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Nintendo Downloads - November 2009 (VC / WiiWare / DSiWare)

Ranger X

Well, you guys should hold on for Cave Story. They add difficulties with the approval process. They resubmitted like at the beginning of last week. Receiving an answer from approval can take 2 weeks sometimes even more.

In short, you really shouldn't expect Cave Story before December. And if they fail their submission again, you might want to forget it before Christmas.

The Indiana Jones game for SNES is really great. Every sidescrolling action fan should grab it. It's developed by Factor 5 and is a technical masterpiece, plays great and has an awesome soundtrack. It's kinda like the Star Wars SNES games but much much better. The Mode 7 levels in Indiana are actualy playable and look tons better than the star wars 3D-ish stages
iamaustrian said:
The Indiana Jones game for SNES is really great. Every sidescrolling action fan should grab it. It's developed by Factor 5 and is a technical masterpiece, plays great and has an awesome soundtrack. It's kinda like the Star Wars SNES games but much much better. The Mode 7 levels in Indiana are actualy playable and look tons better than the star wars 3D-ish stages

It's a pretty good game. It's rough as hell though.


So Nintendo really wants to make sure you know what you are getting, the Pokemon Rumble demo allows you to go through about 6 levels or about 30 minutes of the game.

It has a charm about it, but don't know if it is worth 15 bucks. It is a simple mindless dungeon crawler beat em up with Pokemon.


Wow, think gonna buy Nyx when I get some moolah. Cool game. Demo takes you through I guess the first stage, you enter a portal or something.


Marvie_3 said:
About time Nintendo started putting demos out. I'll be checking a few of those out today.

I think it's more the case that they're allowing companies to make them and put them up without charging for them.

I wonder how many we'll actually end up seeing.
While I enjoyed My Life as a King I wasn't sure about getting My Life as a Darklord. Now that there's a demo up I can see if I like it! Once I can get my Wii back online of course...

andymcc said:
another week without castlevania.

Everyone's hoping for Cave Story and Castlevania each week. I feel like the only person hoping the first episode of Shantae will show up. :lol


GoldandBlue said:
Everyone's hoping for Cave Story and Castlevania each week. I feel like the only person hoping the first episode of Shantae will show up. :lol

i'd be excited for Shantae if i had a dsi. : (


It's also cool that you can gift demos, sure you can always recommend someone check out a game, but this allows you to send it to a friend so they won't forget or it slips their mind.
Indiana Jones is pretty badass. I was actually just playing the SNES cart the other week and wondered if it would ever see the light of day on the VC. To me, it's basically a superior version of the Super Star Wars series, and made by Factor 5 to boot.


nincompoop said:
Damn, why didn't anyone tell me My Life as a Darklord was this great? (Just played the demo.) Full version get!

Demos are evil now I have an interest in this... in Nyx and in Pokemon somewhat... but so broke... and Mario is still in the console!


Registered User
nincompoop said:
Damn, why didn't anyone tell me My Life as a Darklord was this great? (Just played the demo.) Full version get!

I have to try the demo later. It's the only one I don't have of the demo series outside of Pokemon.
Demos?! Great!! Can't wait to try some of these out. It's about time.

Indiana Jones (SNES) - I bought this game at full price when I came out as a fan of Factor 5's Star Wars efforts and Indy in general. I hated it. It's hard for me to play a whip game without comparing it to any CV effort (especially Super CV 4) and this game is so disappointing in this area. Plus it's extremely difficult, frustrating, and cheap. I'm pretty sure it has some kind of continue system that makes you replay levels you've already finished if you don't get far enough. This wouldn't be so bad if the difficulty was reasonable.

Looks like some of you liked it though. Just be warned.

On another note: I want Shadow Dancer on VC. The Genesis version.


For anyone wondering, the Bit.Trip Beat demo gives you about enough time for half of the first song, and the World of Goo demo lets you play through about the first 8 stages. I haven't tried the others yet.


Dr. Zoidberg said:
On another note: I want Shadow Dancer on VC. The Genesis version.

This is actually the worst delayed title on VC. It was a launch title in Japan, and has no excuse as to why it couldn't release in the US or Europe.


Aru said:
SF2CE on PC-Engine looks really good o_O Almost on par with the Megadrive version.

it's still not the arcade version.

and it certainly isn't super street fighter ii turbo. there is hardly any point going into anything prior to super turbo anymore.


Will QA for food.
Pokemon Rumble is entertaining, but it's pretty mindless. I enjoy the lotto style move tutors, and the variety of Pokemon, but it's pretty much just a) Find good Pokemon. b) Spam attack. c) Upgrade to new Pokemon. d) Spam attack.

None the less, it's addicting. 1200 would have been a reasonable price, but Nintendo knows they can milk us Pokemon fans for all we're worth.

Neo Samus

Aru said:
SF2CE on PC-Engine looks really good o_O Almost on par with the Megadrive version.

