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NFL Street2 video!


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I was thinking that TO would get POPPPPPPPED ... if that is TO... am I the only one that thought that?? guess so... and I hope this does not go from most anticipated to least wanted in as quick a time as the first one did.....


I really never figured out why interest dropped in this one so fast last time...maybe cuz of no tourney options *shrug*

Anyways,more interaction with the surroundings=FUN :D


Ramirez said:
I really never figured out why interest dropped in this one so fast last time...maybe cuz of no tourney options *shrug*

Anyways,more interaction with the surroundings=FUN :D

Because the running game was TOO effective and gameplay and modes lacked depth. I remember I had the same complaints about NBA Street 1 and EA Big fixed those, I hope they do the same here.


I picked up NFL Street after being blown away by NBA Street Vol. 2. Needless to say, I dont think the Street formula carries itself well over to football. NFL Street wasn't nearly as fun as NBA Vol.2, and this is coming from a big fan of other arcade football games like NFL Blitz. Not sure whats missing in NFL street, but something definetly is. I'll probably rent NFL Street volume 2 to see if I feel the same way. Oh, and there are too many interceptions, but that could be cause I suck.


robot said:
...and this is coming from a big fan of other arcade football games like NFL Blitz.

Poor Blitz. The franchise has been neutered and bastardized. At least I'll always have my copy of NFL Blitz 2003.
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