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Nintendo 64 Mario 64 x Nintendo DS Mario 64x4.

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My friend, BDGAME, ask to me to post this topic here because he still waiting your activation since May.

Mario 64 x Mario 64x4

I make this topic for that’s who think that Mario 64 has better graphics than Mario 64x4. I don’t agree with that! So, I take 2 footages and capture some screens to proof that Mario 64x4 is a step above Mario 64 in every way!

OBS: Sorry for the bad image capture and too for may bad “engrish”!



FIRST – What everybody now!


The first and obvious difference between M64 and M64x4 is the addition of 4 players simultaneous on the screen.

In the Nintendo 64 games, like Mario Party, Tennis, golf or Super Smash Bros, add 4 players in screen came with a lose in the character’s quality, but in NDS it have a upgrade. See the screen below:


In those pics, you can see better textures in Mario’s ears, hands, mouth and more polygons in Mario cap and face. The body of Mario and friends don’t have more the divisions in the arms and legs.

I really doubt that N64 can make M64x4 with 4 players in that quality.

SECOND – Out of the castle

The majority of the bad comments I read about Mario 64x4 are that the NDS make better characters but the stages have a loss in quality. In screens below (and on video), you can see that affirmation is wrong, check it:


The edges in the N64 version (between the road and grass) are just a line, but in NDS have a better treatment.

The trees and the castle look like the same, but now have a big and more complex garden in that place, and check the screen below:


The N64 use a pentagon with textures like flowers, but the NDS have individual flowers make 1 by 1, what use much more polygons. I don’t remember none of the N64 games that can use so may polygons just to make a garden.

THIRD – The first stage

There are fewer changes in this stage overall. But, if you see the videos, you can notice the clouds now move in the sky, in opposite of the N64 static’s one. All the footages I see, the frame rate looks smoother than the N64 and look at these enemies:


The chomp in N64 has no light in it. The tooth is a layer only polygon and it use few polygons on body. The NDS use light to make the metallic effect, It have 3D tooth and use much more polygons, make it roundest. Now look at this boss:


This boss in N64 is all 2D, except the feet and the crown. In M64x4 they put 3D hands on it, a better quality and more detailed crown and a 3D mustache too.

Besides the clouds detail, there are many other improvements, like more polygons in mountains and the stage overall, the transparent effect when you go behind a object (like a tree), better textures in others (like platforms), and all that only in a short demo.

For me, Super Mario 64x4 shows an incredible performance in NDS, that thrown far away the N64 original. It’s much better and you can see it now.

BDGAME, more than 2 months waiting activation.


Technically, 64x4 is better -- but Mario 64 has better image quality which makes all the difference.

that's about it. If the DS had some nice filtering like the n64 does, then 64x4 hands down.
I never knew that was supposed to be a mustasche on the Bob-Omb king. I always just thought it was wierd looking teeth.


I don't think we'll know the differences in quality for sure until 64x4 is finalized, and better captures are made.


works for Gamestop (lol)
T-1000_Model3 said:
Color me unimpressed.

Why not just save your money and play the N64 version?

Because the N64 version isn't portable and doesn't have multiplayer capabilites?



Tenguman said:
Technically, 64x4 is better -- but Mario 64 has better image quality which makes all the difference.
And on a the small DS screen, you won't even notice. :)

Also, I don't remember Mario 64's image quality being quite as good looking as those emu shots.... this happened with Mario Sunshine, people remember 64 looking way better than it actually did. Replay it and get ready for a rude awakening.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I'ts completely obivous the game looks better in screens (though you do seem to have gone out of your way to find the worst quality DS images possible), but I believe that those complaining about it are generally going on about what it looks like in motion. The way the backgrounds shimmer, whatever the hell it's called.

There were probably people not just meaning that though, in which case they're just wrong.
Wario64 said:
His friend must be lying cause NEO-GAF wasn't up in May. Maybe he's really banned!

Sorry for my mistake, Wario 64.
No, he´s not banned in the old or in the new GAF.
Just ask to the GAF´s moderator.
Wario64 said:
Because the N64 version isn't portable and doesn't have multiplayer capabilites?


LOL,you tool. Just admit it,you have a hole burning through your pocket:b

I love Mario 64 too,but not for the price theyre asking for. Just stick what the one we all have.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Exactly what price are they asking for?

I don't understand what you're saying. We should stick to the original Mario 64 because why?

I meant to say that you have to buy the handheld,and pay for this new Mario 64 is all. It be better to save that money for console games instead,plus I can always play Mario 64 whenever i wish. Forget it though,you guys are high on handhelds,I still find them nothing more than 5 minute time killers.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Well no shit you have to buy the Nintendo DS and the game to play it. Oh I'm sorry, you play all your games in emulation.

The main feature in Mario 64x4 is its multiplayer, and who says the game will just be a replica of Mario64? I guess I should stick to Link to the Past because Four Swords requires me to buy a Gamecube and the game...

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
DSN2K said:
thats a little harsh :p

So isn't. Let's look closer at his post.

LOL,you tool. Just admit it,you have a hole burning through your pocket:b

Calls Wario a tool for his good points. Seems to still think the game is the same as the N64 version.

I love Mario 64 too

It's not the same game, did he even read Wario's post?

but not for the price theyre asking for.

What price? No price has been announced.

Just stick what the one we all have.

We don't have one!

I'm basing it on other posts of his too though. I just hope he's 13 and doesn't know better.
Wario64 said:
Well no shit you have to buy the Nintendo DS and the game to play it. Oh I'm sorry, you play all your games in emulation.

The main feature in Mario 64x4 is its multiplayer, and who says the game will just be a replica of Mario64? I guess I should stick to Link to the Past because Four Swords requires me to buy a Gamecube and the game...

Are you enquiring that i emulate GBA and will do the same wuith the DS in th future? Far from it. I may do so with NES and others from that era,sure why not? Its an era that had many great games,I see no problem in doing this. Besides,If I wanted a handheld so bad I would buy one. I already have all the games with 8 and 16 bt emulation,the GBASP and DS are so far looking like touched up versions,not really worth their price point,not when consoels are so much better as I said above.
Mama..maybe you didn't see the humor in my post to Mario 64 The LOL and the :b are right there after the tool comment. It means that I'm calling him a tool out of humor,not spite.

What the hell is wrong with you anyway,can't you debate without lowering yourself to insults? You just broke a TOA policy you know.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
T-1000_Model3 said:
Mama..maybe you didn't see the humor in my post to Mario 64 The LOL and the :b are right there after the tool comment. It means that I'm calling him a tool out of humor,not spite.

I never said you were being spiteful, but the fact that you'd call him a tool in any form is just ridiculous given that he brought up very good points.

What the hell is wrong with you anyway,can't you debate without lowering yourself to insults? You just broke a TOA policy you know.

I just find a lot of your comments stupid. More so than anyone else I've noticed on this forum for a while. I suppose you can still insult someone even if you're telling the truth, so sorry. I'll think of a nicer way to say it next time.


force push the doodoo rock
See, i made a thread yesterday.

This thread shits all over that. This was a perfectly good thread that a couple of people fucked up for no reason.


Mario64x4 looks a bit better (both look terrible though, so does it matter?) but I think you can attribute that to Mario64 being a 1st gen n64 title that didn't take complete advantage of n64.

Compare Mario64x4 to a 4th gen n64 platformer...
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