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NFL Offseason Thread 3 - Drowney for Clowney Mech, Drowney for Clowney.

Current mock draft list of participants stands at:

Texans - MechDX
Raiders - Mackenzie 92
Cardinals - Squall ASF
Rams - Squicken, B For Bendetta
Ravens - BaltimoreLarry, Nakazato, Bolt Vanderhuge
Dolphins - chris.trejo, The_Darkest_Red
Bucs - Syrinx
Jaguars - Tamanon
Giants - BigAT, Futurevoid, Draxal, Striker
Browns - BlackGhost, Wes
Patriots - Colasante, ActStriker, Sanjuro
Eagles - gutshot, yankeehater, jabee
Cowboys - Farooq, cashman
Vikings - Slo
Steelers - DeaconKnowledge, AngmarsKing701
Jets - Fox318
Seahawks - cdyhybrid
Bills - LJ11
Packers - Buckethead
Panthers - Grover Cleveland
Bears - minx88
Saints - cajunator
Falcons - Talon
Lions - Plinko
Niners - Doomsayer, bigosc2k
Chiefs - Tragicomedy

Drafting in spirit only:
Redskins - Ninja Scooter
Colts - Narag

Proposed Rules/Guidelines:

- The purpose of the mock draft is to try and best simulate what will happen on draft day. Those choosing for their respective teams should be looking to choose a player that they think their team will choose. This is not about who YOU want, its about what you think your team will do on draft day.

- No trades. Up or down. Too complicated and it will slow things down.

- Your group has four hours to make their selection from the time your team is announced to be on the clock. The only exception is if your teams clock starts overnight of course. At which point the clock starts running at 10AM EST the next day.

(the times here are up for debate by the way, if you guys think 4 hours isn't enough time we can extend it. I'm going by how it was done last year).

- If there is no selection made in that four hour time period 1 of two things could happen:
1. I make the selection for you.
2. The selection can be opened up to NFL-GAF in general and the consensus pick wins. The person with the best write-up for the consensus pick gets it added to the mock draft.

- Along with the regular team/group selections, I was thinking maybe the general NFL-GAF population can do the consensus pick anyways. Maybe have a secondary mock draft happening during that 4 hour time period between actual team/group selections? Just throwing that out there.

Join the Mock Draft Assholes. Chiefs fans i'm looking at you.


Cardinals sniiiiiitches!

Has anyone seed the Raid 2? That my reward Friday morning for being a good catholic..

I did, asked if anyone in here was going to see it but doesn't seem many have. Anyway my take:

The director clearly tried to make this entry a more complete film. There is a lot more story than the first movie and it tries to be a more dramatic film and also artistic with its cinematography as opposed to a bare bones action flick like the first entry. On these points it does not always succeed as after the fantastic beginning, the middle portion of the film slows down and concentrates more on the drama than action with a few entertaining exceptions but the end....my god is the end stretch amazing. I left the theater with a smile on my face and it was the most entertained I had been from a movie in a while. Once that last third kicks in, it doesn't let up and the final two fights are amazing. The final fight is long and satisfying and I challenge anyone to name one that's better.

Despite the increase in plot and drama, it felt as if this one had even more combat than the first and it's astounding that with the number of fights that take place, the choreographer somehow comes up with original moves and finishes through out. I honestly felt that the final two fights are worth the price of admission alone and if you're looking for amazing combat and choreography again, this is the sole movie that I feel surpasses the first film. The catch is that you have to sit through the drama stretch to get to the cream of the crop but there is certainly some great stuff early and I actually didn't mind the middle of the film as some do. I enjoy the protagonist and am invested in his experience and the movie's premise is decent enough with such great action interspersed through out. Let me just say when you get to the car chase, strap in- because the ride is about to get fantastic.


Make a new song!!
I work on music every day!

intoxication helps for writing, but all the writing for the newest song has been done for a while now

it's just the tedious recording/rerecording/mixing/remixing and mastering I have left - those decisions are best made sober!


Q: How's the thumb?

A: It's going well. I had surgery (Dec. 24), and I maybe got (the pins) out late January. Almost immediately, I pushed myself to get back in the gym. Obviously, I had to be smart. But it started with rigorous physical therapy three times a week, just because the way in which I injured it wasn't like a typical break. We had to treat it more like a soft tissue injury — like an ACL or something — because it required manipulating the tendon and drilling holes in bones and this and that. I asked my team doctor, 'When's the last time you've seen this injury in the NFL?' Couldn't name one. That's why when you deal with (people saying), 'Brett Favre played with a broken thumb.' My thumb was out here! There's no way he could even grip a ball! I have a good picture I can show anyone of my hand after surgery. It honestly looks like I got a shark attack.

Q: But when training camp opens in late July, you're full-go?

A: I'll be ready.




Fuck this new thread assholes.,


We still have a week to make mech do the right thing. Let's not lose heart just yet

Mech died after last season Squick.

There are just some seasons a man doesn't deserve going through.

Unless you're getting Luck the following season.


Mech died after last season Squick.

There are just some seasons a man doesn't deserve going through.

Unless you're getting Luck the following season.[/SPOILE]
Like Luck, JFF will redeem mech's sins. If not then he will watch him dominate with the Jags



When a young Houston Texans fan told his peers at school that he was friends with star defensive end JJ Watt, they apparently didn’t believe him.

So Watt gave them undeniable proof, posting a video on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter of him and his “buddy” Trey.

“All those of you who don’t believe that Trey is my friend, believe this touchdown,” Watt says in the video.

Trey then threw a beautiful TD pass to the NFL star. We’re guessing his friends at school won’t be second-guessing him any longer.

I just love this guy!


worst OP in an OT I have ever seen. Other than that big-ass quote, its two sentences.

I pay for better than this.


My state's politicians are doing something stupid again.
I still think its funny that people continue to hate on Louisiana. Have fun with that I guess.
Ill think of them while Im thoroughly enjoying life I suppose.


I have come to know many great Pats fans, so I can no longer say they are the worst. But I can agree with "Fuck the Pats" like The Bible says


Alex Marvez @alexmarvez
Source tells @FOXSports1 that @Atlanta_Falcons are traveling to @FootballAU today for private meeting with T Greg Robinson

hands off, swine
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