Also how ancient this fucking league when even Fifa has goal line technology, can put a chip in the fucking puck? You can't put a camera in the net?
There are the cameras in the nets but they're often blind by whatever is blocking the puck from the other camers, in this case Helle's glove or leg or shoulder etc. And, if Helle did have a pad on the puck then I *think* the goal wouldn't have counted due to the attacking player pushing him into the net. You never see even a bit of the puck so it's a moot point I guess.
Everyone always says "can't you track the puck in a non-visual way?" and the answer is yeah maybe but it would almost certainly involve a radioactive isotope strong enough to show through bodies... which may be an issue. Any chip or something inside the puck that could be "seen" through a goalies pad and body would probably mean lead aprons for everyone.
I think they are looking at sensors under the ice which could help, but wouldn't do much for pucks not on the ice. And anyone who remembers how glitchy the Fox puck was (which was IR, so still line of sight) knows that it won't be accurate enough to know by a half inch where the puck is.