut it off around the first game so it wouldn't be a list of bandwagons.