Well for one thing, the QB could put up more than 4 of 12 for 41 yards. His biggest play thus far has been getting his receiver killed for a penalty.
Cliffy B?
Cobb and Jordy are banged up and you want to play a physical game against the Chickens?
WTF is Kaep doing
Kaep is shitting the bed tonight
A clean hit can be vicious.LOL Michelle... "vicious hit"? You couldn't get any cleaner than that.
Cobb and Jordy are banged up and you want to play a physical game against the Chickens?
Gotta have Starbucks, of course! It's Seattle!
They aren't at home in the playoffs unless we lose to the cards.Nobody wants to play The Seahawks in the playoffs.
At least they haven't shown us Pike Place market and the fish tossing yet.
Smith lost contain, too busy thinking of the record.
They aren't at home in the playoffs unless we lose to the cards.
CK needs to get his shit together. I'm a fan of the move, but he can't regress with his accuracy.