So i recently finished playing this game called Cruelty Squad, and since no one seemed to be talking about it i decided to make a thread.
Its a FPS set in a cyberpunk/biopunk mash-up world. The game consists of going through multiple open levels where you have the objective of assassinating one or more targets in whatever way you see fit. Before each level you can equip two weapons and set some body augments for different tactics. Think a mix of Deus Ex with Hitman.
Also, the game looks like this:
Basically like someone vomited in the screen and then made you take two shots of LSD.
So, why did i think it was worth talking about it? Because the game is hella fun.
Pretty sure everyone has that one janky game they enjoy for one reason or another despite having a lot about it that can be criticized.
What this game does is take the things that make these janky games fun and compile them in what can be called a consistent experience. I'd love to call it "polished" but then we'd be getting into some tricky definitions.
To give an example of what i'm talking about, there was a mission where i had to assassinate a politician in the middle of a mall, surrounded by bullet proof glass and heavy security. On top of that, the room would be immediatly locked shortly after the target is attacked, meaning if i got close to kill him i'd be left with no way out. I'd have to snipe him from afar, but the bullet proof glass rendered sniper rifles ineffective.
What did i do then? You see, toilets in this game release some very deadly vapors when destroyed, and these vapors aren't stopped by pesky things such as walls. Knowing that, i equipped an arm strengthening augment, went to a bathroom in the mall, picked up a toilet, positioned myself, and from afar i sniped a toilet at the bulletproof glass cubicle the target was in, who proceed to explode in gory pieces of meat because deadly vapors in this game disintegrate people for some reason. Mission accomplished.
It was ridiculous, but it was still a perfectly valid strategy that felt satisfying to execute.
And i think this sums up my experience with this game pretty well. It looks like a mess at first, but as you play things start to make sense in weird ways, even the horrid artstyle or the seemlingly nonsensical story start to fall into place.
Some videos about the game that could be interesting:
Review by Yathzee:
Some gameplay by videogamedunkey
Some interesting analysis of the game (contain spoilers)
Now, do i reccomend this game?
Thats a hard question. Honestly, if you watched the trailers and didn't immediately feel some strange attraction to it, this game might not be cattering to you. In the end it a niche game for people with weird tastes, but there are definitely enough of those around to result in 4000 Overwhelmingly Positive reviews on steam
Its a FPS set in a cyberpunk/biopunk mash-up world. The game consists of going through multiple open levels where you have the objective of assassinating one or more targets in whatever way you see fit. Before each level you can equip two weapons and set some body augments for different tactics. Think a mix of Deus Ex with Hitman.
Also, the game looks like this:

So, why did i think it was worth talking about it? Because the game is hella fun.
Pretty sure everyone has that one janky game they enjoy for one reason or another despite having a lot about it that can be criticized.
What this game does is take the things that make these janky games fun and compile them in what can be called a consistent experience. I'd love to call it "polished" but then we'd be getting into some tricky definitions.
To give an example of what i'm talking about, there was a mission where i had to assassinate a politician in the middle of a mall, surrounded by bullet proof glass and heavy security. On top of that, the room would be immediatly locked shortly after the target is attacked, meaning if i got close to kill him i'd be left with no way out. I'd have to snipe him from afar, but the bullet proof glass rendered sniper rifles ineffective.
What did i do then? You see, toilets in this game release some very deadly vapors when destroyed, and these vapors aren't stopped by pesky things such as walls. Knowing that, i equipped an arm strengthening augment, went to a bathroom in the mall, picked up a toilet, positioned myself, and from afar i sniped a toilet at the bulletproof glass cubicle the target was in, who proceed to explode in gory pieces of meat because deadly vapors in this game disintegrate people for some reason. Mission accomplished.
It was ridiculous, but it was still a perfectly valid strategy that felt satisfying to execute.
And i think this sums up my experience with this game pretty well. It looks like a mess at first, but as you play things start to make sense in weird ways, even the horrid artstyle or the seemlingly nonsensical story start to fall into place.
Some videos about the game that could be interesting:
Review by Yathzee:
Some gameplay by videogamedunkey
Some interesting analysis of the game (contain spoilers)
Now, do i reccomend this game?
Thats a hard question. Honestly, if you watched the trailers and didn't immediately feel some strange attraction to it, this game might not be cattering to you. In the end it a niche game for people with weird tastes, but there are definitely enough of those around to result in 4000 Overwhelmingly Positive reviews on steam