I shit in your coffee!Fuck the Pack
I shit in your coffee!
Matthews is better than Murray.
Fuck the Pack
Being a Brown's fan is just horrible.
It's like having a friend who you really, really like, but every time you hang out, he just kicks you in the nads. Each week you think maybe this time he won't do it....but he does. And like an idiot, you keep going back for more. Pretty soon you just have to learn to like the feeling.
Only person in the world who disagrees is Chip Kelly
Yeah doesn't seem that bad of a plan if Thomas helpsThey move Green around, but they keep Sherman on one side. Silly because they're just targeting Cary Williams. Safety help on that play was non-existent, though.
looks like the bengals are just going to throw at whoever cary williams is covering
It's so annoying. Matthews gets 36 yards on like 3 rushes, put in Murray who gets 4 yard on 3 rushes.
NO. STOP.Eagles O-line is actually looking decent this week