Tell me about it. I think this version lack parallax scrolling though, but that doesn't bother me that much. Is it worth the 700 GAF, since I haven't bought any of the previous versions?


Neo Samus said:
Tell me about it. I think this version lack parallax scrolling though, but that doesn't bother me that much. Is it worth the 700 GAF, since I haven't bought any of the previous versions?

i'm a pretty big street fighter fan, i own the hardcopy pc-engine ver of the game (and a six-button pad to boot), not only is 700 too much for a game that i paid 100 yen for, i just don't see a point in playing dumbed down home console versions of fighters that are going to have dropped frames and not be arcade perfect.
I can vouch for My Life as a Dark Lord. It owned my playing time for a solid two weeks this summer. An absolutely fantastic take on tower defense, with allowance for multiple strategies.


Waiting for more Pokemon Rumble impressions -- it's got my interested piqued, which is odd considering I'm not really a Pokemon fan. $15 is pretty rough though, wish it was about $5 cheaper.
Updated the OP.

You'll note I've added WiiWare demos as a category in each territory, but this will be a little experiment until I see how Nintendo are going to handle demo updates. If they add new demos on set days like WiiWare etc. releases it will be practical to maintain an updated list, but if they just appear and disappear randomly like DS demos on the Nintendo Channel I may be unable to maintain an accurate list.

We'll see how it goes - and of course, if no-one finds it useful it'll go anyway!


Cosmonaut X said:
Updated the OP.

You'll note I've added WiiWare demos as a category in each territory, but this will be a little experiment until I see how Nintendo are going to handle demo updates. If they add new demos on set days like WiiWare etc. releases it will be practical to maintain an updated list, but if they just appear and disappear randomly like DS demos on the Nintendo Channel I may be unable to maintain an accurate list.

We'll see how it goes - and of course, if no-one finds it useful it'll go anyway!

Well I don't think they are adding anymore until this little experiment is over in January. Right now the plan seems to be to take them down after the holidays are over (all territories list them as "limited time"). My guess being if it works to Nintendo's liking they will maybe update the Shop Channel/Nintendo Channel to encorporate them in a more elegant fashion.


sfog said:
For anyone wondering, the Bit.Trip Beat demo gives you about enough time for half of the first song, and the World of Goo demo lets you play through about the first 8 stages. I haven't tried the others yet.

My Life as a Darklord, makes you play until the second chapter or part of the 2nd story.

Pokemon Rumble seems to let you play until you have a Pokemon high enough for the Battle Rumble.

NyxQuest is pretty much like the first level, I think.
Demos, huh? Cool. Glad Nintendo finally took the plunge.

Going to download Digidrive later tonight and check out the Pokémon Rumble demo.
Somnid said:
Well I don't think they are adding anymore until this little experiment is over in January. Right now the plan seems to be to take them down after the holidays are over (all territories list them as "limited time"). My guess being if it works to Nintendo's liking they will maybe update the Shop Channel/Nintendo Channel to encorporate them in a more elegant fashion.

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking - Iwata said it would be an experiment with a limited number of titles and I don't think we'll see a full-fledged demo service until 2010. However, I've been surprised by Nintendo a few times recently and if this bears fruit promptly (as in a significant uptick in the download numbers Nintendo and third parties are seeing) I wonder if demos could be rolled out far more widely, far sooner.
gogojira said:
Waiting for more Pokemon Rumble impressions -- it's got my interested piqued, which is odd considering I'm not really a Pokemon fan. $15 is pretty rough though, wish it was about $5 cheaper.
Why wait for impressions? Did you not see you can download the demo?


danielijohnson said:
Why wait for impressions? Did you not see you can download the demo?

Well, I should've been clearer. I've been stuck at work all day bored and I would've liked to have seen some more before heading home.

Not too much longer to go and I'll be home, but that typically comes with a fair share of additional responsibilities so the odds of me getting to play it in the next few hours is pretty low.

Plus, I enjoy reading opinions. :p


I hope sales see a boost with the demos and Nintendo decides it's a good idea to include them with even more games. :D


Pokemon Rumble is pretty fun, despite how simple it is. It's almost a Pokemon lootwhore game, since you're always getting more and more Pokemon "drops" in each level. The Move Vendor in the hub level is a fun addition too, since the moves you learn are random. There seems to be a lot of moves as well. I'm pretty tempted to buy it, even at 1500 points.

I'm worried, though, as the demo seems to have some graphical glitches. They're most apparent on the boss Pokemon "power-up" screens. Is the full game like that too? (or am I the only one seeing the graphical errors?)
AlphaTwo00 said:
The brilliant thing about the demos is that you can now gift them to everyone you know on your list!

Agreed, thats a nice little viral advantage Nintendo have over their competitors here! (Shame about the whole region locking thing though :( )
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