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NFL Offseason Thread |OT4| Cheaters Cheat.


I'm tired of people focusing on confederate symbols as opposed to the real issue of people being driven to kill 9 black men and women due to their ingrained hatred of a particular race. But if we want to cheer on the removal of certain artificats while completely ignoring how palpable race relations continue to be, well then ok.

Agreed. Apologies all, I'll revert back to lurking.

lol U wot m8

I don't think it should be removed off Amazon or app stores, but should it be in front of a government building? Hell fucking no.

I like how you didn't even know my stance and just assumed otherwise.


Maybe he just doesn't like sex. Maybe there's a reason why his wife divorced him. Maybe he only likes to be fucked by Malcolm Butler.

Please don't bring your hateful speech in here. We founded this great country to escape religious persecution - if Russell wants to respect his vows to Tebow, he shouldn't be made fun of for it.


Bullshit he's not fucking her.

I actually believe Russ here, idk.

I don't think Tim Tebow is a virgin, I'm still waiting for that one chick to come out and out him as a sexual deviant.

At the same time though I would be really surprised if he was, this man is literally worshipped by almost every Christian woman in Gainesville. And I know how freaky some of those girls can be! A-hey-hey!


They're uninhibited because of Lucifer, which by the way, when does that show start? FOX better not cancel that.

How come there's still no details on how bad the fireworks injury is? Now they're saying he could miss the beginning of the regular season.

Spin is slandering Tebow. This must not stand!
I actually believe Russ here, idk.

I don't think Tim Tebow is a virgin, I'm still waiting for that one chick to come out and out him as a sexual deviant.

At the same time though I would be really surprised if he was, this man is literally worshipped by almost every Christian woman in Gainesville. And I know how freaky some of those girls can be! A-hey-hey!
Most Christian women I've ever met are in the church to begin with to get away from the dirt they've been up to. Christianity is the best cover possible!
But seriously, some people don't want players to be humans. Like when they aren't playing they should be cryogenically frozen and stored in a vault filled with styrofoam peanuts. There were people griefing Cam Newton after some lady hit him with her car because his truck was too big, ffs.

I'm willing to forgive these infractions. We're all just Tebow's children!
I can only comment on each situation as its presented to me. If the reports come that JPP put on his Superman cape and saved a crate of infants who were about to be killed by a Uhaul full of fireworks, then I'll be the first to say I was wrong! I'm grown up enough to do that. As presented, well you got my view on it.

The rest of your list? I mean it's great that you decided to go on a big high horse rant at me about players being human beings and people's perceptions and what not but I didn't say fuck all about Cam Newton, etc. or anyone else that decided to partake in your list of discretions. I commented on the JPP situation. That's all.

Since you opened it it up though, yeah these are young guys who do dumb young guy things but the rest of us don't have 15 million dollars riding on our hands/fingers. I /want/ to see him get paid and remain a Giant! The frustration is pure selfishness on my part in that regard and I fully admit it but still maybe it's not entirely wrong to push for more grown up behavior from these guys and yes that means calling out stupidity when it's staring you in the face. Jason Pierre Paul is a 26 year old man in line to get a massive contract. Not a 16 year old kid who fucked up and blew off some poppers with his buddies after school. To equate the two is remarkably silly.

People do dumb shit. It happens and he'll move past it but the only person JPP needs to get "forgiveness" from is himself if this silly situation costs him some pretty significant money.


According to chuckddd, he never learned 2nd grade reading comprehension in school.

Williams is not a 100 pound woman hitting a 6'5 280 man. Two totally different scenarios.

But hey, continue to be an ass and take things out of context!

Forgot to mention the nephew and mom being fearful of Solo and them cutting her out of their lives at one point. Not to mention her breaking the broom over the moms head and attacking the nephew.

Just because she's of smaller stature (relative to the nephew) doesn't absolve her of assault. You can't go around putting your hands on other people in a violent matter in our society. That's the point you continue to miss. If I come over and slap the fuck out of you, it's not alright because we are the same size, or if you are bigger than me. It's still assault. It doesn't matter if I was a woman, or if I caused physical damage, it's the intent.
Everyone should be held to the same standard, regardless of sex, size, etc.
wait is jesus ok with blow/hand/rim jobs? wussle has to at least be getting those and then i guess using a ribbed dildo on her? cause otherwise she is fucking some other dude(s)
A quick and very rough draft of a possible banner.


No more Swaggg
Hoyer starts we are fucked
Andre is a whiny bitch who quit on his team
Actually resigned our good free agents
Hard Knocks incoming
Watt is dating some blonde bimbo
Signed free agent Rahim Moore at FS from Broncos
Move Andre Hal to SS from CB
Defense will be a top 5 unit
Fuck the Colts

BOB's influence is spreading? I mean, the Astros have the best record in the AL and have been sitting in 1st place for almost 3 months or something.

Fucked, huh? Sure doesn't sound like it from that one writer on NFL . com saying that Hoyer is the "King of Texas."

Man, he fucking left the team? What happened? God fuck it, this is why I have continuously said FIRE GM Rick Smith, there's not enough offense to get people to help. I hate him so much.

Resigning good players is always good.

I heard that the Saints backed out of practicing with the Texans primarily because of that shit. Fuck reality TV cancer, and good for Watt for saying that he'd rather not have ANY distractions. Who's idea was it to bring that shit over here? How's that even good TV?
Anime is superior to reality TV every hour every day.

Blonde is the best. O////O
Unless they totally look awful...

Will that help the shit secondary? Aside from raging at the offense, I have been raging at how atrocious the secondary is for consecutive seasons now.

Is Hal better at Corner?

Yeah, I hope they're an elite unit, and I hope Watt smashes single season records and gets the MVP he deserves. Watt and Harden have a lot in common. :p

Exactly my words. Aside from the Pats, I always pray for the Colts to be obliterated.
Every season is a massive, total, abject FAILURE by NOT winning at Lucas Shit Stadium. No excpetions. Win at their place and then I'll be happy.
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