Glad someone could pick it up.
Best QB of all time.
GG Texan fans, except for the classless ones...which is most of them.
Vikings will beat them.
First of all fuck you. Laker fans are not usually two teaming bandwagoners. Most of us are decent folk with impeccable taste.
Hey Texans
how my ass taste
Hey Texans
how my ass taste
Best QB of all time.
GG Texan fans, except for the classless ones...which is most of them.
You survived this one Gator!
I said I have taste, therefore I obviously don't give a fuck about baseball. When I was young and stupid and into baseball I was a Pirates fan.Lakers and Steelers haha.
Yankees fan too? Maybe the Giants now?
Yo Buckethead, New Thread pls
Lakers and Steelers haha.
Yankees fan too? Maybe the Giants now?
Please, Brady is running out of fingers for rings, after this season's championship run he'll have to get a cock ring for the next one.Truly the Dan Marino of our time. Maybe this year he finally wins one.
Here Mech
I hope when Brady is old and busted he plays one season on the raiders. It would be fucking awesome.
Here Mech
Here Mech
You gators are mean.Here Mech
Wonder if wade will tweet.
Most of the time I make fun of them but now I guarantee you every OP I make I will make fun of the Atlanta 2-Pointers.Good, now I don't have to read about the fucking Packers every OP
I said I have taste, therefore I obviously don't give a fuck about baseball. When I was young and the Pirates were relevant I was a baseball fan
Fuck that and fuck that useless sport. The only thing worse is Nascar. I am more entertained by professional hot dog contests than baseball.
First of all fuck you. Laker fans are not usually two teaming bandwagoners. Most of us are decent folk with impeccable taste.
Secondly unless some shit team like the Seahawks or Giants makes it to the show there is no way the NFC is winning shit this year. The AFC just has too many garbage performances by all of its playoff teams. This is a potent formula to winning the Superbowl. Granted your Seahawks did look like utter dogshit on the road earlier this year so I would ordinarily give you a great shot to win it all, but apparently your best DBs are going to be home because they didn't know how to cycle properly to avoid testing so I think that eliminates your team.
Someone fell asleep in basic anatomy...Please, Brady is running out of fingers for rings, after this season's championship run he'll have to get a cock ring for the next one.
Don't let Seadderall Seahawk fans get to you, it's just the drugs talking.
Not the game I was expecting but I will take the win over the few moments of heart strokes that I was ready for.
1. I hope Talib is okay.
2. I love Welker, but he has to get more reliable.
3. McD really need to stop those deep ball calls, I know it worked with Stallworth but nomore.
4. I hope the rest of the injured guys get back on their feet, especially you Gronk! and Edelman.
Wonder if you win a playoff game this year. Frauds.Wonder if the bears will make the playoffs
Don't let Seadderall Seahawk fans get to you, it's just the drugs talking.
Gronk is going to die of gonorrea before the super bowl