price cut to 249.99 bundle with bayonetta 2 and wonderful 101
Why would they want to start selling the console at a loss again? Please explain this logic to me.
price cut to 249.99 bundle with bayonetta 2 and wonderful 101
No, it would not.
Mother, from its very inception, was first and foremost an Itoi product. Nintendo's involvement in the series was always secondary to this fact. Nintendo making a Mother 4 without Itoi is basically like continuing Calvin and Hobbes without Bill Watterson. It's going to be a hard sell, regardless of whether or not the actual product turns out well.
When they are being demanded to make more when a series is done. Both Itoi and Iwata have stated that the Mother series is over. Itoi says he isn't interested in making video games anymore and Iwata has stated that he doesn't want to greenlight Mother games without Itoi's involvement. They both have stated that they would prefer others to make Mother-like games than actually make a fourth Mother game.
Besides, you have played Mother 3 right? Where would they go after that ending?
also Mother 3 really wasn't very good
fite me irl
fight me in real life
Mother 4 won't be more of them unless Itoi is onboard. Period.
Why not just let a good thing end well? This is basically one of the few gaming franchises to actually end on a high note.
I never said it would be as good without Itoi. But if Nintendo decided to make a Mother 4 without Itoi one day, it would sell decently on name alone regardless. You'd probably hear people bitching online, but the game would still sell.
I want in on this too. Mother 3 is my favorite game of all time, so don't you come in here with your drive by hate bro!
And like I'm saying, the worth of the Mother franchise is directly based on Itoi's involvement. Take him out, and all you have is a game that chases after his shadow. It's not what any Mother fan would want, nor would it be something that would be appealing to people in general.
Here's a more realistic question: if a Mother trilogy pack ever gets announced, would it get released worldwide?
At the very least, seeing as how NOA finally acknowledged the series's existence via the EB VC release, I think it'd have a shot for America.
the hype would be unreal aahhhhhhhhh
Why would they want to start selling the console at a loss again? Please explain this logic to me.
Outside of hardcore fans bitching online, most of whom would still buy the game anyway for various reasons, would it really affect sales? Most people buying the game wouldn't have a clue who Itoi is or why his absence would affect the game's quality.
Here's a more realistic question: if a Mother trilogy pack ever gets announced, would it get released worldwide?
At the very least, seeing as how NOA finally acknowledged the series's existence via the EB VC release, I think it'd have a shot for America.
the hype would be unreal aahhhhhhhhh
THat doesn't mean that would run the series into the ground, would a new f zero game be considers being run in the ground since the main people dont want to make one?
they can go anywhere with how mother 3 ended.
I don't want a Mother game without Itoi. Mother is a series driven by a certain individual, and without this individual's involvement it just doesn't matter. It's not like F-Zero, as a poster mentioned before, it's a creator game series and can't be just made without its creator.
I wouldn't mind a Mother 1-3 remake though, same as they are exactly, but with new polygonal models in HD, in one package. It would be a hell of a project, very fresh and welcome, without straying from Itoi's vision at all.
There's also the possibility of a reveal related to Square's new teaser site, which should end about a day after the broadcast:
All I ask is for Fatal Frame localization. If that's announced, this direct was worth a damn.
Did you ever think to wonder if Itoi's vision is actually stifling progress rather than pushing the series where it needs to be?
Did you ever think to wonder if Itoi's vision is actually stifling progress rather than pushing the series where it needs to be?
This is getting ridiculous. F-Zero really isn't tied to a person as Mother is. There are Mother-like games that exist now: the fan-made Mother 4 and that Mayor game that has been picked up by Atlus are prime examples. An actual Mother 4, however, would have to be tied to Itoi, and he is pretty much done. Would you rather they disrespect Itoi's wish and make Mother 4 anyways?
And no, no they could't go anywhere. The last game endedWould you prefer they rehash the game again? That only worked for Earthbound and barely at that. Especially with the insane standards people would have for that game? The game's existence would shatter the base by itself.with the rebirth of the world.
Besides, how profitable would a Mother sequel be? In Japan I could see it being popular but anywhere else? The name brand means nothing. It might mean something to a more "hardcore" (I hate using that word) crowd but hardly anyone would know about the series.
Nintendo owns the ip.I am not sure but doesn't he own the rights to Earthbound? So anything would have to be signed off by him.
I can watch this one for once, yay for not Thursday at 6PM Eastern directs!
Have to say, it does use the GamePad quite well. Would be cool if the West can get it eventually.
Why would they want to start selling the console at a loss again? Please explain this logic to me.
also Mother 3 really wasn't very good
dlc rayman over dlc snake
who asked for this?
Well, was she shown as a comm buddy in the 50 Smash facts direct? I don't think so, not that I can remember anyways.I'd almost believe that if not for the inclusion of Krystal.
Because, come on, Krystal.
So, yeah...[/QUOTE]
This shit again?
Look through the moe archive, every other one of these has been spot-on. I always take them with a grain of salt, as anyone who clings to this stuff as fact is a fool, but when it is believable, I keep it in mind as I watch.This shit again?
you'd have to be fucking high to think they'd reveal 6 smash newcomers and 3 veterans all at once
You'd better check that again...You'd have to be high to think they're spilling on that much DLC before the game is even out. That's not Nintendo's style, especially for a high-profile release like Smash
Look through the moe archive, every other one of these has been spot-on. I always take them with a grain of salt, as anyone who clings to this stuff as fact is a fool, but when it is believable, I keep it in mind as I watch.
I don't see why they would spend that much time on smash when it just had it's own direct thing. My guess is that we'll hear more about DLC in the January direct or as it gets closer to spring.
So, yeah...