Let's talk about the Texans history insteadCowboys history, blah blah blah
Well that was fun
Let's talk about the Texans history insteadCowboys history, blah blah blah
Seattle waived Christine Michael?
Damon Wayans is disappointed.
Poor guyBrowns should claim him
So Romo gave a non-statement and people are losing their shit over it? The way people are responding you'd think he retired or died. He's being diplomatic. What do you expect him to say? "I'm healthy I better play!"?
I am taking about 2008-2013, a competent FO would have addressed the needs of the team sooner. They admitted themselves they failed Romo.
Edit: This is bullshit, Dak keeps the job because of some magical chemistry/momentum, not because he is the better QB. Better player should play period. Anyway it is done, controversy over, no point in rehashing it.
Eagles about to sign Michael and he'll be our best offensive weapon.
Romo is done as a competent NFL QB. He gets hurt far to often and is out of shape IMO.
Any which way you cut it that's a guy out of shape. Probably one of the reasons he gets hurt. Dak is the guy but one way or another it doesn't matter because the Lions are winning the NFC Championship.
He's stepping out of the way which is commendable. He's handled this whole situation as well as anyone could hope for.
You will witness it on Sunday. Sherman may get bored covering our WRs.Grim times for the Eagles offense.
Lions fans talking about out of shape QBs. The nerve.He is wearing padding. He is not out of shape.
He was already out of the way. How much of this was his choice?
He is wearing padding. He is not out of shape.
Which one of you did this?
So in today's we are fucked political news...
Tom Cotton is supposedly the candidate for Secretary of Defense..
Bread you jerk, you forgot the most pivotal moment in Texans history:Let's talk about the Texans history instead
Well that was fun
And Ted Cruz on the Supreme Court..notorious racist Jeff Sessions will get "whatever he wants"
Fucking two team bandwagon fan disgusting!
Grim times for the Eagles offense.
I think it was more about the... presentationMan that Romo video is pretty raw. Respect for the man in taking a back seat. It's Dak's team (for now)
And I can't believe you guys were complaining about Zeke writing out his thoughts on the QB situation. God forbid too much football talk
You don't like wr screens?You have no idea
Fucking two team bandwagon fan disgusting!
Next yearWhen's the offseason thread going up
When the worst team is eliminated from contentionWhen's the offseason thread going up
I think your outSNESing SNES..As an experiment I gave a Floyd a hype ass Nintendo Switch shirt to notice if it would do or change anything.
He told me that he immediately notified a difference. They stopped spitting in his coffee at Dunkin Donuts and later he noticed an improved in his dating life. With a Switch shirt now they just politely tell him they are not interested where before they would get a friend to tell Floy they had died and that he was not invited to the funeral.
Look what it did for Floy. And that was just a tshirt. Imagine what it will do for non Floys You all will probably be having to turn down threesomes because they will get boring after the first couple and you need more time for Zelda.
This is actually trueWhen the worst team is eliminated from contention
Browns can still win the division so not yet
As an experiment I gave a Floyd a hype ass Nintendo Switch shirt to notice if it would do or change anything.
He told me that he immediately notified a difference. They stopped spitting in his coffee at Dunkin Donuts and later he noticed an improved in his dating life. With a Switch shirt now they just politely tell him they are not interested where before they would get a friend to tell Floy they had died and that he was not invited to the funeral.
Look what it did for Floy. And that was just a tshirt. Imagine what it will do for non Floys You all will probably be having to turn down threesomes because they will get boring after the first couple and you need more time for Zelda.
The Switch not delivering is as likely as the Browns making the playoffs.It's gonna be bad for Uncle bionic when Nintendo botches the Switch launch...
Very very bad
He still has the Lakers..It's gonna be bad for Uncle bionic when Nintendo botches the Switch launch...
Very very bad
:jncAs an experiment I gave a Floyd a hype ass Nintendo Switch shirt to notice if it would do or change anything.
He told me that he immediately notified a difference. They stopped spitting in his coffee at Dunkin Donuts and later he noticed an improved in his dating life. With a Switch shirt now they just politely tell him they are not interested where before they would get a friend to tell Floy they had died and that he was not invited to the funeral.
Look what it did for Floy. And that was just a tshirt. Imagine what it will do for non Floys You all will probably be having to turn down threesomes because they will get boring after the first couple and you need more time for Zelda.
Is that gonna be made into a rug?The Koala Bionic bought with his Nintendo money