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Nintendo "Best Seller" Modification Petition


As has been posted before on the forums, recent Nintendo Gamcube games are bearing a "Best Seller" emblem printed directly on the box art if they've sold over 250,000 copies. So far this has affected Paper Mario 2 and Mario Power Tennis. After speaking with Nintendo, this is a trend they are going to continue everytime a game sells (or pre-sells) over 250,000 copies.

Now, being that we are such boxart whores, I think a lot of people here should be willing to sign a petition in an attempt to change this. Whether or not you are a Nintendo fan, or whether or not you serverly hate them, for the sake of the box art...please sign. This could become viral and spread to other consoles as well, so its in all our interests.

Sign Here: http://www.petitiononline.com/gcnart/petition.html

(Please use a real name and email address or this is useless. You can choose to hide your email address so you will not be spammed.)


Online petitions always work so well!

Edit: Signed it for the dire fear that a 'best seller' tag could find its way to 2005 Zelda. But my point remains, Online Petitions have only ever accompished one thing in their entire existence.
lockii said:
Online petitions always work so well!

Edit: Signed it for the dire fear that a 'best seller' tag could find its way to 2005 Zelda. But my point remains, Online Petitions have only ever accompished one thing in their entire existence.
...and that thing is?




Haha...nice olimario.

Everyone spread this as far as you can. Any journalists out there feel free to publish it on their respective gaming sites COUGH kobun COUGH ;)


rollin' in the gutter
I thought we learned what happened when a member creates a petition and posts it here last time.

Yeah Halo 2 doesn’t have a best seller sticker on it and it’s sold 10 million copies!

guess not :lol

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
deadlifter said:
I thought we learned what happened when a member creates a petition and posts it here last time.

guess not :lol

Nice to see you approve of my work!
I just felt this thread needed some Halo 2 love!

Anyway I don’t think we get those best seller stickers in Australia, but then again we don’t even get the Nintendo games.

Paper Mario is out at the end of the month over here so I will know then!


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
etiolate said:
seriously people

its a box
its a box... and another example of Nintendo's unwillingness to compete®.

We've got to start somewhere.


JackFrost2012 said:
bringing Xenogears to the U.S.

*shoots self in face*
"One does not like to be reminded of the mistakes of one's youth."

Gahiggidy said:
its a box... and another example of Nintendo's unwillingness to compete®.

We've got to start somewhere.
God, I hope you're joking.



If this is not possible, putting the sticker on the box itself underneath the plastic-wrap is also an option.

*goes back to his surgical removal of the XBL "trial offer inside" sticker on Halo 2*


I'm confused... so a game is released in the US and once it sells a quarter of a million, it gets the emblem? Any before and after shots?


25. olimario 3 inch penis
24. Gahiggidy buttpirate
23. adelgary likes hairy man butts
22. Mike Works the one with the unibrow likes the PENIS!
19. John Titor from the future
5. Good idea! Also, you should print "Only on Nintendo Gamecube" on stickers as well, so they can be easily removed when the PS2 port is announced!


Sorry to hear of your disappointment. I will definitely forward your feedback to the proper departments here, so they get a chance to hear what our fans think.


Petitions NEVER work. You could just as well delete that link. Better to go through the webform or e-mail them directly.


they work sometimes, but I guess it mostly depends on the company
Depends on the people as well...but hand it to GAF not to be mature enough. ;P An online petition contaminated with immature comments will never fair well.

So yes, email nintendo with your comments. I'd be willing to put together a form letter of sorts if anyone wants to email but is too lazy to actually type something coherent up.


It's spreading...I went to Gamestop today to find out about the Baten Kaitos preorder swag and saw a "Best Seller" emblem on a Player's Choice version of Zelda: TWW

Straight eeeeeeevillll


First tragedy, then farce.
You know, I was looking at my Paper Mario box art, and its just so tacky.. next to my purple gamecube, sitting next to 8 other video game systems, sitting in an entertainment center from the late 80's, that has enough electronics equipment to start a pretty nice AV studio with, sitting in front of a wall covered in wall scrolls and those cool EP1 Dr. Pepper cans.

I mean, if it werent for that best seller sticker on that box art, I would get laid like twice a year.. that thing is really holding me back.


StoOgE said:
You know, I was looking at my Paper Mario box art, and its just so tacky.. next to my purple gamecube, sitting next to 8 other video game systems, sitting in an entertainment center from the late 80's, that has enough electronics equipment to start a pretty nice AV studio with, sitting in front of a wall covered in wall scrolls and those cool EP1 Dr. Pepper cans.

I mean, if it werent for that best seller sticker on that box art, I would get laid like twice a year.. that thing is really holding me back.

Well your avatar should cancel things out. :)


These things won't work, especially when you're asking Nintendo to alter their marketing strategy (and in this case, profit-wise the "Best Seller" tag is most likely beneficial). How old are people that even bother starting these things?


These things won't work, especially when you're asking Nintendo to alter their marketing strategy (and in this case, profit-wise the "Best Seller" tag is most likely beneficial). How old are people that even bother starting these things?
#1 - I was asking for them to make it a sticker, not remove it from the boxes period. From a marketing standpoint, there is no difference.

#2 - 21.

How old are the people who can't read (i.e. you)?


19 :p

I read the sticker thing, I just forgot, my bad.

I still don't think the petition will do anything, but if you're just asking for a sticker, it doesn't sound impossible anymore *thumbs up*.


oh shit you were serious about this :p

well anyway if Nintendo shoots your sticker idea down and you really want to pursue this, then try contacting your DA or Consumer Advocate about it cause these "Best Seller" logos can be construed as false advertising
Well, compared to other games on GameCube (third-party in particular), selling a couple copies might actually make it a "Best Seller".


me personally, i dont care. It's not like I like the recent nintendo boxarts anyways with or without the "sticker".


well petitions don't work, but consumer feedback DOES work. If you e-mail Nintendo, and enough people do the same, they will listen.
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