The greatest game to ever release.
Preach Dutch! That and Final Fantasy 7
The greatest game to ever release.
All these years and I still don't know what The Last Guardian is lol.
It will be funny when Last Guardian isn't cancelled; it just stinks.
SOCOM II remake
kill the industry
Towers is a symptom of a bigger disease - Ubisoft have not moved on from the open world design of Assassins Creed 2 for years now and it's infected their other properties. Far Cry 3 and 4 are interchangeable experiences. As are so many Ubi open world titles. Watch Dogs? New IP, right? Same shit. Hack these points to unlock the map, go do the same menial tasks over and over again. Yeah you can knock ALL open world games for this to an extent but Ubi games are especially bad about it. It's goddamned boring!!Ghost Recon looked awesome. Not sure I have as big an issue with climbing towers as FV does. Ass Creed stalled out b/c of crappy missions and storylines; not b/c of the traversal. Haven't played FC4 but the towers didn't bug me in FC3
It will be funny when Last Guardian isn't cancelled; it just stinks.
SOCOM II remake
kill the industry
It will be funny when Last Guardian isn't cancelled; it just stinks.
8 x 11 printer paper is adorable.
I won't lose hope!Greg...just join Kave in the shame circle now so you don't get hurt later.
Slant Six turned that shit around - another studio can do it too!Come join the socom fans in insurgency Socom source mod, and hhour on steam.
Zipper is dead. its not happening.
Why do you do this to yourself my dutch friend?
By whoI've been told on numerous occasions that I am a special snowflake.
This year will be the year.
It must. Sony must realize that they can't stop this train anymore and drop the bomb on us tonight.
By who
I've been told on numerous occasions that I am a special snowflake.
Just saw Daunte Cullpepper at my movie theater.
Any Phins fans want me to tell him how appreciated his career with the Dolphins was (Vike fans I'm down to put in voice for you as well?)
Manning on Kubiak offense: If I said I liked it or didnt like it, it would be mean that I thought my opinion mattered, which it doesnt."--Twitter
Peyton no likely Kubes offense
You probably shouldn't bother him when he's working.
You probably shouldn't bother him when he's working.
You probably shouldn't bother him when he's working.
8 x 11 printer paper is adorable.
You probably shouldn't bother him when he's working.
You probably shouldn't bother him when he's working.
You probably shouldn't bother him when he's working.
DAMNYou probably shouldn't bother him when he's working.
That was about a week ago, and was said during a press conference.
Couple caveats to this, as I watched the whole press conference at the time.
I'm paraphrasing all the stuff he said in relation to that question in the same presser:
He basically said it's June and his not giving an evaluation of the offense at this point.
It's his job to execute the offense, he's learning the requirements of the offense and how he fits into it, he's working on it and is committed to making any adjustments he has to make and offering what he does well to the offense. Looking forward to making it work.
I think he's fine with the offense. He does seem a bit uncomfortable giving up reps though. You can tell he wants the reps, and when they give him the day off he looks like a dog waiting to go outside and play in the backyard.
Good hair is more important than a big forehead. Peyton needs to recognize
Matthew Stafford is on the cusp of greatness.
Real recognize real.
The torch will be passed Week 3 from Manning to Stafford. Manning had his time, now it's time for the 27 year old to run this league.
-Steve Young
I’ll do a more comprehensive blog post later this evening, when I expect the National Hurricane Center to upgrade the Gulf disturbance into Tropical Storm Bill.
What torch is Peyton holding exactly? You don't wanna do well in the playoffs?
I hope you fucks are happy! BOB is mad as hell and he is taking his frustrations out on all those fucking Cowboy fans in Corpus!
I hope you fucks are happy! BOB is mad as hell and he is taking his frustrations out on all those fucking Cowboy fans in Corpus!
What torch is Peyton holding exactly? You don't wanna do well in the playoffs?
I just know I'm going to lose power.
I just want one Super Bowl, Dutch. That's all. Just one and I'll be content.
Good hair is more important than a big forehead. Peyton needs to recognize
Real recognize real.
The torch will be passed Week 3 from Manning to Stafford. Manning had his time, now it's time for the 27 year old to run this league.
-Steve Young
What torch is Peyton holding exactly? You don't wanna do well in the playoffs?