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Nintendo DS US commercial - Touch It!


sexual innduendo get!

"touch my box! Go on touch it. Touch my box. You may like it..mmmmmmmmmmmm"

It's a good teaser commercial. Just because it doesn't have olimario's slanted penis waving around doesn't mean it isn't.


For a Finer World
It's cool. Strange, but also shows hardware + brand name, so not too strange. And plays well with the "touching", without trying to "explain" what it's about.
When you're watching TV, and this commercial comes on, it's almost like a sanity effect. It definitely gets your attention.
Pretty good commercial overall. The woman's voice works.

Things I do like and why:

This commercial is an attention grabber. The static/color bars will make anybody look up at their screening and think "fuck, the TV signal is messed up, how am I going to watch The OC!" They'll keep focused on the ad.

Somebody mentioned that it doesn't blend into the last commercial. That's an excellent point. Blending into the previous commercial is really bad, obviously, because it keeps people thinking about the product that was just advertised as opposed to your product.

The ad is intriguing. I'd say people would be very interested in what is being advertised.

The end of the ad gives you enough info. The system is shown, and so is "Nintendo." This is pretty much enough to let people know that Nintendo is launching a new product, and because people associate Nintendo with videogames, and the fact that the device looks like a video gamesystem, they'll figured it out and know there is a new Nintendo system out this year.

Things I don't like and why:

"Go ahead, touch the bottom rectangle" The word rectangle is too long to be sultry. It just doesn't work well in the commercial. It seems to throw me off. They should have used "box" because it is short and will subconciously make people think of sex.

"You might like it" NO NO NO Nintendo. You are instilling doubt into people with this word. I'm taking all sorts of business (and specifically marketing) classes right now and I've learned the last thing you want to do is instill doubt in people. I can't believe somebody gave this line the OK. It's fucking horrible. It should have been "I (or we) know you'll like it" or "You're sure to like it." I understand that telling people they will like something is over confident, but it's still much better than telling they they might NOT like it. The commercial would do better as a whole if they just removed the line completly.


StrikerObi said:
"You might like it" NO NO NO Nintendo. You are instilling doubt into people with this word. I'm taking all sorts of business (and specifically marketing) classes right now and I've learned the last thing you want to do is instill doubt in people. I can't believe somebody gave this line the OK. It's fucking horrible. It should have been "I (or we) know you'll like it" or "You're sure to like it." I understand that telling people they will like something is over confident, but it's still much better than telling they they might NOT like it. The commercial would do better as a whole if they just removed the line completly.

I think it's a stroke of marketing genius. How many fucking times have you heard in commerical that you will LOVE the product they're advertising? It's stale and people zone out upon hearing it, whether they realize it or not.

Being told they 'might like it' is a challenge. Rather than being fed the 'You'll LOVVVE It!' line, they're given something completely different. It will genuinely spark more interest, and capture more attention than if they had simply gone the 'you'll love it' route.


While normally I'd agree that the "might" is a no-no, in this case it fits into the already established innuendo, as well as admitting that the DS is quite the departure from what people are used to in portable gaming.

It's not necessarily truth in advertising as it is honesty in advertising. It feeds the almost experimental mindset people are going to have when they see and use the DS for the first time.
GAF reaction to the J-pop commercial version- Awesome! Cool!

Casual/Mainstream North American target gamer reaction to J-pop commercial- That was stupid. Who the heck is that? What did she say? She has no boobs.

GAF reaction tot he North American version- That was stupid. What the heck is that? Does the woman have boobs? Nintendo is doomed.

Causual/Mainstream North Aermican target gamer reaction to North American version: That's interesting. Looks cool. I think the woman with the voice has big American boobs.

The ads IMO, are effective to the two tastes of the marktets and audience, but GAF is very J-pop friendly and savy, so...


Eric-GCA said:
"Publicis agency Leo Burnett created the ads."

Well, I guess Nintendo is still sticking with those guys. I had hoped Reggie would have kicked their asses and taken their names.

I don't like Leo Burnett much either, but you have to admit that they have made one of the best marketing campaigns in recent years with their GBA Who Are You? ads

Then again Nintendo has ALWAYS had kickass GBA commercials...


Its no where near as sexual as you guys made it out to be. Its just a primer for the touch screen ads.


krypt0nian said:
I'd say this is the start of something very cool. Ever since E3, Nintendo has shifted gears.

The 30 second one is more effective, because of the longest pause, but nonetheless the 15-Second ones get the point across.
For the guy saying "You might like it" instils doubt... there are connotations inherent within the way that line is read out. Let's try something hypothetical here. Some TOTAL SLUT is lying on her back asking you to touch something. She reckons you might like it. Your genitals are fully functional and you are a heterosexual male. Calculate the odds of her assumption being spot on.

Good stuff! :D


I'm glad Nintendo didn't go with something corny like the DS running around screaming "Touch me! Touch meeeeeeee!"


maynerd said:
I like the retro feel of the commercial yet also portrays something new.
Bing bing bing! This is the point, it's meant to have a retro feel, it's meant to remind the older gamers of times gone by, because the DS was meant to appeal to older gamers, those that can remember this stuff. Also, it was meant to appeal to entirely new gamers (accessability), hence they're portraying the simple act of touching the screen. They nailed both target demographics with this ad IMO.


Does anyone remember the wierd launch campaign for the Sci Fi Channel (about 10 years ago or so) that had random static and alien like imagery running on the TV screen for weeks leading up to the launch of the channel? (and this was in the early days of the net, so no one really knew what the heck was going on)

For some reason, this advert (or series) reminds me of that campaign. It's the mystery, I guess. The cryptic feel of the NDS advert really hooks you. I really like.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
I could do without the sexual innuendo. Of course, I'm a total prude... but I just think the notion of sex is completely outside the bubble of the Nintendo's brand. Would have prefered the same ad concept but with a differant female voice and script read more "coldly".
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