NFL 2015 Week 9 |OT| - A Fraud Had Some Nice Shoes



A North Palm Beach man was arrested after yesterday’s Giants win in Tampa, and police say he was attempting to set fire to the huge Buccaneers flag that flies over team headquarters.

Daniel Justin Raboni, 32, was booked on charges of criminal mischief and possession of marijuana, one of which may have informed the other. According to the Tampa Tribune, he’s a Giants fan.

Police say the flag is made of flame-retardant material, so it didn’t ignite and only melted a little. Good thing; that fucker is HUGE:

"The 80-by-50-foot, $26,000 flag hangs from a 15-story pole at the team’s headquarters."



This is one of the least interesting matchups there could possibly be. You guys can't stand NFCE games; I've never understood why the Bears get all these prime time games. How many times do we need to see Cutler pout on the sidelines?


This is one of the least interesting matchups there could possibly be. You guys can't stand NFCE games; I've never understood why the Bears get all these prime time games. How many times do we need to see Cutler pout on the sidelines?

Chicago is a huge media market.

I forgot the game was on.
Same...I'm talking more than normal trying to pick this place up. I'm not quite a firestarter though. Maybe I'm not trying hard enough.



Boy, those Packers sure suck this season, huh? Looks like Brady gettin' that MVP crown again.
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